
Monday, November 2, 2020

#30 Days of Gratitude - Day Seven: Pets

Over the years, we opened our home to three dogs, Whiskey, Bear, and Cody. I'm grateful for the joy those pets have brought into our lives.

Whiskey was my first dog. A boy in the 6th grade class I taught brought him in to school at lunchtime. His intent was to take the puppy around to the classrooms and tell the kids if they wanted a puppy, they had to bring a note from their parent. My friend (the one I wrote about on Friday, the one who texts) saw the puppy and said "That puppy is for Mrs. Burton." The janitor found a box and some old towels and the puppy stayed in my room for the rest of the day. By the way, all the puppies in the litter were named after alcohol.

When my husband came home from work, he said "I thought we were going to wait until school was out." We-ell, that was the plan. LOL I couldn't resist that cute, red dog.

Whiskey, we kept the name, lived with us for over 16 years. Our kids grew up with him. He was a great companion.

Our next dog was Bear, a black Lab mix. Stubborn and a runner. I wanted to name him Max but was outvoted.  When I started writing, he lay on my feet under my desk. When Hubs had to go out of town on business, Bear was a fierce defender. He lived with us for 15 years.

After 31 years of dogs, we decided that was enough. Then Son's friend had to give up one of his pets. Cody spent 2 years in the boys' college apartment, so Son knew Cody well and took her. After three years, circumstances necessitated he give up the dog, and we took her. What a well-behaved pet. She came when called. LOL She lived her last 4 years with us. I cried more for her when she was gone than I did for the other two dogs. 

So, will we get another pet? I've loved the freedom of being able to leave on vacation without having to make arrangements for the dog. Yet, I miss the companionship. Pets bring so much to our lives. That wagging tail and cheerful bark when I walked in the house always made me smile. I think another dog might be in our future.


  Here's info about the #30 Days of Gratitude.

Join in the fun! Here's the Form: 30 Days of Gratitude 2020 Blog Hop

Stop by Tara Tyler's blog to see who else is participating.



  1. I had a black lab growing up and absolutely loved that dog. Pets become family.

    1. They do, indeed. Big drawback with most dogs. They shed. LOL We found dog hair from Cody for years after she was gone.


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