
Saturday, January 5, 2019

#WeWriWa: Rescuing Mara's Father - Another Boring Day

Each weekend the Weekend Writing Warriors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

A new year, a new story. I'm sharing a Middle Grade science fiction adventure. It's a work in progress, so suggestions would be great. I'm starting at the beginning with Chapter One [I start a riot].

Please excuse the creative punctuation, necessary to keep this within the guidelines. It's also edited from the original.

Another boring class on another boring day in my boring life. Nothing ever happens here at Raythos Outpost #3, the most boring place on the planet. I can’t wait to leave—just twenty-four days and I’ll be off to Pamyria Tech, then I won’t have to listen to more of this.
“…types of governments:  democracy, confederation, autocracy…”
Blah, blah, blah. I’ve heard this lecture a thousand times already, Teacher is only going over it because Perfect Lukus missed the other nine hundred and ninety-nine times. He’s fifteen—a year older than me—my best friend’s brother and a pain in the butt. He only comes to class when his work in the stable is done. Lucky him. I’d rather shovel zircan poop than sit through another history or government lesson.

Be sure to check out the other WeWriWa authors. 


  1. I have a feeling things aren't going to be so boring for long. Though I do remember how monotonous middle grade can seem. Great intro!

  2. "Nothing ever happens here at Raythos Outpost #3..." Well, there's proof that it's all about to go south at Outpost #3. :-)

    I'd read this. :-)

  3. Well you've nailed the voice for this hero. Young, a bit cocky, and itching for something to happen. I think he's going to get his wish. Great snippet!

    1. Oh, dear. I should have identified the voice in my intro. (It happens in the next snippet.) Mara is the narrator.

  4. I guess the middle grade attitudes don't change much, even in the far future! Enjoyed the snippet, quite a change of pace...

    1. Thanks. I wrote this a couple of years ago then did nothing with it. Glad to get approval.

  5. Oh, teenage angst - you capture it so well. Middle grade SciFi - nice move!!

  6. Even on a distant planet, middle school is still boring. Great job capturing the voice of the character, and my attention.

  7. Hah! Sounds like I used to feel in history class!

  8. He's not of a scholarly turn of mind, I gather.

  9. Funny and you've caught the tone. I did wonder about the gender of the narrator, but the identification of Lukus as "her" best friend's brother gave me a hint of budding romance.

  10. I taught for 35 years. You definitely got this right.

  11. Ha! I sympathize with that last line! :D

    1. LOL I loved school, so I can't identify with her. But...there's a good reason for her attitude.

  12. This kind of boredom is grounds for something terrible happening.

  13. I have a feeling things won't stay boring for long!

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Totally teenaged boredom in a nutshell, and then... Whether you're on earth or in a space outpost, you know the coming moments will take the heroine out of her ordinary world. Good lead in.

  16. I have a hunch her boring time is not going to last for long. :)

    This line made me chuckle. "I’d rather shovel zircan poop than sit through another history or government lesson."

  17. You captured the teenage boy tone perfectly, even in outer space!


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