
Wednesday, November 3, 2021

#IWSG: Blurbs or Titles

 Happy Insecure Writer's Support Group Day. IWSG is the brainchild of Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Thanks, Alex, for starting this group and keeping it going. We are rockin' the neurotic writing world!

The awesome co-hosts for the November 3 posting of the IWSG are Kim Lajevardi, Victoria Marie Lees, Joylene Nowell Butler, Erika Beebe, and Lee Lowery! 

Because many of you are participating in NaNoWriMo, my post today is shorter than normal. My attitude toward writing is improving. Last month, Jean Davis and I had a booth at Fandom Fest in sw Michigan. My 1st book event this year. I had a great time. This Saturday, we're doing a craft & vendor show near Grand Rapids. After a year and a half, I'm finally getting back in the groove.

This month's question: What's harder to do, coming up with your book title or writing the blurb?

Normally, I'd say the blurb, but not with my current cozy mystery, 4th in the Alex O'Hara PI mystery series. Each title contains alliteration: The Case of the Bygone Brother, The Case of the Fabulous Fiancé, The Case of the Meddling Mama. Those titles were fairly easy to come up with. Not for the 4th. During the main characters' wedding, the groom is arrested. The Case of the Wrecked Wedding is the best I can do, so far. I'm still working on it.

Last month, our founder Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh released a new novel, Dragon of the Stars. Alex writes fantastic science fiction, so I had to get it. If you like an exciting, page-turning adventure, you have to read this book. Excellent world building and an arrogant, self-absorbed main character I wanted to slap . . . at first. LOL Boy, does he change. Treat yourself to a great read and get Alex's book. (Or ask Santa for it.) You can find Dragon of the Stars on Amazon

Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.

Happy Writing!


  1. Glad you're enjoying your in-person events. I like the title you came up with for your fourth book. I struggle with titles too.

    1. Thanks, Natalie. I'm looking forward to the 2 events I'll do in November. I guess 3 is better than none. I miss talking to readers.

  2. Yay!! A new Alex in the works!! Can't wait. Wrecked works for me.

    1. Thanks, Nancy. That poor story has been in the works for over a year. (sigh) I think it had to simmer.

  3. Hi,
    I have Alex's book on my TBR list. I don't usually have a problem with titles but blurbs have me having nightmares.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. Blurbs are really hard. Condensing a 300-400 page book into a couple of paragraphs? Yikes!

  4. So glad you enjoyed it! Hope you'll jump in on the IWSG Goodreads discussion.
    Titles are tough for me.

    1. Glad you mentioned the Goodreads discussion. Blurbs drive me crazy. I loved your Cassa books. Great having the same word in each title.

  5. The Case of the Nixed Nuptials... Cancelled Ceremony...Gaoled Groom...Busted Bridegroom....Handcuffed Husband-to-be

    Good luck!

  6. The Case of the Disastrous Wedding. The Case of the UpsideDown Wedding. The Case of the ... you're right, Diane. It's not easy to come up with something stellar. Best of luck with that.

  7. It's great to hear that people are out and doing public events again. I'm hoping we can in December.

    Thanks for featuring Alex's new book. It's next up on my reading list.

    1. We all had to wear masks. I got a new appreciation for those in the medical field, etc. who have to wear masks all day. Not comfortable at all. But better to be safe. I really enjoyed Alex's book. I'll bet you will, too.

    2. My poor dentist said she developed a rash across her cheeks. I really hope we can unmask soon. I'm off to get my booster at the end of this month!

  8. Love the titles of your cosy mysteries.

  9. Maybe the Case of the Wedding Wrecker since the others were also a person?

    I'm delighted you liked Alex's book.

    1. Oh, Diane, that is such a good title. No wonder you're a publisher. (big grin)

  10. Congrats, Alex. Nice to know you're getting back into things and having a blast, Diane. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Thanks, Anna. I'm looking forward to the event on Saturday.

  11. Yay on Alex's release. Good luck with the title and you've got an honorable mention at my place, Diane:)

    1. Thanks so much for featuring The Case of the Bygone Brother on your blog. Wow.

  12. I like that title and the way you connect them all. Let me know when you have your release day so I can give you a shout.

  13. I like your title so far, but wayward came to mind as I was reading it. The Case of the Wayward Wedding could be good depending on the book. *shoulder shrug*

  14. I love Kim's suggestion. "Wayward Wedding" sounds excellent.

  15. Congrats on Alex's new release! His titles are always awesome.

    I do much better with titles than blurbs. Good luck with your next title - it will come to you!

    1. Thanks, Lee. So many good title suggestions here.

  16. I like The Case of The Wrecked Wedding;)

  17. Glad to hear that you're getting out and doing events again. I know, it get's tiring staying at or too close to home all the time. I hope you come up with a title that's more satisfying for you. But "The Case of the Wrecked Wedding" doesn't sound bad. Have you thought about "The Case of the Wicked Wedding"? A groom's arrest at his own wedding can be a really wicked thing, at least to the groom if no one else.

    1. Thanks, Steve. It's been good to talk to readers again and just being out.

  18. Glad your event went well.
    Titles and blurbs can be equally difficult for me, but it's all part of the writing process.
    Dragon of the Stars was an IWSG Book Club spotlight book last month. I enjoyed it.

    1. I'm sorry I missed the discussion of Alex's book.

  19. It's nice to know that others give things temporary titles. A title will come to us, right? Like magic? hahaha

    Thank you for hosting!

    1. Yeah, temp titles are good place holders until the right one hits us.

  20. Titles can be hard to nail sometimes.
    Great review of Alex's book :)

  21. Congratulations to Alex! Titles can definitely be tricky. So can blurbs. At least in my world. Good luck coming up with a title for the current book.

  22. Great titles. Maybe something about Wedding Woes?

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  26. Those are fun titles. Smart idea so readers can recognise books in that series.

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