
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

#IWSG: October 2021


Happy Insecure Writer's Support Group Day. IWSG is the brainchild of Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Thanks, Alex, for starting this group and keeping it going. We are rockin' the neurotic writing world!

The awesome co-hosts for the October 6 posting of the IWSG are Jemima Pett, J Lenni Dorner, Cathrina Constantine, Ronel Janse van Vuuren, and Mary Aalgaard!

This month's question:  In your writing, where do you draw the line, with either topics or language?

Violence, cruelty, despair. I want my readers to smile (or laugh) while reading my stories. Though there are suspenseful moments, the stories always have satisfying endings. There’s enough violence and sadness in real life. Does that mean I write escapist stories? Definitely. In my stories, as in real life, I rarely use the F-word. Sometimes, it feels necessary but not often.

In real life, I’m writing again. Little bits. I went to the first meeting of my local writers’ group since before covid. The critique of my WIP spurred me into delving into my MC’s motivation. Since this is the 4th book in a series, I didn’t think I needed to bother. Wrong! So, I’m grateful for the input.

Tomorrow, I’m participating in N.N. Light’s Cozy Mystery Bookish Event, highlighting The Case of the Bygone Brother, 1st in the Alex O’Hara mystery series. In honor of that event, Bygone Brother is on sale for 99 cents. BTW, there's a prize.


Alex O’Hara finally gets a case that will give her bottom line a much needed boost. She might even be able to change her diet from ramen noodles to prime rib. All she has to do is track down a man who’s been missing for over ten years. Piece of cake . . . until an old flame arrives and a mugger roughs her up with orders to back off. 

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Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.

Happy Writing!


  1. Hi Diane, I too want my readers to smile, perhaps mull over an issue I've written about, not despair and become sad.

    1. So right. And if the reader smiles, that's good, too.

  2. I can't write or read about cruelty--especially to animals. I only have to have hint that something bad is going to happen to a dog or a cat or...whatever, and I'm out of the story. We all need more laughter and many more smiles, so keep giving us those!

    1. Thanks, Lee. I heard that if a dog is on the cover, it will die in the book. That's a sure turnoff for me.

  3. Hi,
    I bet it was fun being among writers again. I hope you enjoyed it. All the best.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  4. Suspenseful moments with satisfying endings sounds like a good way to go.

    Ronel visiting for IWSG day as co-host The IWSG Goodreads Book Club

  5. Yay for bookish events!
    And yes, satisfying endings are always good.
    Glad you are writing again. :)

  6. Ooh this sounds like a fun read. Glad to hear you're writing again. It sounds like you've dived back into the writers' world. Good on you:)

    1. Thanks, Sandra. It feels good to be writing again.

  7. So glad your back with us and writing again. We've missed you!

  8. I love that you had to revisit your MC's motivation 4 books in. Mine had an easy time of it in the first two books, now they are wondering 'what next?' in their lives. So I've given them something to worry about lol.
    Happy IWSG Day, Diane!

    1. I did that, too, Jemima. But the motivation had to do with a detail I hadn't thought about.

  9. So glad you're writing again and that your critque group helped you get going. Good luck with your author event tomorrow.

  10. It's so good to hear you're writing again. Us writers need to write otherwise we go a little strange... I'm living proof ;)

  11. LOL, Lynda. A little strange, huh? Yeppers. Now I know what's been the matter with me.

  12. Getting humor out there is the way to be indeed. Enough dread, as you say, out there already.

  13. I also write escapist stories. I can't write tragedies. Too much of that in real life all around me.

  14. I would argue that nearly all writing involves some kind of escapism. The point is to be taken out of your own world/problems for a bit. Even serious work that goes to dark places is still escape from actual reality.

    1. Absolutely. Just like "Calgon, take me away." LOL

  15. Hi Diane,

    Yes, certain "expressive" words do have their place when needed. Glad you on book four! Feels good to get back in the swing of things, doesn't it? I hope it all goes smoothly for you!

  16. Glad your group is meeting again. Good luck with the event!

    1. Thanks, Alex. The group has been meeting since last fall. I'm the one not attending--afraid to leave Hubs alone for fear he'd fall.

  17. That's awesome that your writers' group was able to get back together and you got some good input from it!

    1. Thanks, Sarah. As I mentioned above, they've been meeting and I've been AWOL.

  18. I always go for the satisfying ending.

    1. I don't want to be left hanging or depressed at the end of the book. I've had to read to many of those in my local book group. No fun.

  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Glad to hear you are writing.
    Hope your event goes well and hope you get lots of downloads.

  20. Great news about getting your words down and back to the group. So happy for you. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  21. Good news about the writing happening, and the group. And I'm another cosy writer, so I, too, avoid sex, violence, and strong language. And absolutely agree about there being enough grim despair out there. Escapist lit is a service to humanity!

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  23. Yay for an event for your book! Hope it was great :-)


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