
Saturday, July 11, 2020

#WeWriWa ~ THE SPY: Ready For Liftoff #sfr

Each weekend, the Weekend Writing Warriors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

Sorry for missing last weekend. I'm sharing snippets from The Spy: An Outer Rim Novel. It's the 4th book in my series featuring strong women on the frontier of space.

Because this is a work in progress, suggestions are greatly appreciated. I've skipped a few paragraphs ahead. Genna left the Chellian driver at the restaurant and walked to spaceport. 

As soon as Genna entered the cockpit of Ian Tamerly’s luxury space yacht, she tossed the tote and wig on the empty copilot’s seat. She ran her fingers through her hair and massaged her scalp. Stars, she hated wigs. Space Flight Control informed her she was fifth in line to depart. Plenty of time for routine checks. Within mins, she verified the mech Ian had recommended to get her ship ready had been as diligent as he’d said.

Without a good recommendation, no way was she letting an imbecile touch the spacecraft she’d borrowed. While Ian hadn’t been concerned about his ship, Genna would rather not owe him more than borrowing. She knew he wanted their relationship to progress beyond friends. She wasn’t ready for that.

Here's a little more.

Ian Tamerly was handsome, rich, a powerful force in the Central District. Unfortunately, she wasn’t attracted to him. Not like she’d been with Laning Servary. Ian’s attraction gave her ego a boost after Servary had stomped on it. Damn that man. He’d spoiled her for all men.
But not for that Chellian driver. Somehow, he oozed sensuality. She didn’t like short men. They used their overinflated ego to make up for a lack of height, boasting and posturing like a turken rooster. Still, that man sent shivers through her when he touched or peered at her with his golden eyes. He was a man she could—
“TAM-247765, you are next in line for liftoff.”

Be sure to check out the other WeWriWa authors. Stay safe and have a great week!


  1. I love the way you deal with whats happening. Good job, my friend.

  2. I really like the way the control tower interrupted her thoughts! Reality. :-) Nicely done.

    Write faster, please. I am looking forward to this story!

  3. I hope thoughts of these men don't distract her too much during this mission. Though I have a feeling she'll see at least one of them again.

    1. Maybe she'll see all 3. LOL She's allowed a little daydreaming while waiting to leave. Or would she???

  4. I so enjoy being carried along in your scenes like a passenger. I can't wait for this adventure to begin . . . I'm certain with a surprise for her.

    1. Thanks, Nancy. Your encouragement means a lot.

  5. Should she be daydreaming right before takeoff?
    Neat backstory. Pity she didn't take to the owner of the luxury space yacht.

    1. No, she shouldn't be daydreaming. Yeah, Ian has everything--money, power; he's good looking and he's tall. What more could she want???

  6. Oh my, her thoughts are wandering in all directions, aren't they? Yeah, she's definitely got to get her head into the game as far as her actual mission goes! Enjoyed the snippet...

    1. Thanks, Veronica. You & the others convinced me to make a few changes here. She should be thinking about the mission right now.

  7. I'm sorry to see the garrulous drive go, though I'm sure he'll be back.

  8. Seems like she is also breaking hearts around the galaxy. I enjoyed following her wandering mind. Great job inserting reality into the daydreams!

  9. She's got a lot on her mind for sure. Hoping to see more of the driver!

  10. Enjoyed the post. She does seem all over the place. It probably isn't a good idea that she's daydreaming. :)

    1. You are right, Karen. She should pay attention to the job at hand. Yet, waiting in line is boring. lol

  11. "He was a man she could—" Tee-hee. I liked that!

  12. Ian gives the feel of being potential trouble, possibly in a good way. Even though he isn't in the scene. Nice!


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