
Friday, March 4, 2022

My Favorite: Quote


If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There's no way around these two things that I'm aware of, no shortcut.” ~
Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

I've read many quotes about being a writer. The above is one I can heartily agree with. Some writers say they don't have time to read. Granted, writers with full-time jobs, families, a life are limited on time. But, if you don't read, how do you grow? How do you recognize the common tropes in your genre? The language?

I read for pleasure before I go to sleep. Many different genres, even some I won't ever write (like military thrillers). During the day, I read for business--social media, how-to articles, the business of being a writer. In between, I read for my book group. That's where my reading interest is really stretched. We read biographies, historical pieces, poetry, a lot of nonfiction.

The second part of King's quote seems simple. If you're a writer, you write. I write blog posts, responses to Facebook posts, promotional tweets. Those are easy. Writing on my current work-in-progress is not.

I hit a wall. I know I have to get past it. Or write around it. Or delete the scenes and start over. 


(That was me, tearing out what little hair I have.)

I know that once I get going I'll be on a roll. What's keeping me from doing just that? Good question. Fear? Procrastination? Laziness? A little of all three.

So, it's back to more advice: BICHOK (butt in chair, hands on keyboard)


  1. I enjoyed your fun post. I love that quote. Yes, reading other books inspires my writing. And I do read a light book before bed. Heavy reading during the day! Yes,why is it I am finding all kinds of housework chores to do instead of writing??? Procrastination. I agree with your advice--BICHOK!

    1. Thanks, Janet. I can't read dark or heavy stuff before bed. Guaranteed to give me nightmares. I know all about procrastination.

  2. Good advice! Whenever I'm asked to give advice to aspiring authors, I say write and/or read every day. Writing every day is unattainable some days. But, even if my kids are extra needy, I can always find time to read a chapter of a good book. It keeps my head in the game.

    1. When my grandkids are around, I can't write. I do read to them, though. I find their books intriguing, too.


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