
Saturday, December 15, 2018

#WeWriWa - MISSION TO NEW EARTH: Are They Ready? #sfr

The Weekend Writing Warriors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

I'm changing gears for the next couple of weeks by sharing snippets from my science fiction romance, Mission to New Earth. Three teams are about to launch from Titan (Saturn's moon) beyond our solar system on Christmas Day. The mission: to colonize 3 new planets. The narrator, Sara Grenard, is one team's leader. 

Please excuse the creative punctuation, necessary to keep this within the guidelines. It's also edited some from the original.

We were about to leave on an adventure of a lifetime. Giddiness raced through me and with it the ever-present trepidation. Were we prepared for all eventualities? What if—
I had to stop speculating on the dangers of our mission.
Speeding down the corridor, I passed holiday decorations. The festive trimmings brightened the gray walls. I hoped the modules deposited on Serenity had a better paint job. Serenity—our hope for the future of our new planet. After screwing up Earth, humankind had the chance to do it right this time.

Earth’s overpopulation and dwindling resources force the United Earth Space Agency to expedite exploration of new planets for a possible new home. When new crises ensue—a giant tsunami and the threat of nuclear winter—the timeline changes. Eight years of training crammed into four. Sara Grenard and her team prepare for launch, but are they ready for the one-way trip? Will the Goldilocks planet prove just right for Earth’s inhabitants? Before time runs out.

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  1. They had so much hope for this mission. Loved the story!

    1. Thanks, Jessica. Hope for the future is one of the reasons I love sci-fi romance.

  2. But will we ever learn . . .? Can't wait to read more.

  3. Like Nancy says - will we ever learn? Humankind had the chance to do it right last time, so the question will be - what's changed?

  4. Even if humankind has learned from past mistakes, on a new planet they might well make new ones! Although I like your character's hopeful attitude and excitement...enjoyed the excerpt.

  5. A snippet full of excitement and hope, and just enough trepidation to make us worry.

  6. The hope for a new beginning is very appropriate for the Christmas season.

  7. I love the idea of colonizing a new Earth. So many things could happen. I'd think of things that could go wrong too.

    1. Thanks, Elaine. Of course, things could go wrong. Isn't that human nature?

  8. The "what ifs" have been known to bite a person in the butt aand mess things up.

  9. That last line puts a lot of pressure on us humans hahaha

  10. Gray isn't exciting, but it is practical. I fear she has more of it on her future!


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