
Wednesday, July 6, 2022

#IWSG: World of the Outer Rim

Happy Insecure Writer's Support Group Day. IWSG is the brainchild of Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Thanks, Alex, for starting this group and keeping it going. We are rockin' the neurotic writing world!

The awesome co-hosts for the July 6 posting of the IWSG are J Lenni Dorner, Janet Alcorn, PJ Colando, Jenni Enzor, and Diane Burton! Me? Wow. I love being called awesome.

June was a terrific month. Thank you to everyone who gave me so much support last time. That's what this group is all about, supporting each other, encouraging those who are having a tough time (like me) and celebrating with those who succeed. 

I'm back on the arts & crafts/vendor show circuit. Thanks to some wonderful readers at the White Lake Area Arts & Crafts Festival in Whitehall, MI and at the Lakeshore Arts Festival in Muskegon, I am so pumped about my writing again. Some readers bought books, others said how much they enjoyed my books, and others stopped by to see my tablemate's chicken. Yep, Jean Davis (one of our own IWSG'ers) brings her tame chicken to the shows. That's one way to get people to stop and talk books.

After each weekend, I was exhausted yet energized about my writing. That's a feeling I haven't had in months. I attribute it to the shows, but also to you for your support. Thank you so much.

July 6 question - If you could live in any book world, which one would you choose?

That's easy. I would choose the world in my Outer Rim series, three (almost four) sci-fi adventures. I'd hang out with Celara, Jileena, Rissa, and Genna, strong women on the frontier of space. I admire these fems who carved out their place in a world as harsh and violent as the Wild West of the 1800's United States. Best of all, I'd get to pilot a starship, drive a speeder, and meet the handsome guys who are strong enough to love those enterprising women. 

Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.


  1. Picking a world we create ourselves is the best, isn't it?
    For the IWSG July prompt asking which book world I would live in, I narrowed it down to three choices.
    One is a short-story I published. One is from a popular series. And one is better known from television, but there are books. It's all on my blog.
    Today's Google Doodle This is a tribute to Charlie Hill of the Oneida Nation, the first Native American stand-up comedian to be on a nationally broadcast television show.
    Over at Operation Awesome, our Pass or Pages query contest is open this week with July's family saga genre. Know any writers who might want to enter?

    1. It's great to be able to pick that world we'd like to live in. The magic of fiction. Thanks for cohosting.

  2. Glad the shows have helped lift your spirits and writing.
    Thanks for co-hosting today.

    1. Thanks, Alex. Those spirits really needed the lift.

  3. So glad you had such a good month in June and are inspired to write.

  4. Hi, I am happy to know that your road trips with your books went very well and that you came back pumped up. I loved your Outer Rim series and the female characters. Thank you for co-hosting.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. Thanks, Pat. I sure needed that pumpin up in spirits.

  5. You make a good case for it but, nope, not for me! Though less gravitation pull might be good for these old knees . . .

    1. LOL, Nancy. I can guess you'd love to live in New Orleans with your shifters and vamps. Yep, less gravity might help the joints.

  6. How wonderful that you had such a good month. Love the chicken partner. It demonstrates a depth of imagination that you could consider living in your own book world. Thank you for co-hosting IWSG this month.

    1. I love the worlds I create, esp. the ones in space. I'm such a fan--Star Wars, Star Trek, etc. I want to fly that starship, but I want to come home, too.

  7. Even though you're exhausted, it sounds like a successful June. I need someone to relight my writing flame...LOL. Thank you for co-hosting, Diane!

    1. Do you need a match or a blowtorch, Cathrina? LOL I'll provide both. I did book events through 2019 and never felt like I did after 2 weekends at these events. Something just clicked.

  8. Welcome back! I feel your energy and sense of well being. Our IWSG members offer the most unique and best support ever. Thanks for co-hosting.

    1. This group has kept me going when I felt like hanging it all up. Thanks for your support, too.

  9. Your Outer Rim series sounds cool! Strong women going on space adventures is totally my jam.

    Glad the festival went well and that you're pumped up for more writing. I haven't done anything like that yet, and I often worry that it would be way too draining. You've given me some hope that that might not be the case.

    1. Sitting for 8-10 hours is very tiring. But the energy from the crowds is worth it. I was hesitant, at first, until my friend Jean Davis talked me into it. Not being alone helps.

  10. I'm happy for you! And I love the idea of a chicken at a book fair. Clever!
    Thanks for co-hosting.

    1. It was so much fun watching kids and grown adults wanting to pet the chicken. LOL It would've been better if all those petters and picture takers had bought books, too.

  11. Sci-fi isn't really my cup of Aldeberan Whiskey, but it must be fun to create your own world from the ground (or space ship) up! Thanks for co-hosting!

    1. That is the best part, creating my own world. As I tell readers who don't like sci-fi, my sisters don't either. We all have a good laugh. It isn't for everyone.

  12. How great that you're energized about writing! Keep it up. And keep up the great jobs you do when you co-host.

    1. Thanks, Lee. I love cohosting because I get to meet so many new people.

  13. I love that you feel as I do--you choose your own fictional worlds. The little bit you said--strong women carving out a world--that appeals to me, too.

    1. Sitting at the bar at Rissa's place and chatting with the other women, I'd like to know how they survive in such a wild and (sometimes) lawless place. I want to hear their stories, the ones I don't know about.

  14. The sci-fi world is full of grand adventures. When I was a kid, I fantasized about living on the Starship Enterprise!

    1. You and me both. LOL I'm watching Star Trek TOS, again. With Strange New Worlds imitating some of the original storylines, I need a refresher.

  15. I agree, Diane. Hanging out with strong women is a plus on so many levels. Huge congratulations on all your books.

  16. Glad to hear you're back into the swing of things on the writing and book front! I need to get myself working a bit harder in that direction, too. And piloting a spaceship would be great!

  17. I'm so glad you love your world. It makes it so much easier to live and write about it, doesn't it? And, it sounds like the kind of place I'd enjoy as well.

  18. Outer Rim series sounds super amazing :)

  19. Hi. Thanks for co-hosting. Your series sounds compelling with some awesome women characters.

  20. And as a bonus, you know all about Laya the chicken and can probably recite all my standard answers in your sleep. LOL

    Glad you found the events energizing. They can wear you out physically, but yes, the energy from talking to readers is a great tradeoff!

  21. Arts and craft shows are fun. Most of the ones around here won't allow books though.

  22. Piloting a space ship would be so much fun! I always love strong women in a frontier setting - space, wild west, Scottish Highlands, etc.

    Good to hear that you're feeling energized!

  23. Woot for getting your groove back! That's great!

    I considered my own world as an option for the question. It's just too dang dangerous for my liking. :)

  24. Thanks for co-hosting today, Diane! I love strong, capable women, and piloting a starship would be thrilling. I'm fortunate to have a kind, gentle husband who loves strong, independent me. I have to read your series. Have fun today!

  25. So glad you got your energy back. Those shows sound fun. I want to live in the future too.

  26. I'm with Loni. I chose my own world for the question. Better the devil you know. Ha. Thank you for co-hosting!

  27. I never thought about choosing my own books as this question's fictional milieu. Would I want to live in the worlds I have created? Maybe. Some of them anyway.

  28. Look at all you've accomplished, Diane. Bravo! Actually, I do live in the worlds I create for story and memoir. Thanks so much for co-hosting today. All best to you!

  29. I can only imagine how exhausting that must be. How long does it take to recharge your batteries after a show?

    Thanks for co-hosting IWSG this month!

  30. Sitting at vendor booths is exhausting!

  31. Know what you mean about those craft fair stalls. Having a lovely time with mine, too.
    Thanks for co-hosting today. I think I'll enjoy your books when I get to them!

  32. So much fun ! Thanks for the co-hosting. Still learning the ropes. Would love to live in any world /fly any spaceship where there's a signal,, and unlimited supply of lenses. .

  33. Glad you are finding inspiration at the festivals! Thanks for co-hosting.

  34. It would be nice to live in the worlds we create--maybe we'd have super powers that would help us avoid any death threatening situations in there! haha

  35. I can see why you'd like to spend some time there!

  36. so great to hear about your adventures on the arts and crafts/ vendor circuit! i need to pump myself up and get back out there too — a couple of questions... how far do you drive for them on average? and do you profit? these are my 2 biggest hindrances about vendor shows.

    and yay for getting back into writing! your last iwsg post sounded like my situation too! i think we can all relate
    happy july!
    Tara Tyler Talks

  37. Love that you're excited all over again about your writing!
    I think I'd love being in your Outer Rim worlds as well - great choice!

  38. So great you are back out there, Diane! How fun...bringing a chicken to a book signing. Enjoy the rest of you summer and have fun!


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