
Wednesday, September 1, 2021

#IWSG: A Writer's Success


Happy Insecure Writer's Support Group Day. IWSG is the brainchild of Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Thanks, Alex, for starting this group and keeping it going. We are rockin' the neurotic writing world!

The awesome co-hosts for the September 1 posting of the IWSG are Rebecca Douglass, T. Powell Coltrin @Journaling Woman, Natalie Aguirre, Karen Lynn, and C. Lee McKenzie!

This month's question: How do you define success as a writer?

I think “success” is different for each writer, so I’m curious to read how others define it. For me, it was having my first book accepted for publication by a publisher recognized by Romance Writers of America. That was 20 years and 13 books ago. Since then, my success is defined by publishing a new book. Well, that hasn’t happened since March 2019, so I guess I’m not much of a success.

As regular readers of my blog, you know I’ve had other things on my mind besides writing. I’m happy to say the doctors have finally found a way to control Hubs’ hypercalcemia (too much calcium in the blood) that has been the cause of his weakness and subsequent falls plus confusion (what appeared to be dementia). His attitude, strength, and improved health seems like a miracle. Of course, every medication has its side effects, the old risk vs benefit. At this point, I’m so happy to have back the man I married almost 50 years ago.

Because my life isn’t totally overwhelmed with caregiving duties now, I’m starting to think about writing again. A couple of weeks ago, one of my Mid-Michigan RWA chaptermates, an IWSG member, and good friend, Nancy Gideon gave a program on writing a series. That started me thinking about writing a sequel to two of my published stories, Mission to New Earth and Rescuing Mara’s Father, both science fiction. Just thinking about a story is success for me now. Even better, I’ve started writing again. It’s slow going, but I’m actually writing.

Yay, success.

It's rare when IWSG Day and my turn at Paranormal Romantics are on the same day. Since my first book was published 20 years ago last week, I wrote about its Book Birthday. If you're interested in more about my 1st book, here's the link

Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.

Happy Writing!


  1. So glad things have turned around for your husband. So good that you are able to consider writing again and have ideas to pursue. Best wishes!

  2. I don't think you should say you're not a success just because you haven't been published since 2019. You met the goal you set for yourself a long time ago. That's awesome! So glad to hear that your husband is doing so much beeter.

    1. Thanks, Natalie. This past year has been a challenge. Getting back to writing is slow but sure--just like the tortoise.

  3. Yay!!! So much to celebrate - Hubby's improvement and thoughts turning to that next book I can't WAIT to read. Glad I could help in kickstarting your process. Get writing!

    1. Aye, aye, captain. Thanks so much for your encouragement, Nancy.

  4. Really glad your husband is doing to much better and you are writing again. Big bonus you got to hear Nancy teach!

    1. Thanks, Alex. Nancy has such a wealth of experience. So glad she's willing to share.

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  6. Hi Diane, over the years my definition of success has changed. Glad your husband is doing well.

    1. Thanks, Rachna. Yes, my definition has changed, too.

  7. Great to hear you're back on the writing track and that all is well with your husband. That is true success.

  8. Your husband is better and you are excited to write again. That is success.

  9. Even though you may not have published a book in a couple years, you're still a great success, Diane!! You were my role model for indie publishing, too, so that's another success. Glad hubby is doing better.

  10. I'm so glad you've received some relief for your husband and for you. Whew.
    And I think you are definitely a success!

  11. So glad to hear they finally figured out what is going on with your husband and how to manage it! Hooray! I look forward to reading whatever you come up with next.

    1. Thanks, Jean. Maybe I can get to the Holland Writers group again.

  12. I'm so glad your husband is feeling better. I've actually heard of that disorder. I hope your muse wakes up and welcomes you back. Congrats on the book birthday.

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  14. That's wonderful news about your husband, Diane! Yay for you that you're back to writing again! Wishing you many words!

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