
Monday, May 14, 2018

Monday Morning Musing: Mini-Vacay & a Parade

Did you enjoy Mother's Day? My family made sure I did. Dinner with daughter's family, breakfast with son's, a walk along the channel leading to Lake Michigan. The weather wasn't so great, but at least it wasn't raining.
Last week, Hubs and I took a mini-vacation. A couple of days up in Traverse City. We stayed at the Bayshore Resort right on Grand Traverse Bay. In fact, our room had a balcony with lawn chairs where we could watch the wildlife--a pair of geese and their babies plus plenty of seagulls--and enjoy the quiet lull of the waves. Since Traverse City is about a three-hour drive north of us, I expected the weather to be cooler. On our first day, the sun was shining and the temp reached the high 70s. Delightful. Second day was cooler by a couple of degrees and the sun played hide-and-seek with the clouds. That night the rain came and didn't let up until we were almost home.

It was great getting away for a couple of days. I found the hotel on Groupon, which had a great rate. May is not a heavy tourist month in northern Michigan. Still, we had a fun time. Many shops hadn't opened for the summer yet. My favorite one in Leland called Two Fish Gallery was. 

I found my Mother's Day gift there--from Hubs. He just didn't know it until I told him. He and the clerk had a good laugh over him saying I wasn't his mother so he didn't need to get me a gift. It's called an art pole and goes in garden. I think it will go on my deck instead.

We got home in time to go to the Kinderparade, part of Holland's Tulip Time Festival. Oldest granddaughter marched along with her 5th grade class. The Kinderparade is the only one of the three big parade's during the festival that we attend. On the way back to our car, I found a food truck offering oliebollens. I mentioned them in last week's post. I said the Dutch pastry had about a thousand calories. I was wrong. More like two thousand, with the choice of lemon, Bavarian cream, or chocolate filling. But, oh my, was it good. I did share with Hubs, so maybe I didn't eat all those calories. And doesn't sharing mean all the calories drop off?

This is blog-week. Somehow, the middle of the month always catches me unawares. Besides my regular Weekend Writing Warrior blog, Sunday was the 13th and that meant my monthly blog on Paranormal Romantics. How could I write about anything other than Mother's Day? Wednesday is double-duty day. My 3rd Wednesday of the month Family Life column on Pandora's Box Gazette will be about Date Night, and since it's also the 16th, my regular blogging date on The Roses of Prose. I haven't written that post yet, so it will be a surprise. LOL

In between all that, I'm finishing the first draft for Numbers Never Lie, the romantic suspense that is taking for-ev-er to complete. After the writing retreat I went to a couple of weekends ago, I got so many ideas for that story, thanks to our speaker Jennifer Probst, that will make my story better.

One more thing this week: I'll be at the Saranac (Michigan) Public Library for Ladies Night Out on Thursday. If you're in the mid-Michigan area, I hope you'll stop by and say hi.

I guess that's it for this week's edition of Monday Morning Musing. Have a great week.

PS Don't forget that during the month of May, 25% of the proceeds from my science fiction romance The Chameleon (An Outer Rim Novel) will go to the ALS Association. You can read snippets from The Chameleon on Weekend Writing Warriors this month.


  1. Sounds like you had a nice break! Hope you're refreshed for your posting and writing endeavours. Sounds like a lot going on.

    1. Thanks, Nick. I thought when we retired we've have so much extra time. Hah! Busyness keeps boredom away.

  2. Sounds like you had a fun Mother's Day and trip. Awesome present by your husband. Glad you're so busy!

    1. Thanks, Natalie. I'm glad, too. Hubs is a sweetie.

  3. If the new ideas from the retreat are making your novel better, then it's okay that it's taking longer than expected. Aw, a Kinderparade, how cute!

    1. Thanks, Priscilla. The parade was so much fun. I read over there were over 7,000 school children marching in the parade this year. Granddaughter had a great time.

  4. Omg, I was going to say, is that your house and than I saw it was your vacation.


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