
Thursday, April 5, 2018

MY SECRET MATE by Melissa Keir

My friend Melissa Keir visits today. She's here to tell us about her newest release.

Thank you for visiting with me today. At the urging of a friend, I wrote my first paranormal romance, titled My Secret Mate. The story is about a dragon who protects a special healing water. Once the idea of the healing water came to me, I knew I had the perfect place.

Growing up, I lived across the street from an abandoned sandstone quarry. The Cleveland Quarries settled in South Amherst in 1847 where they began mining for sandstone to be used in various structures, such as Michigan’s Capitol Building, as well as local mills. The sandstone has been in the ground since the Lower Carboniferous Period when the continents were formed. My family worked for the company for most of their lives, providing me with a historical connection.

When a pit was played out, it returned to its natural state with trees, boulders and ponds. I played among the rocks, but was too frightened to swim in the pits. As they mined the stone, great holes formed which filled with water. They became some favorite swimming holes due to their cool temperatures. Some of the quarries are over 200 feet deep in places. However, rumors were told about some of the pits—lurking monsters, unlikely deaths— so healing water didn’t seem so far a stretch.

I invite your readers to visit my make-believe town and see what happens when a shifter finally finds his one true love.
“Come on, Macy. You want this. I know you’ve been dreaming of me.”

Gone was the handsome boy she’d dreamed of a future with. His face was twisted with power and anger, which chilled her. Would she be able to get away? Or would he end up taking from her what she’d never intended to give? Squeezing her eyes shut, she said a silent prayer and hoped for a miracle.

A deep growling sound at the edge of the boulder sent Mike scrambling. “What’s that?” He pointed at a menacing large black dog, only a foot away. With sharp teeth glistening and drool sliding down its muzzle, it appeared wild and crazed.

Deliberately, the animal approached the boulder. Growls turning into snapping teeth. Mike grabbed a stick and swung it at the canine.

Finally able to move, Macy wrapped her towel tight around her. She was relieved to see the black dog that had saved her that first night, lost in the woods. Moonlight had become her constant companion through the years. They’d played among these trails and pools and became close friends.

He had saved her once again.

Using the stick to keep the beast away, Mike reached down and grabbed his shoes, socks, and shirt. The canine lunged at him, and its teeth caught hold of a piece of the shirt. Mike pulled on the fabric, trying to get it free. Unable to get it to release, he tossed the stick and hit it on the back. Yet, the beast continued toward him.

Mike looked quickly toward the trail then focused his gaze on the approaching threat. “We’re through, Macy. You asked me up here and then played the virgin. Now your dog is trying to attack me.” He started off on the trail. “Don’t bother walking me to my car. I don’t want to ever see you again.”

“Just go,” she whispered as tears slid down her cheeks. Numb from the events, even wrapped up in the towel, she began to shake. With a whine, Moonlight curled up next to her and laid his head in her lap. She reached down and buried her fingers in his fur as she sat and wept.

When she finally stopped shaking, she brushed the tear tracks off her face and tugged her swimsuit and cover-up back into place. “Thank you, Moonlight, for saving me once again. You’ve been my closest friend these many years. Too bad you can’t be my boyfriend.”
The dog’s sandpaper tongue slid over her cheek. Her mother would ask questions about Mike. Unwilling to explain what happened, she wanted to forget about the whole event. Her face flamed when she thought about Monday morning and school. How will I face Mike and his buddies? What horrors will I endure? Tears filled her eyes once again. “If only you could come with me. Mike would never dare talk about this. He’d be too scared.”

Squeezing the bridge of her nose, she took a deep breath and slowly let it out. I can’t hide here forever. She pulled the small cooler over and unwrapped one of the sandwiches she’d made. “Here.” Macy handed it to her four-legged companion. “For saving me.”
Unable to consider eating, Macy unwrapped the second sandwich and placed it in front of Moonlight. In companionable silence, she watched her one true friend eat.

My Secret Mate is available in the Daydreams and Night Desires box set.

Daydreams and Night Desires...drift into six tales of magic, mayhem, and love.
My Secret Mate by Melissa Keir
Fall for a Shifter Who Has Waited a Lifetime for his Mate….
As Sean shares his secret with Macy, can she learn to love a man who is something more, or will she give up on her own magical happy ending?

Wishing For It All by R.M. Duffy
What would you do if you were granted three wishes? After discovering a magical lamp and the beautiful genie Keara, Drew Preston thought he knew exactly what he wanted to make his life complete: the dream job, the dream woman, and the whole happily-ever-after life. But what if he made the wrong wishes? What if instead of the wishes, all he wanted was the genie?

Night Whispers by Mia Bishop
Rissa had life all figured out until the accident, but her world is turned upside down when she finds herself being hunted by a dragon in a magical land. With Griffe, her rescuer and guide by her side she finally feels safe and complete, but can she continue to trust him when she realizes he's hiding something from her?

An Evening in Crossroads by Kate Richards
Shifters have never been this vampire's cup of blood, but Mane Wolf shifter Roberto may change that in a club called Crossroads.

To Capture a Dragon by Lisa Kumar
When Lord Eacion, leader of the dragon fae, visits Anni Brownston’s village, he takes over her life for a day—and one glorious night. But when the next morning dawns, will Eacion’s rash actions and her own fears about her lame leg kill any future between them and consign her to a fate they will both abhor?

Chasing Unicorns by D. Lin Scott
As a female fairy, Fiona craves a mate but knows there is none left after the Great War wiped out all fae. Human Bryce Hollinsworth will do anything to save his grandfather, even if it means trusting another species. Can Fiona and Bryce overcome mutual distrust and fear to fall in love?

~~This set features strong language and sexual situations between males/females, males/males, vampires, fae, and shifters guaranteed to steam up your e-reader and make you believe in a happily ever after~~

Only $0.99 cents or free with Kindle Unlimited

About the Author

Melissa Keir has always wanted to be an author when she wasn’t hoping for a career as a racecar driver. Her love of books was instilled by her mother and grandparents who were avid readers. She’d often sneak books away from them so that she could fantasize about those strong alpha males and plucky heroines.

Melissa doesn’t believe in down time. She’s always keeping busy. Melissa is a wife and mother, an elementary school teacher, a movie reviewer with WHMI (a local radio station), owner of a publishing company as well as an author. Her home blends two families and is a lot like the Brady Bunch, without Alice- a large grocery bill, tons of dirty dishes and a mound of laundry. She loves to write stories that feature happy endings and is often seen plotting her next story.

She’d love to hear from you!

Other Books by Melissa Keir
Wilder Sisters Series:
Forever Love
Beach Desires
A Christmas Accident
Coming Home
Home is Where the Heart Is (combine print of Wilder Sisters’ Books)
The Cowboys of Whisper, Colorado
The Heartsong Cowboy
The Heartbroken Cowboy
Claiming the Cowboy’s Heart
A Pigskin Cowboy
Broken Dreams
Broken Vows
Redeeming Dreams
Bidding for the Cowboy’s Heart
Charming Chances:
Charming Chances (print of combined ebooks)
Second Time’s a Charm
Three’s a Crowd
Pigg Detective Agency:
Protecting His Wolfe
Protecting Her Pigg
Magical Matchmaker
Chalkboard Romance
One Night in Laguna
One Night Behind Bars
Crash and Burn
Redeeming Love
The House that Built Me
Wildly Drawn to Him
Love, Bake, Write (recipe book)
The Way to the Heart (recipe book)
We’d Rather Be Writing (recipe book)
Musings of a Madcap Mind (memoirs)


  1. Thank you Diane for sharing my story today!! The Cleveland Quarries are currently being considered for a new housing development with the pits still being used as ponds and walking trails around them!

  2. I love that you used your history as a connection to the setting. The quarries are a great idea! (And no WAY would I swim in there....MONSTERS.)

  3. We had a place near DC I used to go to - Great Falls - that reminds me of this. Sounds like a great story. Good luck with the release.


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