
Saturday, February 19, 2022

#WeWriWa ~ The Case of the Wedding Wrecker: Wait For Me

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, where writers share snippets from their work-in-progress or new release. Thanks to everyone who stopped by last week. I really appreciate your support. 

I'm sharing snippets from the 4th Alex O'Hara cozy mystery, The Case of the Wedding Wrecker. This follows immediately after last week's snippet. Police deputy Dawson (aka Deputy Dawg, Alex's nemesis since 2nd grade) interrupted the wedding ceremony by arresting Nick for the murder Mike Amerson, Todd's stepfather.


Chief Hoesen grabbed the deputy’s arm. “You idiot. You should’ve made sure the boy heard first.”


“We will sort this out at the station.” The chief looked at all of us crowded in front of the altar and gave us an apologetic shrug.

As Deputy Dawson led my bridegroom away, in cuffs, Tony and Maria hustled right behind them.

Dottie’s little girl tore away from her grandmother. Sobbing, Emmy dodged legs, shoving me aside, as she tried to get to her mother. The boys, apparently thinking their sister had the right idea, charged the altar.


And a little more:  

When the best man moved to take care of his family, Todd stood frozen, his face pale. Poor kid. I grabbed his hand.

“Let’s go," I said. “Pop, take care of things here.”

Clinging to Todd, our sort-of adopted teen, I hitched up my gown and dashed after Nick and the others.

“M-Mike is dead?” The kid appeared stunned. I couldn’t blame him. “Mr. Nick killed him?”

“He couldn’t have. I’m sure there’s some mistake.”

As we bolted down the aisle, I heard Pop talking. “Listen, folks, there has to be an explanation. Why don’t you all head on over to the Grand Hotel for the reception? No need to waste all that food. Jim, Dottie, take over.”

Outside, I spied the limo in the parking lot off to the side of the church. “C’mon, Todd.”

With my skirt hiked up to my knees, I clutched Todd’s hand and raced down the steps. Sure enough, I tripped on the last step. Todd saved me from a face plant. We were halfway to the limo when Pop came running out of the church, heavily panting.

The driver hopped out of the car. “That was fast. This is your groom? Kinda young, isn’t he?”

Todd jerked open the back door of the limo before the driver could come around.

I gathered my skirt and tried to enter the car. I hollered at Todd to help me. After shoving yards of satin—damn train—off the seat, he clambered in beside me.

“Wait for me,” Pop yelled.


Be sure to check out the other WeWriWa authors. Stay safe and have a great week.


  1. LOL - The vision of trying to get all that dress into the limo - love it.

  2. Wow, what a disaster! Even the arrest. But through it all, Alex has maintained her composure and seems very determined to get the full story. Great snippet!

    1. Sort of. Disaster is right. I guess I haven't shared her feelings of confusion and anger, despite her determination.

  3. Definitely a wedding day to remember! And this must be a very awkward limo ride. Great snippet! Tweeted.

  4. THAT is definitely one wrecked wedding!

    I had to smile at the limo driver's comment about Todd's age.

    No pressure, Diane, but write faster! lol

  5. This is all SO dramatic - wow! Really enjoying the story and this was another terrific snippet.

  6. Ha. Even I could feel her struggling in the dress... whew!!

  7. That's what I'd call dramatic! Poor girl.


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