
Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Guest: JEAN DAVIS Dreams and Stars and Lies

My friend Jean Davis is here today, sharing her latest release. Take it away, Jean.

Today is the release of Dreams and Stars and Lies. This collection features five short science fiction stories. They are all unrelated but two take place in far-flung corners of the greater Narvan universe, though also not directly related to the series. 


Destiny Pills and Space Wizards, my first short story collection, features more lighthearted YA-friendly stories. With Dreams of Stars and Lies, I focus on deeper plots and longer stories more intended for an adult audience. 

Why short stories?
While I enjoy writing novels, short stories are a nice break from 90,000 word plots full of characters and broad-scale world-building. They offer an alternate medium for experimenting with new worlds, exploring offshoots of existing ones, and answering thought-provoking 'what if' questions in a different ways. 

What else do you write?
My novels all fall under speculative fiction, fantasy, science fiction, science fiction romance, and dystopian. All my books can be found on Amazon in both print and ebook. The Narvan series is also available in many other online stores.

Where did the stories for this book come from?
Devolution sprang from a one line prompt. It deals with a woman's desire to have a child in a world where she doesn't qualify to procreate. 

Legacy was also born from a one line prompt. I like prompts. They get my mind spinning to figure out how to take the suggestion in an unexpected direction. A grandmother's trip to see her newborn grandson has world-changing consequences. 

Battery came to me in preparation for a local writer's meeting when I needed to bring something to critique. Deadlines make for great inspiration. A young girl has the power to change the world. It's the recharging that is concerning.

Mrs. Gilroy was written from a title prompt years ago and languished on my hard drive until comments from a critique partner inspired the spark of life it had been missing. A husband's dream becomes his wife's nightmare.

Sipper came to me one day while I was in the midst of a month-long short story challenge. A job on a far-away world is the answer to all of Tia's prayers until people start to die and she has to figure out why or join them.

What are readers saying about Dreams of Stars and Lies? 
“Davis shows us a new frontier of space discovery, but there is no rover facing the space dust. We are the guinea pigs, and that adventure is not for the meek."  
- Stellla Telleria author of Across TheWire

”Jean Davis speculates on a future that seems all too believable. Her stories will entertain, and they will make you think. Don't look in Dreams of Stars and Lies for easy solutions.”
- Joan H. Young author of Accidentally Yours

$9.99 print / $1.99 ebook. Want it free? Review any of my other books on Amazon, let me know when your review has posted, and I'll send you a free ebook of Dreams of Stars and Lies.

Where can you get a copy?
Dreams of Stars and Lies can be found in both print and ebook on Amazon and in ebook through Smashwords / Barnes & Noble / Kobo and more.

Jean Davis lives in West Michigan with her musical husband, two nerdy kids, and two attention-craving terriers. When not ruining fictional lives from the comfort of her writing chair, she can be found devouring books and sushi, enjoying the offerings of local breweries, weeding her flower garden, or picking up hundreds of sticks while attempting to avoid the abundant snake population who also shares her yard. You can find her at and on Facebook and Instagram @jeandavisauthor


  1. Interesting concept!
    Good luck and God's blessings with your book

  2. I love to read and and write short stories, and these sound so interesting. Best wishes for lots of sales!

  3. Congrats on your release! I enjoy short stories. I've written a few and have read MANY. Yours sound great. Very interesting.

  4. Congrats on your new release! Wishing you mega sales.

  5. Replies
    1. I hope others enjoy reading them as much I enjoyed writing them. :)


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