
Saturday, January 29, 2022

#WeWriWa ~ The Case of the Wedding Wrecker: Let Us Begin


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, where writers share snippets from their work-in-progress or new release. Thanks to everyone who stopped by last week. I really appreciate your support. I'm sorry I didn't get around to everyone. I'll do double duty this week and catch up.

I'm sharing snippets from the 4th Alex O'Hara cozy mystery, The Case of the Wedding Wrecker. This follows immediately after last week's snippet.


Jim Matthews, Dottie’s husband, stood next to Nick, his best man. Todd Garven, the teen we’d rescued from an abusive stepfather, stood next to Jim. I’d never seen Todd so thrilled and proud. I’d been surprised that Nick hadn’t chosen one of his agency friends to be in the wedding party. He’d assured me that he’d chosen the right men for the job.

Before Pop handed me over, he kissed me on the cheek and whispered, “Your mother would’ve loved to see you like this.”

My heart clutched wishing cancer hadn’t taken her from us. “She’s watching, Daddy. I know she is.”

And a little more: 

Then Nick raised my veil, a quaint custom, one that was so touching. He clasped my hand, his warm and steady, just like him. How did I get so lucky? The love shining out of the brown depths of his eyes filled me with love, joy, happiness.

“Are you okay?” he whispered.

As I blinked back tears, I grinned. “I’m ready.”

Father Jack, whom I’d known since high school, said, “Good. Let us begin . . .” He began the traditional mass.

Nick and I stood and knelt along with the congregation at the appropriate times. Instead of the usual sermon, Father Jack talked about us, how he remembered us from religion classes and youth group in high school. Nick squeezed my hand when Jack charged us to love each other—no problem there—to take care of each other—again, no problem—through good times and bad. We’d had a few of those, already. But I was in for this for the long haul. No bailing when things got rough. I knew Nick was, too. He’d said it enough and showed by his actions how much he loved me.

Be sure to check out the other WeWriWa authors. Stay safe and have a great week.


  1. What a great scene with those they've helped or grow up with there to share in the happiness. What could go wrong . . .?

  2. A truly beautiful scene. I keep bracing myself for something to go awry, but until then, I'll enjoy the ceremony... :D

  3. Another very sweet excerpt! Loving this far. Still thinking something will go wrong at some point...

  4. Such a sweet moment! Lol, on the edge of my seat waiting to see what goes wrong.

  5. Given the title, you're really racking up the tension here wondering exactly how things will go wrong!

  6. Everything is still going so smoothly, but like the others, with the title, I worry what's going to happen next! I'm on the edge of my seat!

  7. Love this excerpt. This is what true romance looks like.

  8. This seems like the perfect wedding (except for her mom's absence). So why am I so on edge? Great way to ramp up the tension, Diane! Tweeted.

  9. Beautiful scene - but I have a feeling there is more to come.


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