
Saturday, September 15, 2018

#WeWriWa - ROMANCE REKINDLED: Case Dismissed

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors where authors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

I'm sharing snippets from my Christmas story, ROMANCE REKINDLED. Abby's mother and new boyfriend were arrested the night before. It's Christmas Eve morning, and they're appearing before a judge, dressed as Santa.

Please excuse the creative punctuation, necessary to keep this within the guidelines. It's also edited some from the original.

“Florence and George, why were you taking bread from the dumpster—the Far Haven Mission feeds those in need.”
“The bread isn’t for us,” George said, “We feed the ducks with it.”
Mother stood, “Danny, I mean Your Honor, sir, that stingy old Duncan Randolph wouldn’t give me the bread when I asked him—we feed it to all the birds at Waterfront Park.”
Judge DeVran’s lips thinned, “Deputy, you called me away from my important duties at the hospital for this?” he shoved up his fur cuff to look at his watch.
“Yes, sir, I—”

“If Santa is late for the children’s holiday party, it will be your fault, Deputy. Case dismissed.” He banged the gavel then stood.


Abby Ten Eyck likes her life the way it is. She runs a successful business, has a well-adjusted teenage daughter, and has managed to keep men at bay since her divorce fifteen years ago. Just before Christmas, she’s hit with change. Her mother decides to sell the family home. Then she’s arrested, with an unknown man. Could this new man in her mother’s life create more upheaval? Or could his handsome son be just what Abby needs to revive her dormant feelings?

Sam Watson embraces transition from frenetic Wall Street to a small Michigan resort town. His health is worth moving close to his dad who seems over the moon in love. But it’s the daughter of his father’s girlfriend who fascinates him. Abby Ten Eyck reminds him of his driven self. He must help her slow down before she burns out. Like he did.

ROMANCE REKINDLED is available at:

Amazon  ~  Amazon UK  ~  iBooks  ~  Kobo  ~  Smashwords  ~ Nook


  1. I cracked up reading this hilarious-to me snippet. You have it all, Diane

    1. Oh, thank you, Charmaine. I love making people laugh.

  2. Well the judge is certainly no nonsense! Great snippet...

  3. Well that judge certainly put the deputy in his place. I wonder if Florence will get off so easy with her daughter. Great snippet!

  4. Today bread out of the dumpster, tomorrow cash out of the bank. You know how incorrigible those seniors can be once they start down the path of delinquency.

    1. LOL, Alexis. Wish I'd thought of that when I wrote this. :)

  5. Love the judge putting the deputy in his place. Great snippet. Can't wait to see how she deals with her daughter. Somehow, I don't think it will be as easy as the judge's dismissal.

  6. Stealing bread from dumpsters for ducks isn't exactly a heinous crime, is it?

    1. Not around here it isn't, Ed. That darn deputy is in big trouble.

  7. I'm glad Santa...the judge, had his priorities straight! And I hope the ducks will get fed for Christmas. LOL Love where this story is going.

  8. Aw, this is so sweet! What was the deputy thinking?

  9. I agree, feeding bread to the ducks is far more sensible than throwing it away, ducks need feeding at Christmas too - good for the Judge, he sounds so sensible - and with a sense of humour!

    1. I think so, too. The owner of the bakery was adamant that they not take the bread. According to Abby's mom, he was just stingy.

  10. I like that judge! What a neat character.

  11. I thought trash was free for the taking, and you couldn't really steal it? I agree with that judge. Ridiculous.

    1. Poor Deputy Dawg. He was obeying the citizen--not being practical.


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