
Saturday, August 17, 2019

#WeWriWa ~ THE PILOT: Just Like Old Times #sfr

Each weekend, the Weekend Writing Warriors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

Thanks to everyone who visited last week. I'm sharing snippets from The Pilot: An Outer Rim Novel. It's the 1st book in a series featuring strong women on the frontier of space. Celara's ship was hailed by one claiming to be Coalition Security. In this snippet, we're on the other ship with Trevarr and his buddy Laning. 

Please excuse the creative punctuation, necessary to keep this within the guidelines. It's also edited a little from the original.

“Just like old times, hey, Trev, you and me together again—I’ve missed ya, buddy.”
Trevarr would never admit how much he missed his friend. As a child, he had learned that expressing emotions was improper behavior for the heir to a political dynasty.
He dodged a rock the size of the presidential residence on Bricaldia, “Your new ship has the maneuverability of a house. I wish we had my Agilean.”
“If we were in your ship, you would never have entered this asteroid field. Do you want me to fire again on that—
“Yes, fire another round. But try not to destroy that ship under a hail of rock.”
Laning grinned, “That would certainly get his attention.”

        There's no place like home and he stole hers. 

Life on the frontier of space is hard enough so when pirates stole Celara d'Enfaden's cargo, she vowed not to be tricked again. 

Determined to make an example out of indie pilots who disobey orders, Coalition Administrator Trevarr Jovano impounds Celara’s starship and cargo. If he backs down, he’ll lose respect. If she can’t deliver her cargo, she’ll default on her loan and lose her only home—her ship. 

More important than her ship, though, is her brother. To rescue him from a galactic gangster, she’ll even work with Jovano who is bent on avenging his wife’s murder.

 Amazon ~ AmazonUK ~ B&N ~ Kobo ~ iBooks ~ Smashword


  1. Diane, I always enjoy your snippets. Keep them coming, my friend.

  2. I admire the way you tightly weave the events and provide many possible outcomes, Diane. I always find this difficult 🌹

  3. Dear Diane, I tried to add myself to the list and made a mess of the page address. i have set up the post, needs tweaking, but it's there. I now need to connect the link to the page address, but haven't. Sorry to be a nuisance!

    1. You aren't a nuisance. I found your post and commented. Linky Links can be tricky.

  4. You've woven back story really well into this action scene!

  5. Attention-grabbing, interesting dialogue.

  6. More action and clever banter - enjoyed the snippet! This seems to be quite a fun story...

    1. Thanks, Veronica. I'm enjoying reading it again and remembering how much fun it was to write.

  7. Intriguing, although they don't seem worried about the people in the ship they're firing on.

    1. They are deliberately missing--shooting across the bow to make the ship stop. Trevarr is single-minded about the pilot obeying his order.

  8. Really enjoyed the snippet, and the action and banter between these two!

  9. Haha Love that last line. It made me smile.

    1. Good. That's the reaction I hoped for. Thanks, Amy.

  10. I like how they assume they're dealing with a man in the other ship. :-)

  11. Fun snippet. I enjoyed the banter and the hint at backstory.

  12. I love their banter. I chuckled when I read the last few lines. :) Yes, it would definitely grab their attention.


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