
Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Welcome Lynn Crain & Her #NewRelease

Hi everyone!

First, thanks to Diane for allowing me to be on her blog today. I’m here to talk about my story Avenging Aingeal in the wonderful anthology Mystic Realms. It’s release day for me and a great time to reflect upon the origins of this story.

I’ve always been intrigued about elementals. You know those people who seem to be able to control the powers of air, water, earth and fire. Most of us are familiar with them through the X-Men series but there they are considered mutants and not necessarily a human’s friend.

In my stories, yes there will be more to come, they are the world’s only hope from…well…if I told you that then you’d know the whole story. There is a twist to my tales but it’s not the normal one seen in urban fantasy books though everyone who has been saved by a Protector swears they are angels.

And in a way they are. But let’s be honest, there isn’t enough of them to go around and we’ll see that more and more as the series goes on. Now back to the elementals themselves.

I decided early on I didn’t want a normal elemental so I gave each of them a gift besides their normal powers. Each of them have the power of electricity. Now some people would say that should go to the air elemental but in all honesty, the ability to make electricity lies in every aspect of being an elemental. It’s generated in the air in storms, it travels through water and earth and fire, all whom can carry the added punch of electricity. What better way to defend yourself than to make electric orbs as necessary?

Now, I’d always known what elementals were or what I considered them. I knew they were of nature but were magical as well. They personify a specific force of nature and controls all the natural power derived from that element.

What I didn’t know were a few things such as the belief in their existence was almost universal in the realms of ancient religions such as paganism. I also didn’t realize that they abide in every natural substance known to man such as trees, rivers, plants, bogs, mountains, minerals, air, clouds and on and on.

I certainly didn’t know they are considered a lower type of nature spirit who maintain the natural harmony of the planet. They are ruled by archangels and are comprised of gnomes, sylphs, undines, salamanders, elves, water babies, brownies…well…you get the idea. Almost everything we as authors use in writing fantasy of any kind are considered a type of elemental. And that was definitely a new concept to me.

Now, I’ve read tons of fantasy books and am a die-hard Tolkien fan but until I studied the elementals, I never knew they were nearly every character I loved from those stories. Of course, being a writer, I do twist everything I know or learn into the weaving of my own tales. That’s what we’re supposed to do but to read and understand the history, it gives writers that extra edge to tell our stories better.
I hope you enjoyed this little foray into the background of my story. Now here are the particulars to the anthology, Mystic Realms, and my tale, Avenging Aingeal.

What goes bump in the night? What causes you a fright? While the answers for each may vary, I promise that these stories will not leave you wary.

From vampires and demons to shifters and creatures that you’d never suspect, this set will leave you breathless in the best possible ways.

So, don’t be afraid. Come, step inside our realm. Allow the mysticism of romance in many shapes and forms fall over you like a veil of sweet, soothing, spine tingling comfort.

We promise…you won’t be sorry.

Bound by vengeance, she is humanity’s one hope…

Aingeal Cochran is on a mission to save humanity from itself when suddenly she’s staring head-on at her forgotten past. Lukas Everhard must bring her up to speed regarding the real enemy before allowing himself to love her completely. In learning about her past and mission, Aingeal realizes the best is yet to be and she will do anything to protect those she loves. For Lukas, Aingeal is the mission.

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We have some great giveaways going on and hope you’d check them all out. You can find out all about them at my blog.

Thanks and I hope to see you all around in my world.

Lynn Crain


Award-winning author Lynn Crain writes full-time, weaving contemporary, fantasy, futuristic and paranormal tales, tame to erotic. Her home is in the desert southwest with her husband of 32 years. Readers can find her at or her website at

Title of My Book:  Avenging Aingeal

Series Title: Protectors of the Earth
Book Number:  1
Date Published: (Published in the Mystic Realms anthology)
To my husband, Gordon, for all the years, thick and thin, and never allowing me to give up on my dream

To my boys, Tom and Kyle, you make my world brighter. To my daughter-in-laws, Kim and Bianca, you are so much! And to the grandsons, Joseph and Michael, no, you may be too young to read this now…but someday you will…you will forever keep me young.

Word Count: 20,802
Page Count: 28 (Times Roman 12pt font)
Theme: The importance of family through self-discovery.

Long Logline: A young woman with elemental powers must learn who she is before she can help save the Earth.

Short Logline: Bound by vengeance, she is humanity’s one hope…

Aingeal Cochran is on a mission to save humanity from itself when suddenly she’s staring head-on at her forgotten past. Lukas Everhard must bring her up to speed regarding the real enemy before allowing himself to love her completely. In learning about her past and mission, Aingeal realizes the best is yet to be and she will do anything to protect those she loves. For Lukas, Aingeal is the mission.

Arching an eyebrow, I stared at him. No one in this facility could begin to hold a candle to me and I knew it. Worse, they knew it. “Whatever gave you the idea any one could kick my butt? Cause I know you can’t.” I sat there and listened to his buddies all crack up as Jonathan’s ears turned red. Now this was something I could really get into.
“Ever heard of Lukas Everhard?” The flash of puppy-like adoration almost made me lose it right then.
“You’re joking right? Everhard?” I couldn’t contain myself any longer and laughed so hard tears flowed from my eyes.  That would be the day.
“You’re just a bitch who won’t know what hit her.” His face took on a hard edge and if I hadn’t been so bored, I might have backed away.
“And you’re just an ass who will.” The orb bobbed in my hand as I stood, dangerously close to being thrown when something huge grabbed my wrist.
“You know the rules here. No fighting in the mess hall.”  The object didn’t remove itself from my body.
I whirled furious, jerking my arm away, energy in both hands now and was stopped short by the man who stood before me. I was not a small woman, yet this man dwarfed me.  Slowly, my gaze moved from his chest to his wide shoulders to his face and stopped there. Ice blue eyes stared at me without one bit of emotion attached to the look. He’s one cold cookie. I blinked rapidly almost as if I had been hit in the gut. This man was not going to take my crap in any way, shape or form. While I might be able to fool Darien somewhat as I had learned since I had arrived, I would never be able to fool this one.
Then there was the fact I felt more aware of him sexually than I had been with anyone else. Ever. There was a charisma about him which made me want to throw myself into his arms and beg to be taken.  And it was more than his physical appearance because if truth be told, this man looked good…the best I had ever seen…again a rarity for me to note. It was as if he were palpable under my hands even though we weren’t touching. My crotch tightened once more and I shook my head to clear my errant thoughts.
“Told you.” A snide voice commented somewhere off to my left.
I turned to look at my accuser, electricity leaping to my hand yet again. Some days I couldn’t control it at all. This could be a problem.
Stepping in front of me, the big man’s forefinger jabbed my chest in a hard push. “You. Me. In the sparring room immediately.”
I watched as he walked out the door, all predatory-like and with more purpose than I had seen anyone in this place have since my arrival. I eyed everyone else and realized it wouldn’t matter what I said, they were going to see if their man could best me. Sighing, I also knew I had brought this on myself. Vowing to make his fall gentle, I shook my head and followed him down the main corridor, wondering if I should even bother to introduce myself. I ran up to walk next to him and before I could even start, I was cut off by his raised hand. 
“Don’t bother. I know who you are.” He kept his eyes straight forward.
Frowning, I watched him for a minute. “Yeah, but I don’t know who you are, now do I?”
He stopped in front of the sparring room door. “And that should make a difference how?” Shoving it open, he waved a hand. “Ladies first.”
“As if I’d fall for that one,” I muttered more to myself than anyone.
Scowling at me, he shook his head. “Look one of us has to go in first. The door isn’t big enough for us to go side by side.”
“Fine,” I said through clenched teeth. This would end bad, I could feel it in my bones.

NOTES: This book has adult situations and is meant to be read by those over 18.

ASIN: B078X57PN4

ISBN(s): (Sometimes if you have a print and ebook, you will have more than one ISBN.)

Anthology Title:  Mystic Realms
Date Published: April 10, 2018
Page Count: 1151

What goes bump in the night? What causes you a fright? While the answers for each may vary, I promise that these stories will not leave you wary.

From vampires and demons to shifters and creatures that you’d never suspect, this set will leave you breathless in the best possible ways.

So, don’t be afraid. Come, step inside our realm. Allow the mysticism of romance in many shapes and forms fall over you like a veil of sweet, soothing, spine tingling comfort.

We promise…you won’t be sorry.

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  1. Your book cover is so gorgeous, Lynn! Can't wait to read my copy. :) And a big thank you to Diane for the awesome shout out for our boxed set!!!

    1. Hi Jo! Thanks for stopping by! I know...I can't wait to see the second cover for the next book!

  2. Thanks for having me, Diane. I really appreciate it and loved doing the article for you.

  3. I love elementals. I want to be one but if I can't I can at least read about them. Love this.

    1. Me too! That's probably why I write about them. Thanks for dropping by. I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment.

  4. Thank you for hosting Mystic Realms

  5. I've been more into magic than elementals, but those kind of powers sounds super cool. I just never thought about them before because I don't watch those kind of movies.

  6. I always love hearing about worldbuilding in fantasy!


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