
Sunday, July 10, 2022

#WeWriWa ~ The Case of the Wedding Wrecker: Beach Pooper Scooper


Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, where writers share snippets from their work-in-progress or new release. Thanks to everyone who commented last week.

Sorry, sorry, sorry for being late to post. I think my brain disconnected yesterday. Either that or I forgot. Nah. How could I forget?

I'm sharing snippets from the 4th Alex O'Hara cozy mystery, The Case of the Wedding Wrecker. This snippet picks up where we left off last week.

Hans, the lawyer, (and his father Pieter) with Alex, her dad, and Nick's parents at are crowded into an interview room at the police station. 

BTW, since this is a work in progress, suggestions are always welcome.


“Okay, folks,” Hans said. “I know you have many questions. Apparently, the officer jumped the gun. He should’ve brought Nick in for questioning, not gone straight to an arrest. Chief Hoesen is dealing with that.”

“That jerk will be lucky if he’s assigned to pooper scooping on the beach,” Pop said.

“He’ll be lucky if he has a job,” Tony added. “So, what happens now?”

“Chief Hoesen tried to question Nick. He had the good sense to wait for me, or my dad, to be present.” Hans glanced over at Pieter who nodded.

 And a little more:  

“When can I see Nick?” I needed to ask him about the threats.

“Not until the chief says. He’ll want to talk to each of you first.”

“Us?” I exclaimed. “Why?”

“I imagine,” Tony said, “Dan will want to verify what Nick told him.”

Hans nodded. “It’s best that you not talk amongst yourself. Dad?”

“I will caution them.” Pieter’s words came out slowly, as if he had difficulty speaking. That stroke must really be affecting him.

“About . . .” I raised my eyebrow.

“About anything regarding Nick,” Hans answered. “I can be present during the interviews, although it won’t be necessary to have a lawyer present because you haven’t been charged.”

What else was there to talk about?

We sat in silence.

Be sure to check out the other WeWriWa authors. Stay safe and have a great weekend.


  1. Scooping poop is too good of a job for Deputy Dawg!

    You're building a great mystery. So many things don't add up, and it has Alex's mind spinning --along with mine. :-)

  2. I would hate being in either of these situations, either as the arresting officer threatened with demotion to pooper scooper, or as the suspect of dirty doings!

  3. Interesting developments on all sides! Great snippet...

  4. A definite conversation stopper. What else can they talk about? The weather?

  5. Curious snippet that makes me want to know more.

  6. I am new to this series, just caught up and now I'm very curious :D Great snippet!


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