
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

#30 Days of Gratitude - Day Eight: Job

 For several years I was a teacher of elementary school--full time or as a substitute. I enjoyed helping kids learn or how to learn. The best part was watching their eyes light up. "I found it." Those words were music to my ears. Unfortunately, not all kids wanted to learn. Or they never experienced that "Eureka!" moment. 

I always read aloud to my students, even the 6th graders (when that grade was elementary school). The Hobbit, A Wrinkle in Time. I hoped the kids looked for the next books in the series. If I did nothing more than helping kids enjoy reading, I consider it a success.

When our kids were young, I was fortunate to be a stay-at-home mom. But when Hubs' job was downsized or terminated, I was able to find temporary jobs--an inventory clerk for a flute store with a thriving mail order business (I once talked to James Galway <squeal>); data entry clerk for a Girl Scout council; an administrative assistant in an oil and gas exploration company. The last job lasted four years until I retired. All of those "temporary" jobs came about because of my computer skills. Those skills were developed by writing fiction. When I look back at the variety I'm grateful for the experiences.

Retirement has given me time to write, for which I am very grateful. 

 Here's info about the #30 Days of Gratitude.

Join in the fun! Here's the Form: 30 Days of Gratitude 2020 Blog Hop

Stop by Tara Tyler's blog to see who else is participating.


  1. Instilling a love of reading in kids must be one of the most rewarding job experiences you can have. I'm sure many of them still remember those lessons fondly.

    1. I hope so, Nick. Now, instilling tht love is a lot closer to home--my grandchildren. The older ones are avid readers. The younger 3 loved to be read to.

  2. I love this gratitude project! And knowing you, I just know you were a fabulous teacher. <3


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