
Wednesday, March 2, 2022

#IWSG: March 2022

Happy Insecure Writer's Support Group Day. IWSG is the brainchild of Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Thanks, Alex, for starting this group and keeping it going. We are rockin' the neurotic writing world!

The awesome co-hosts for the March 2 posting of the IWSG are Janet Alcorn, Pat Garcia, Natalie Aguirre, and Shannon Lawrence!

This month's optional question: Have you ever been conflicted about writing a story or adding a scene to a story? How did you decide to write it or not?

I can't think of an answer to this month's question. Sure glad the question is optional.

Have I ever mentioned I intensely dislike February? In Michigan, it's the month of gloom. Gray skies. Piles of dirty snow. What does that have to do with writing? During gloomy February, I'd rather read than write. 

I participate in a weekly blog hop, Weekend Writing Warriors, where I'm sharing a snippet from a WIP. That's the only reason I've made progress on The Case of the Wedding Wrecker. I'm disappointed in myself.

One of my goals this year was to blog more. I have done that. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and commented. 

In January, I was full of energy. I wanted to finish Wedding Wrecker and release it in the spring. I have another full-length novel almost finished that I want to release this year plus a partially-finished novella. At the rate I'm going, I won't have anything out this year. I can't do that. I haven't had a new release since 2019. Granted, I had a few things going on in my life, besides covid, in those two years. Right now, life is good. Where is my writing buddy to kick my butt?

I feel guilty for complaining, considering what's going on in the Ukraine. My heart and prayers go out to those people and everyone who has a connection to that besieged country.

This is a new month. New goals. Plus, the sun was out today. That's always a good sign.

I hope you're doing better than I am. 

Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.


  1. I live in Michigan too and am glad February is over and there's more sun. Hopefully, warm weather will follow.

    I know it must be disappointing not to meet your goals, but you're almost there. Even if you don't publish as quickly as you like, you have two manuscripts almost ready to go. I'm still finishing my first draft.

  2. Hopefully the sun will come out, melt that dirty snow, and reinvigorate you!

  3. You can always reset those goals. Let the writers here keep you accountable.

  4. Did someone call for a butt-kicking buddy!? Here I am! First, give yourself a pass on the past year or two. All of us were off the rails during all the uncertainties. Now's the time to reestablish what you want to write (and I want to read!)and just do it. Find that path/time of least resistence and think of it as doing something for yourself instead of something you have to do. Because I need that next book!!

    1. I knew you would recognize yourself, buddy. LOL "off the rails" is a great description of the past couple of years. Thanks for the encouragement.

  5. January was a bit slow month for me but I'm making up for lost time now.

  6. Oh, Diane! Knowing there is work to be done in the wings is good. It will nag at you until you finally break down and do it. Trust me. It's not going anywhere. hehehe

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  7. While I'd like to experience some winter, I don't think I could go through one in Michigan. Here's to spring and to the end of Putin's insanity.

    1. I think it's what you get used to. I've lived in Michigan most of my life, so it is what it is. I agree about seeing an end to that insanity.

  8. Thankfully February is gone now! I don't like it, but January is worse for me. Dark and cold and so much more of the same ahead.

    1. I agree, Liza. So depressing. But spring is coming!

  9. You have my sympathy. I struggled in February too. Couldn't seem to get motivated, kept getting distracted, got discouraged... ugh. Let's hope March is better for both of us!

  10. I would've hated February too, except it is my birthday month. I hate it anyway. Every year in February, I have to add one more year to my age. :(
    Don't despair about your writing/publishing thing. Everything comes in its own time.

    1. Thanks, Olga. My husband's birthday is in Feb, too. And it's usually around the "February Thaw"--that special time when the sun is out and it warms up. Unfortunately, it doesn't last. Just a tease. Happy belated birthday!

  11. Hi,
    You know what you need to do, so you're half-way to getting started. Like Olga said, there's a time and season for everything, so relax.
    Shalom aleichem

    1. Thanks, Pat. I know you're both right. It's good to hear it again.

  12. My last solo release was in 2019, too, well, up until this week. Like you, I had trouble with this question, spending 3 days writing and rewriting my blog. First year in a long time, I'm ready for a full-on spring. Enjoy the sun!

  13. I hear ya'! February in MI is a long month, and yet the shortest month of the year!! Spring is coming and I bet when the birds start singing, you'll be inspired to focus on ONE book and finish it!! You can do it. If you want me to nag you about getting the book done, I'd be happy to do so!!!

  14. Hi Diane. You don't have to go at a frenetic pace all the time. Relax. Chill. You'll get there when you need to. Reading is great to get those fires burning again. I read a hideous number of books. It's my dirty secret.

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind words. The February gloom can be harsh. It is a good month to read. I'm glad you were able to do some writing and blogging. I'm writing slow but am happy with any progress I can make. I'll be rooting for you to finish something for publication sooner rather than later or when you feel it's ready to be released into the world.

  16. One writing buddy to get after you to finish something, coming right up. :D But really though, with all you've had going on, celebrate that you're at least back to writing and feel good about that accomplishment. Aim for finishing something this year and maybe release it next year when things are hopefully a little more settled.

  17. I feel you on the weather. Scotland is highly unpredictable this time of year with snow one day and glorious sunshine the next (or even the same day). Hope you have more sun. It sounds like you're doing well with your writing projects, so don't beat yourself up about having to release something this year - that pressure can be counterproductive sometimes. You'll be ready when you're ready.


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