
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

#IWSG: The Future and The Past

Happy Insecure Writers Support Group Day. IWSG is the brainchild of Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Thanks, Alex, for starting this group and keeping it going. We are rockin' the neurotic writing world!

The awesome co-hosts for the July 1 posting of the IWSG are Jenni Enzor, Beth Camp, Liesbet @ Roaming About, Tyrean Martinson, and Sandra Cox! Be sure to visit these fabulous volunteers.

Each month we have an optional question. Here's July's: there have been many industry changes in the last decade, so what are some changes you would like to see happen in the next decade?

I wish I knew. That's why I'm really interested to read what others say. I'm excited by the changes in the past decade. Changes that allow me to publish my stories on my own. I dipped my toe into self-publishing in 2011. I'd gotten the rights back to my first published book. A friend pointed out it wasn't doing anything, so why not self-publish it. Why not, indeed? I was scared to death that I'd do something wrong. It seemed to take me all day to publish Switched on Smashwords. The next day, I figured out Kindle, and--bam--it was published on Amazon. Okay, not quite that quickly. Since then, I've published 14 more books. 

Would I have imagined this in 2010? Nope. My imagination never dreamed what I could do. My imagination still hasn't dreamed up what will happen in this next decade. I live day-to-day, month-to-month, and maybe imagine 6 months ahead.

One of the advantages of self-publishing is I can change the price of my books any time. I'm participating in N.N. Light's Christmas in July event. So, for the month of July, my holiday romance (with a hint of mystery) Romance Rekindled is only 99 cents. Amazon  Amazon UK 

What am I working on? My current wip, The Spy, an Outer Rim Novel, is coming along. I know, I've written about it before. I'm slowly getting more written/revised. Meantime, I have three more projects I can't wait to get back to: the 4th book in my Alex O'Hara mystery series plus 2 spinoff novellas.

On the personal front, even though Michigan has eased some of the restrictions (I got a haircut!!!), Hubs and I are still following the COVID safety procedures --wearing a mask outside the house and keeping social distances. I still order my groceries online and pick them up curbside. We get takeout, but don't eat at restaurants. Although we've seen the grandkids (and our kids), we don't hug. We're all trying to stay safe. I hope the resurgence of COVID cases isn't affecting you or your families. 

Stay safe, everyone, and have a good month.

Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.


  1. Glad your writing is going well. I live in Michigan too and am still not seeing too many people like you. I haven't gotten a haircut yet. I'm thinking of giving myself a trim.

    1. I couldn't believe all the safety procedures my salon had in place as soon as they were able to open. As good as going to the doctor's. Call and ask your fav place what their protocol is. Enjoy the summer.

  2. Cut and Color next Friday after I take grandguy home from a visit starting Sunday. not hugging is going to be hard! Yes to self-pubbing. I've gotten rights back but have yet to do anything about them. Next up, I think!!

    1. Enjoy the pampering, Nancy. Couldn't believe how uplifted I felt after that haircut, like a weight dropped off. Yay, to self-pubbing. You can do it.

  3. Looking forward to reading pages of The Spy soon! Stay healthy. :)

    1. Thanks, Jean. I'm trying to stay healthy. No barhopping for me. lol (I didn't do that in my 20s.)

  4. Hi,
    I am happy to read you have published 14 books. That's a lot of energy. I want to try out the traditional way first but I am not allergic to the self publishing. So I'll see what happens in the next few months.
    All the best with your new book too. I've read two of your books and enjoyed them tremendously.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G

    1. Pat, you are so sweet. Thanks for telling me you enjoyed my books. Every author needs to follow the path that's right for them. I went the traditional route first. Had 2 small publishers and as soon as I could, I got my rights back and self-pubbed. Didn't realize what a control freak I was until I didn't know what was going on with my books. Have a good month, Pat.

  5. 2010 was my first published book and I had no idea I would have more, but it happened!
    Oh yeah, I was really excited about my first haircut.

    1. Wasn't that a great feeling--to see your 1st book published? Even better than when it happens again. LOL about the haircut. Couldn't believe how much better I felt afterward. Have a great month.

  6. Changing the price of your books anytime is indeed nice. I'm able to do that with my mom's picture books all the time.

  7. I have three books that I need to get out there, and my plan is to self publish, but I keep putting it off. Maybe this fall... Glad to hear you're staying safe and healthy. My hubby and I are also avoiding indoor dining at restaurants, but we do shop in the store, with masks.

    1. Glad you & your hubby are staying healthy, esp. wearing masks. I did go to Costco a week ago. 1st time I'd been in a store since Jan. Glad to see all the safety procedures. Get those books out, Patty. I'm here to help!

  8. Self-publishing has definitely allowed many to publish who might otherwise not have been able to. This revolution is still surprising to me and the constant changes it brings keeps we scrambling.

    1. The options in publishing are great. It does keep an author on her/his toes. Have a great month, Lee.

  9. Congrats on your 14 books!!! That's quite an accomplishment. I'm glad you found success in self-publishing. It is amazing how the industry has changed in the last ten years.
    And nice that you could get a haircut! :)

    1. The haircut was the best. LOL I needed it cut before the quarantine. It really dragged me down. With all that's going on in the world, I feel silly enjoying that indulgence.

  10. Congrats on making the most of one great advancement. Self-publishing has made an amazing transformation from inky to respectable, now competing with traditionally published books.

    I'm holding off on the haircut. Long seems to suit me right now. Mostly because I'm not doing anything with it except for the occasional French twist up in the heat.

    1. Like writing itself, everyone needs to decide what works best for them--whether it's being a plotter or a pantser, traditional or self publishing. There is no right way. I'm thrilled that my stories are out there.

      Glad you've found what works for you with your hair. Mine was at that awful length where I couldn't do anything with it. Hope you have a great month.

  11. You're doing Christmas in July and I'm doing N.N. Light's Canada/America Bookish Pick event! Love her promos! I got my haircut recently, too. Have you been following me? I had no idea that you've got 14 books published now. Congratulations!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I do enjoy N.N. Light's promos. I did this one last year, too. Yep, 15 total, 3 series. Thanks.

  12. You've published 14 books! Kudos for you. Self-publishing improved so many lives.

    1. Thanks, Olga. It sure has helped my self-esteem.

  13. Congratulations on your books!!! Self-publishing is awesome!

    1. It is indeed. Thanks, Tyrean. And thanks for cohosting.

  14. I haven't had a haircut in five months, lol. It's super long now and driving me crazy. I really should do something about it...

    It's great you have heaps of projects to dig into.

  15. Isn't it great seeing the Grands and getting haircuts again?
    I love self-publishing.
    Took advantage of your sale and ordered Rekindled.
    Thanks for stopping by the blog.

  16. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    I too love the freedom of self-publishing.
    I too have been able to see my family and we too are not hugging.
    Thanks for the discounted ebook.

  17. Self-publishing scares me and seeing so many others taking that path is helping me get used to the idea. I am not ready yet, but when I am, I think I will be comfortable. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Glad to hear you're taking Covid seriously. It boggles the mind how many people aren't.

    You have so many series on the go! I'm in awe. It's all I can do to keep one afloat.

  19. We're getting more restrictions lifted in the UK but we're still being careful. There's no need to rush out to a restaurant as soon as it's possible. I do have a haircut booked for Wednesday, which is the first day they open in Scotland - it's an urgent need!

    It's great to have the freedom with self-publishing. I hope over the next 10 years more indie authors will see greater recognition because we're increasingly becoming the norm.


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