
Saturday, May 19, 2018

#WeWriWa - THE CHAMELEON: Important News

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors where authors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here

I'm sharing snippets from my science fiction romance, THE CHAMELEON (An Outer Rim Novel). Upon arriving outside her father's office, she runs into Pilad Sindaro (the jerk from the elevator) who recognizes her this time, and asks her for a date. She refuses him, as she's done many times before. She repeats the incident to her father.

“Baby, Baby, would it hurt you to be nice to him?” Daddy's oft-repeated refrain.
She didn’t know why she disliked the man Daddy thought walked on water, but something about Sindaro just didn’t sit well with her.
“Is that what you want?” At the slight flush on her father’s face, she groaned, “Oh, puh-leeze.”
“I’ve never interfered in your life, Baby—”
Oh, right, never interfered—you’ve been running my life since Mother died, turning me into a fluff-brained idiot.
“—I just want to see you happy. Now enough about that, I have important news—Lambidium has been discovered on Galeria 7.”
Holy crazik, what a discovery—Lambidium was such a rare mineral that its worth was measured in micro-grams.


Legally Blond meets Mata Hari

Socialite Jileena Winslott has perfected the image of the spoiled, rich, bubble-headed daughter of an industrial magnate. In reality, she’s a smart, savvy aide to her father in social situations where she is his eyes and ears. She yearns to be her true self and run the family business. When her father sends her on a covert mission to the Outer Rim, she has the chance to prove herself. Big problem. He insists she take along a fake fiancĂ©—the man she’s secretly loved for years.

Security Officer Laning Servary has better things to do than babysit a spoiled rich girl on a tour of the Frontier. If he refuses, he can kiss his career good-by. Then Jileena’s father sweetens the pot. If Laning keeps her safe, his family will receive the land they share-crop. He can’t refuse.

In the close quarters of her ship, Laning and Jileena discover they aren’t who they seem. Pirates, weather, and her recklessness threaten to derail the mission. As Laning and Jileena revise their impressions of each other, they’ll have to make hard choices about their goals. Can their budding love survive?

During the month of May, 12 science fiction and paranormal romance writers are donating 25% of their royalties for their special Blue Cover books to the ALS Association, an organization dedicated to providing ALS patients and their families with a multitude of different types of assistance, and continuing research to find a cure for this deadly disease..

I'm donating 25% of my royalties from my sci-fi romance, The Chameleon (An Outer Rim Novel) to ALSA in memory of Stephen Hawking. Despite the debility of ALS, he accomplished so much in the field of physics and cosmology.

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  1. Always fascinating, Diane.
    My snippet today is titled "More C.R.Grows Up"

    1. Thanks, Charmaine. I'll pop over to read your snippet.

  2. One piece of news overwhelms the other. Will she give in to her dad or stand up to him.

  3. There are some undercurrents in this snippet. Why does her Daddy think this man walks on water?

    1. Very perceptive, Aurora. Sindaro's reputation preceded him.

  4. I hope she doesn't give in to her father. Though the discovery on Galeria 7 seems more important.

  5. Don't you hate it when parents interfere in your dating life? LOL I suspect she'll stand strong. Perhaps she can distract Daddy with the new discovery news. It seems much more important. Tweeted

    1. Father "thinks" he knows best. LOL Thanks for tweeting, Jenna.

  6. Daddy needs to back off and let her go with her gut. Lots of good tension in this snippet.

  7. Interesting left turn in the snippet, with the discovery of the rare mineral! Enjoying the story...

    1. Thanks, Veronica. This turn becomes very important.

  8. Ah, this snippet clearly shows her priorities. I approve!

  9. I like the interaction between father and daughter before that great last line!

    1. I'll continue the dialogue next week. It gets better. :)

  10. I hope she trusts her instincts.

  11. Interesting development with this discovery - and I think her feelings of exasperation at her father's interference with her love life come across well, although they seem to have a really good relationship otherwise.

  12. Why do men always demand women be 'nice' to them/other men? So frustrating!

  13. Will she stand strong and not give in to her father? I'm curious to know. I also want to know why her father thinks Sindaro is so great. Great snippet.


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