
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

GUEST: Jenna Jaxon @Jenna_Jaxon

Today, I'd like to welcome author Jenna Jaxon. We met through Weekend Writing Warriors, a blog hop where we post 8-10 sentence snippets of a published book or a work-in-progress. I've read many snippets from Jenna's book. Now it's time to meet her.

Welcome, Jenna. Please tell us about yourself.

I am a multi-published author of historical romance. I write in all time periods (Medieval, Georgian, Regency, Victorian) because, passion is timeless.  I’ve been reading and writing historical romance since I was a teenager, starting with Kathleen Woodiwiss’s The Wolf and the Dove.  I’m also a Stephen King fan, and so I love the dark side of romance, a twist, suspense, a surprise and I try to incorporate all of these elements into my stories. For my day job, I’m a theatre director and educator at a private university in Virginia. I make my home in Gloucester, Virginia with her family, including two very vocal cats and one quiet one.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

In the third grade. I wrote a story called Miss Priss Finds a Kitten, including illustrations. I always enjoyed reading and writing, and might have become a writer earlier in my career, however, in high school I fell in love with theatre and that shifted my focus until about 10 years ago.

What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

During the school year, depending on my class schedule, I usually get up early and write for a couple of hours before going to school.  If that doesn’t work, I have to wait until I get home from work (usually late because of play rehearsals) and then sit down and write until between midnight and 2:00 am. Weekends I usually write early, before the family is up and disturbing me. During the summers I try to go different places to write, again for quiet and fewer distractions. My favorite place to write is a cabin in upstate New York that’s completely off grid. All the peace and quiet a writer would want and friends who know when to leave you alone and when to share a glass of wine.
What do you enjoy most about writing?

Plotting. I am a plotter from top to bottom. I cannot begin to write unless I have an outline (they usually run 12 to 15 pages) and I have to start at the beginning and go straight through to the end.

I do, however, allow for inspiration to insert itself into the outline. If something occurs to me that will enrich or excite the plot, I have no problem incorporating those things into the book, but I have to have that detailed roadmap from the beginning.

Still I love, love, love figuring out how to make the plot work, how to make connections and actions that drive the characters. That’s the real fun part.

How many hours a day to you spend writing?

I have written up to 10 hours in a day, however, that was an exception and because I had a deadline I had to make. Normally, I write a chapter a day, which takes me about four hours. If I only have to write for four hours, then usually the pages are good. When I have to push for 2-four hour sessions, the second session needs more work in revision and my head becomes fuzzy.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?

I love to read, I love to travel (although I really got my fill of that this past summer), and recently I love to sit and binge watch old television series. I just finished watching 13 seasons of Supernatural with my elder daughter, and am currently watching Call the Midwife with my younger daughter and The West Wing because it’s my favorite TV show ever!

If I were a first time reader of your books, which one would you recommend I start with and why?

Well, the first thing I’d ask is what historical period do you like best. That would color my answer. If you liked medieval, I’d say Betrothal from the Time Enough to Love series because a lot of readers have really loved my heroine Alyse. If you like a bit wilder period, Only Scandal Will Do would be perfect. It’s got lots of action, a very plucky heroine who can use a sword with the best of them, and a hero who starts out as a villain, but changes his tune. If you like Regency, as a lot of readers do, I’d suggest To Woo A Wicked Widow, which is a bit of a different Regency as it’s about a widow who wants to enjoy her freedom but gets sidetracked by a particularly handsome earl.

What two authors would we find you reading when taking a break from your own writing?

Jo Beverley, even though I’ve already read almost all of her books. I love them so much I re-read them a lot. And Diana Gabaldon. I’m waiting avidly for the next Outlander book to release!

Tell us about your latest release.

My most recent release was Wedding the Widow, book 2 in The Widows’ Club series for Kensington Publishing. The premise of the series is that a group of war widows band together and help one another begin life again a year after their loss. Wedding the Widow is the story of Elizabeth Easton, who was devastated by the loss of her husband. Even a year later she’s not prepared to let go of her love for him—until she meets the dashing, handsome Lord Brack. When one night of passion leads to a horrible faux pas and desperate consequences, Elizabeth and Jemmy have to fight tooth and nail for their Happy Ever After.


Of all the widows of Lyttlefield Park, Elizabeth Easton seems least likely to remarry. Though many gentlemen would love to get to know the charming Mrs. Easton better, she is devoted to the memory of her late husband. Which is why she’s so shocked to be overtaken by passion during a harvest festival, succumbing to an unforgettable interlude with the handsome Lord Brack . . .

After enduring years of war, Jemmy, Lord Brack, plans to defer matrimony in favor of carefree pleasure. But who could resist a lifetime with Elizabeth Easton, a woman as marvelously sensual as she is sweet? Yet despite their mutual desire, she refuses to consider his proposal. With scandal looming, and their families bitterly opposed to the match, Jemmy must find a way to convince Elizabeth to risk her wary heart on him—and turn one infamous night into forever . . .

“What luck, my dear, to have drawn a waltz for our set.” Lord Brack’s twinkling blue eyes caught Elizabeth’s attention. He used that distraction to pull her close to him and lay his hand flat on her back.

What had this roguish young man been up to while she’d been pouring out her troubles to Fanny?

“Indeed, I did not believe Lady Braeton one to court scandal.” The intimacy of the waltz was said to be suited only to married couples. She now agreed wholeheartedly.

“Not scandal, surely?” Brack took the opportunity of a whirling step to draw her body closer to him, tightening his arm around her.

“Lord Brack!” How dare he?

“Jemmy, if you remember.” Effortlessly, he steered them around the circle of dancers. Whatever he was, he was skilled on the dance floor.

“Jemmy, then. You are holding me much too tightly.” Secretly she found his nearness thrilling, though she couldn’t let him know that.

“Nowhere near as tightly as I want to hold you.” He inched her even closer. “As I have done in the past.” He pressed his mouth close to her ear. “I remember holding you against me, all of you against all of me. Don’t you remember how lovely that felt, Elizabeth? Don’t you want to feel that again?”

Gasping for breath, Elizabeth fought the surge of passion that threatened to overwhelm her merely by his closeness. She vividly remembered their bodies entwined on her bed, kisses raining down all over her neck and breasts. Heat exploded at her core and she fought to continue dancing as though her body had not suddenly been engulfed in those flames once more. If she was to continue the charade, she must steer the conversation into safer waters.

“I believe the past should remain in the past, Lord—”

His eyes threatened to cut her like a finely honed blade.

“Jemmy.” She eased away from him a trifle. Enough room to let her take a deep breath. “Could we please walk about the room? I am not used to dancing so much nor so fast.” She managed a cajoling tone and fluttered her fan before her face, both to conceal her eyes and to cool her as much as possible. The room itself seemed to exude heat.

“Of course, my dear.” He immediately broke off the waltz and offered his arm. “Even though it took ten minutes of negotiating and a gold sovereign to arrange this dance with the orchestra leader.”

“You didn’t?”

“I most certainly did. How else could I guarantee I’d end up with you in my arms this evening?” He chuckled low in his throat and drew her arm through his.

“You are much more devious than I imagined. At Lyttlefield Park I would have said you were the perfect gentleman.” Instead, Lord Brack was turning out to be one of those gentlemen Mama had warned her about. The trouble was, she was no longer a young, inexperienced girl. Maybe she no longer needed to travel the safe path.

“I can be your perfect gentleman, Elizabeth. A knight in shining armor who rescues you from an uneventful life—”

“My life is not uneventful, I will have you know.” She rapped his arm with her fan so sharply feathers flew.

“I can guarantee I will make it more meaningful, more exciting than you ever dreamed.” He stopped at the far end of the ballroom near a set of closed French doors. “I wish the night was not so cool. We could take the air out on the balcony,” his voice became huskier, “and I could kiss you again.”


Last question. Where can readers find you? (social media, etc.)

Readers can find me on Facebook, Twitter, and my blog.

Thanks, Jenna, for sharing yourself and your newest release with our readers. 


  1. I enjoyed the interview- and love Supernatural! Best wishes for your latest book!

    1. Thank you so much, Maureen! I can't wait for the new Season to start in October! :)

  2. "Passion is timeless." LOVE this and so true!
    Great interview!
    Your book sounds like a great read
    Good luck and God's blessings

  3. I, too, am a plotter who allows inspiration to take over only in between my beginning, middle and end. I admire "pantsers," but cannot imagine how they work! Your excerpt and cover are compelling! Best wishes.

    1. Thank you, Susan! A lot of the authors I know are pantsers and I am amazed at the work they turn out. I could never just write a random scene and hope to stick it in somewhere. More power to them, I say! :)

  4. Wow, sounds like a great read. I am also a plotter AND a Stephen King fan. I enjoyed the wishes!!

    1. Thank you, Alicia! I just adore Stephen King's writing. "It" is my fave, closely followed by "Drawing of the Three."

  5. Thank you so much, Diane, for having me on your blog! This was such a fun interview and your fans were so welcoming! Loved it!

    1. You are most welcome. You're right about the fans--my friends. They are so encouraging.


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