
Saturday, December 8, 2018

#WeWriWa - ONE RED SHOE: A Visitor With A Walther PPK

Is it the weekend already? Here I am with the Weekend Writing Warriors where we share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

I'm sharing snippets from my romantic suspense, ONE RED SHOE. Last week, Sam rushed back to his hotel room only to find the door unlocked.

Please excuse the creative punctuation, necessary to keep this within the guidelines. It's also edited some from the original.

“Hello, Samuel. Long time no see, as you Americans say,” Yuri Grashenko sat in the corner of the small room, his smile as deadly as the Walther PPK in his hand, “Please return what you stole from my employer—he is most unhappy.”
“Why you talk nice to thief?” the male voice came from behind.
Sam spun low with a move he hadn’t forgotten from his college basketball days, he slammed into the newcomer as a bullet from the PPK slammed into the wall where Sam’s shoulder had been seconds before. One good thing, Yuri wasn’t trying to kill him—not yet, anyway.
Sam and the newcomer rolled down the dark stairs in a tangle of arms and legs. Jesus, the guy was big. Elbows and knees wreaked as much havoc as the wood steps—Sam  was going to have bruises on bruises.
His dad was right. Sam should have gone to work in the steel mill. Shoveling slag had to be easier than this.

It Happened One Night meets Knight and Day.

Daria Mason’s life is too predictable. Nothing ever happens in her small Iowa town where everybody knows everybody else. But when she travels to New York City looking for a little excitement, she never expects to bring home a wounded spy.

From the moment agent Sam Jozwiak steals intel vital to US security from a Russian Mafia kingpin, Murphy’s Law takes over. No matter how he covers his tracks, the kingpin’s assassins find him. What’s worse than getting shot in the butt? Accepting help from an Iowa tourist.

Sam and Daria flee cross country with the assassins right behind them. Sharing danger and excitement—and a few kisses—with Sam soon has Daria convinced he’s the man for her. He thinks she’ll be better off once he’s out of her life for good. With their lives on the line, can she convince him they belong together?

ONE RED SHOE is available at:


  1. Here we are again. I so enjoy your snippets

  2. Yes, his job does entail a great deal of danger. Hopefully not on a daily basis. Nice snippet!

  3. Good action, Diane!

  4. Serious excitement. You dragged me right into the scene.

  5. I always love your action scenes, Di!

    1. Thanks, Nancy. That's a great compliment coming from you.

  6. Sam's a little late to be thinking about a career change LOL. Loved the action in the scene and his quick thinking. Great snippet!

  7. Great action scene. And it shows how resourceful Sam is!

  8. Sam has definitely chosen an ... interesting lifestyle! Hope he survives this encounter.

  9. Bruises on bruises - been there. Shovelling slag - any other job would be better.

  10. Ouch! Well, every job has a downside, right?

  11. Working in a factory is so booooring. I can't imagine getting shot is much fun, either. Nice snippet, love the action.

    1. Boring is right. So much repetition. But getting shot? I agree, not much fun.

  12. Dodging bullets and tumbling down stairs- all in a day's work. Great snippet, Diane.


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