
Thursday, February 17, 2022

Guest: Nancy Gideon ~ You've Got a Friend in Me! 99₵ Sale @NancyGideon

I had to laugh when I saw the title of Nancy's post. Last Saturday, the boys (4 yo twins) and I watched the original Toy Story. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed that movie, especially Randy Newman's song, "You've Got a Friend in Me." Nancy Gideon & I are long-time friends. We met when I joined Mid-Michigan RWA back in the early 1990s. We both lived in the Kalamazoo area at the time and often rode together to meetings. Since then, we each moved away, but our friendship has endured, cheering each other's successes, commiserating together, and kicking each other's butt (mainly her kicking me) to keep writing. (BTW, I wrote the above before reading Nancy's post. I'm thrilled at her words.)

You’ve Got A Friend in Me! And I’ve Got a Sale for You!

Thanks, Di, for letting me invade your blog again to shout to all within print reach that I have a book on sale!

For those who don’t know, Diane and I have known each other for decades (we started writing when we were children!). She often credits me with giving her the push to publish. I say she was well on her way but needed a well-meaning shove (her books are TOO good not to get into reader hands!). She’s been with me through the majority of my career, listening to my woes, sharing my highs, and digging me out of my lows. She’s a Writer Friend. Everyone should be so lucky. Writing is hard. Writing is solitary work. Writing makes you doubt yourself, your goals, your talent, and sometimes your sanity. Every writer needs that someone standing outside their circle of Woe Is Me to slap some sense back into them. I’m not saying Di actually smacked me, but she did, I probably deserved it!

When we writers put someone in our Writer Friend Zone, we expect a lot from them. They’re always eager to read our rough drafts (even when they don’t have time and never read in your genre) and will kindly tell you if it stinks. They encourage you when you get rejections. They cheerlead you through that sprint to finish your W-I-P when you think it all looks like dreck and want to quit. They’re hungry to get their hands on your next chapter. They aren’t afraid to tell you when you can do better, reach higher, to stop whining and just write it down. And they say it with a smile.

I remember when she cornered me out in the hallway during a break at one of our Mid-Michigan Romance Writers of America meetings to give me the best compliment ever by telling me she’d bought one of my vampire romances even though she’d never read paranormal and really never wanted to. But she bought it because I wrote it and she wanted me to sign it . . . and then she read it, and loved it! No author ever gets tired of hearing that, but the biggest compliment was opening up a whole new realm of reading matter to an avid writer . . . who now writes fantastic Sci-Fi romance!

Words matter. Her compliment made me walk on air. Her assurances fueled my confidence. And when she struggled, I couldn’t wait to reciprocate. Because that’s what Writer Friends do. Others can pat you on the back and pretend to commiserate, but only someone who has crawled through the mucky trenches of self-doubt that they’ll ever finish a book or publish a book or have someone other than family buy their book can really understand this quirky profession we chose. And their faith is manna from Heaven, each and every time.

Writers share openly and eagerly -  of their time, their talent, their contacts, and their heartaches. And that’s what keeps us going, whether we be working on that first attempt or our fiftieth. Someone is counting on us, someone who has walked the walk, someone who believes that the reason we write is because we can’t NOT write. Thank goodness for those someones!!

So when Diane invited me to visit to hype my book being on sale, I was thrilled to grab the chance to say “Hey, buy my book!” And also thrilled to say, “Buy my friend’s books, too!!”

Amazon link:

Nancy Gideon
is the award-winning bestseller of over 70 romances ranging from historical, Regency, and series contemporary suspense to dark paranormal and horror, with a couple of produced screenplays and non-fiction writing books tossed into the mix. 

Newly retired from 20 years as a legal assistant, she feeds a Netflix addiction along with all things fur, fin, and fowl, and dotes on her grandguy. She’s also written under the pseudonyms Dana Ransom, Rosalyn West, and Lauren Giddings.

Nancy Gideon on the Web:

Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Goodreads | Amazon

Goodreads “Nancy Gideon by Moonlight” group


  1. That is really awesome you have been friends for that long. Rode together to meetings - very cool!

    1. Great way to brainstorm. Plus, it makes the trip go faster.

    2. Lots of books got plotted during those back and forths!

  2. Writer friends are the best! Thanks for sharing the sale - I got my copy!

  3. Awe, I love this post! You two ladies are such amazing writers--and even better--amazing friends!

    And--I did buy your book. :-) ANd I can hardly wait for Diane to finish her Alex O'Hara WIP.

    1. Thanks, Teresa. I'm sure you'll enjoy Nancy's book. Great sale.


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