
Wednesday, November 6, 2019

#IWSG: November Excuse For Not Writing

Happy Insecure Writers Support Group Day. IWSG is the brainchild of Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Thanks, Alex, for starting this group and keeping it going. We are rockin' the neurotic writing world!

Thanks to this month's awesome hosts:   Sadira Stone, Patricia Josephine, Lisa Buie-Collard, Erika Beebe, and C. Lee McKenzie!

Last month, I wrote that I'd goofed off (no small thanks to Netflix) and didn't write much this summer. But I ended the post with "the story is finally rolling."

That was on October 2nd. The following week, Hubs went into the hospital . . . twice. First with congestive heart failure that necessitated a 911 call and an ambulance ride complete with sirens and flashing lights. He got better, was released two days later. He was home about 2 hours when he showed signs of a stroke. Back to the hospital (even the same ICU room). Fortunately, he got to the ER in time to get a clot-busting drug, so the stroke became a TIA (mini-stroke). Since then, we've had home health professionals visiting and making sure he is okay. Plus doctor visits. His pre heart valve replacement procedures were shoved back a month. Needless to say, my writing went on the back burner. I could not concentrate.

Yeah, I know (or heard of) people who can write through anything. More power to them. I admire that type of diligence. But that isn't me. It's been such a switcheroo. I'm the one who's been in the hospital multiple times, and he's been the caregiver. Like many men (sorry, guys, for being sexist here), he is not a patient patient. He wants to get it (the valve replacement) over and done. The doctors have other protocol.

This is November--National Novel Writing Month. I've never joined but always applauded those who did. This year, because I need a kickstart to finish my WIP, I unofficially joined. Last night, I joined our local NaNo team for a write-in. Wow. I wrote 1100 words in two hours. Maybe there's something to this. 

Despite Hubs' upcoming procedures and doctor follow-up visits, I'm determined to write the 35k words needed to finish The Spy (4th book in my Outer Rim sci-fi romance series). So far this month, I've written a little over 3200 words. I'm on a roll.

You probably noticed I didn't answer the (optional) question of the month--about the strangest research for a novel. I'm curious what others say. My research last month was on the signs of a stroke and what to do. Glad I did that research!

Good luck to all who joined NaNoWriMo. I hope you all win!

Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about this, Diane. I'm glad he ended up being okay, and hope his healing continues.

    Our loved ones are the most important thing. No shame at all in putting writing on the back burner while you were in crisis. I can only imagine how scary that must have been.

    Best of luck to you, both with your husband's recovery and with NaNo. Hugs.

    1. Thanks so much, J.H. It was scary. But I discovered one thing about our new (6 yrs now) home--when you call 911, the sheriff shows up in less than 5 minutes to do triage. Wow.

  2. I'm so sorry that happened. Hope your husband is doing ok. I probably wouldn't be able to write in that situation, either.

    1. Thanks, Sarah. I'm thrilled that he's doing so much better.

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your husband, Diane. I hope things settle down for you soon. Times like these, our writing can wait a while; it will still be there. The most important thing is to take good care of your husband and yourself. Best wishes!

    1. Thanks, Debbie. I really appreciate the support.

  4. Hi,
    My dear, i so understand what you are going through. I've been there. When my hubby had his mini stroke on 6 September 2018, my already wide gap of not writing chapters or book reviews dwindled down to just writing one or two sentences a day. My priority shifted even more to becoming the caregiver that I had to become. I am sending you positive thoughts that bring you energy and patience.
    As i was going through my ordeal, another writer shared with me a piece of advice that I needed. She told me to be a gentle person to myself. And that is what I am telling you. You are not going to do everything correctly and many times you won't be understood, but be a gentle person to yourself and try to take a few minutes each day to do something you like, even if it is getting a cup of coffee and sitting at your kitchen table alone to enjoy it.
    Thinking of you and have a lovely November.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. Thank you so much, Pat. Your wonderful advice (from your writer friend) means so much. Thank you for sharing.

  5. I hope your husband is okay. I'm like you. I could not write when I was going through medical emergencies with my late husband. I just wanted to be there for him. I hope you get some writing in, but don't stress it if you don't. Your husband is more important and needs you.

    1. Natalie, you shared such wonderful advice and experience. That means the world to me. I am sorry for your loss.

  6. What a scare! Hope he does get the surgery soon and everything taken care of.
    I'm not participating in NaNo either but I'm on beat to finish my story this month as well.

    1. Thanks, Alex. It sounds like you're on a roll (writing so much each day). Good luck to you on finishing that story.

  7. OMG, Di! You have nothing to apologize for! Life shaking events happen and they need to be dealt with. They demand (deservedly so) all your time and energy. So glad you were on point for Bob's sake and that things are leveling out as best as can be expected. GOOD FOR YOU for being able to produce any words! You are my inspiration this month!

    1. LOL, thanks, Nancy. I thought when my kids became adults I wouldn't have to deal with life-threatening situations. Hah! They were such a support and really took care of me.

  8. You know that cliche, "Been there. Done that." I know exactly what you went through. For me, while I was waiting in the ER or the hospital room, my writing kept me sane. Of course, the book has turned out to be a bit darker than I'd intended. You know why.

    1. Thanks for sharing that, Lee. I read in the ER and hospital room. It seemed easier. I'm glad writing helped you.

  9. I am so sorry to hear about your husband and hope he is okay and continues to get better.

    I can't even write through a simple head code or after a small argument, so I definitely wouldn't be able to write through something like this.

    1. Thanks, Chrys. I used to complain about not being able to write when I was sick. Now, I know better.

  10. Sometimes life gets in the way and it's perfectly okay. You can do this! Glad to know hubby is doing better.

    1. Thanks, Diana. Life has a habit of getting in our way, doesn't it? The choice is give up writing or get down to it.

  11. I'm sorry your husband is ailing, and can totally understand why you'd put writing on the back burner for a while. I hope you find the time and focus you need to finish your NANO project this month.

    1. Thanks, Sadira. I tried commenting on your blog but couldn't find out where. I must not have looked carefully. Sorry. Thanks for co-hosting.

  12. Well done with Nano, I’m ‘official’ 😊 and I’ve done little so far...

    1. Thanks. I'm sure you'll pick up the pace. Just remember that whatever you do write is more than you had on Halloween.

  13. Oh, and well done even to write anything through what you are both suffering!

  14. I'm hoping for the best result and don't blame hubby for being impatient. It's hard to wait.

    Try some Nano writing sprints. You'll be amazed how quick the words pile up. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Sprints are a great idea. Thanks, Anna. If I had to wait as long has Hubs has, I guess I'd be impatient, too.

  15. I'm dealing with some similar issues on my homefront (and boy, did you nail the "male patient" thing!). And you know what? We do what's best for us and our loved ones. When I'm in a medical waiting room, I'm googling answers to my medical questions and keeping our daughters in the loop. Everything else can wait. Good for you on NaNo! That's a win, no matter what! {Hugs}

    1. I'm so sorry to hear you're going through similar health situations. What is it about guys who want everything done now??? Thank goodness for some of the medical websites (Cleveland Clinic and WebMD). The ease with which we can keep ourselves informed makes dealing with our health and that of our loved ones so much easier. At least, we know what questions to ask medical personnel. Hugs.

  16. No wonder you couldn't write with such a health issue. I hope he'll get better soon. Good luck on your NaNo.

  17. I'm so sorry to hear what you have been going through, Diane! Thank goodness your husband got to the ER in time! I wouldn't be able to concentrate either. Nothing is more important than the husband you love! Good luck as you tackle writing again ~ Please make a little downtime just to take care of you!!! Be kind and gentle with yourself!

    1. Thanks, Fundy Blue. You are the 2nd person to tell me to be gentle with myself. Good advice.

  18. Yeah, more important things than writing. Hopefully he stays on the upswing, scary to have to go through for all involved. I'm with him though, I'd just want it done and over with.

  19. My heart goes out to you, and I fully empathize. It's hard to get much in the way of writing done when the love of your life is ill. Since my husband's cancer diagnosis, I've had complete tunnel vision. The only thing that matters is him.

    Glad to hear your unofficial NaNo participation is working out for you. For me, NaNo has always been a no-no. :)

    Take care, and good luck to your hubby.

    1. Thanks, Susan. I know that tunnel vision. It obscures everything else. Thanks for taking the time to visit.

  20. You've both been through so much. It's tough when your husband is ill. But some good has come out of it. You're writing again. Best health to both of you from now on.

  21. I'm so sorry about your husband. It must have been horrible having to send him right back to the hospital. I can also relate that I'd much rather be the patient than the caregiver. I hope that his upcoming surgery goes well, and he has a speedy recovery. I admire you for accepting the NaNo challenge which should serve as a welcome distraction.


  22. Maybe the writing helps center you and gives you brief respite from the turmoil around you? Whether you write or not during this trying time, please don't beat yourself up.

    Take care! Sending good thoughts and prayers your way....

  23. So sorry to hear about your husband, Diane. I hope he is on the road for a full recovery so he can have his next procedure. Yes, sadly, men don't have patience when it come to their heath. I can relate. We just want to get better fast and get all the unpleasantness over with. I am more patient since my fifteen year bout with chronic arthritis. It had done a great deal of damage to my leg joints and I couldn't walk properly for years. But God is kind, after many many years of walking and building up my legs, I walk almost normally now. I still CREAK, that's for sure, but at least the chronic pain is under control. My best to your husband.

    Glad to hear you writing is picking up! Yes, like you I can't focus on writing during trials and tribulations of life, but NaNo seems to be helping you ....I never gave it a whirl myself. November always seems to be the time I have a major upheaval in my life. This year is no exception with moving ...ugh. lol Happy holidays!

  24. Sending best wishes to you and hubby! Hope he recovers quickly!!
    I'm with you - when my emotions are overwhelmed, I'm not able to write - real life has to come first!

  25. I hope your husband is doing well and I'm sorry you went through this worrying time. I also hope NaNo played out well. Sometimes writing can ground us and help us deal with trying times life throws at us.


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