
Saturday, December 14, 2019

#WeWriWa ~ THE SPY: Always An Entrepreneur #sfr

Each weekend, the Weekend Writing Warriors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

Thanks to everyone who visited last week. 

I'm sharing snippets from The Spy: An Outer Rim Novel. It's the 4th book in my series featuring strong women on the frontier of space. Because this is a work in progress, any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I'm continuing where I left off last week with Genna in a taxi with an inquisitive driver.

Please excuse the creative punctuation, necessary to keep this within the guidelines. 

“Maybe you’d like me to drop you at a hotel first,” He was a persistent one, “They don’t allow totes as big as yours into the museum.”
If she hadn’t needed the tote’s contents for disguises, she would’ve left it aboard her ship, but it gave her the appearance of a tourist. Since she wasn’t staying long enough to need a hotel, she demurred, “I’m heading out to the rainforest this afternoon.”
She caught the reflection of Bricaldia’s sun on the Coalition of Planets Hall of Representatives. The magnificent building looked like it was made entirely of glass, an illusion that all transactions there were transparent, and if she believed that she could be the proud owner of lake-front property in the Astron Desert.
As the conveyance descended, he proclaimed, “Here we are—isn’t that a fabulous site?” He waved at the Hall of Reps, “I could take you out to your hotel in the ‘forest after the city tour.”
Always an entrepreneur.
“I will consider that,” She used her fake ID card to pay for the ride, relieved to get away from the chatty driver.
She had one leg on the walkway when he leaned out his open window and handed her a card half the size of her ID, “If you finish your business early and want a ride anywhere during your vacation, comm me.”
“Right,” She didn’t refuse the card--let him think his tactic worked.

Tentative blurb:

Rookie agent must rescue veteran before his cover is blown.

Genna Nogaro, new to the Coalition of Planets’ Intelligence Commission, is assigned to bring in an undercover operative in Hallart’s organization. More experienced agents died before getting him out. Were they killed by the intergalactic gangster or has the operative gone rogue?

Quintall d’Sernin, con man extraordinaire, infiltrated the mob and moved up to be the gangster’s right-hand man. Hallart has his tentacles throughout the Coalition—business, industry, and government. Quin’s finally worked himself into a valued position. All he needs is the key to mob structure in order for Coalition forces to take down the entire organization.

Genna will pose as a new recruit to distract Hallart long enough for Quin to find the key. If they work together, they can accomplish more. But Quin and Genna’s lives are jeopardized by a mole in the Intelligence Commission. Will their true roles be revealed before they accomplish their goal?


  1. I suspect the persistent driver will play a role later on, but you've got me wondering what role.

  2. Squee! I can't wait to read all of it!! You've sucked me right in with these few sentences.

  3. I'm with Ed. I'm quite certain we'll be seeing this character again. Chatty people never go away lol. Great scene, Diane! Happy writing and see you in 2020! :)

    1. Thanks, Julie. You are so right about chatty people. I think they start as kids talking & following mom into the bathroom.

  4. Persistence must be his middle name! I'm with the other comnmenters, have a feeling we'll be seeing this person again in the book...he seems to insistent not to have more of a part to play. Great snippet!

    1. Thanks, Veronica. You guys are just too smart. lol

  5. Yeah, he's way too interested in her. Love the description of the sun on the glass building.

    1. Thanks, Alexis. Politics as usual, even in the future.

  6. Okay - he's persistent. But is it for the credits or is he trying to send her a different message?

  7. He's definitely persistent. I wonder if it will pay off later in the story.

  8. He certainly seems mysterious. Whether he's good or bad we'll soon see.

  9. I'm getting a very bad vibe from this guy. I wonder if this is the last she sees of him. Great snippet!

  10. That description of the building was delightful, always scammers around. And I'm trusting the driver less and less.

  11. The cabbie is a very interesting chap, also a wonderful tool to advance the story. I expect he will make a reappearance as well.

  12. Always interesting, Diane. More, thats what I want is more.

  13. Charmaine here. My daughter jumped in and I don't have a clue


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