
Monday, February 28, 2022

Monday Morning Musing: War, Sister Boniface, and Winter Doldrums

 Sorry this is late. No internet service.

The Ukraine is on the minds of many people this week. Is this a prelude to more invasions? Who will stop Putin from doing this again with another country?

It seems like all my life there’s been a war somewhere. I was born during World War II. During my childhood, the Korean War raged as did the Cold War. Then Vietnam, the Gulf Wars, and Afghanistan. I probably left out some. Somebody is always fighting someone somewhere. Some bully wants more than he’s entitled to. Laws and boundaries are for other people, not the bullies.

Why can’t we all just get along? I guess I’m naïve to think so.

Last week, I wrote about my husband’s birthday. Thank you all for your good wishes, here and on Facebook. A modest man, he was surprised and overwhelmed by the many birthday wishes.

Have you watched Sister Boniface? It’s a spinoff of Father Brown, the 1950s priest who solves murder mysteries in a small English town. Sister Boniface, a moped-riding, forensic specialist nun, does the same in the 1960s. I’ve been trying to figure out why it isn’t as entertaining as Father Brown. I think it’s the lack of humor. It tries, but Sister Boniface doesn’t have a Mrs. McCarthy or a Lady Felicia for comic relief. Still, I’ll keep watching to see if it improves.

Winter doldrums. We had a lovely break in the weather a week ago. Here in west Michigan, we actually got up into the 50s, a heatwave. 😊 The usual February thaw. We’re back in the deep freeze again with winds strong enough to send the windchill below zero. Another month or less (I can hope) and spring will be here. I can’t wait until I can open the windows and let in the fresh air.

Tomorrow, I’ll be over at Paranormal Romantics for my monthly post. Dr. Seuss’s Birthday.

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