
Saturday, July 2, 2022

#WeWriWa ~ The Case of the Wedding Wrecker: Not Procedure


Happy Independence Day and Happy Canada Day!

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, where writers share snippets from their work-in-progress or new release. Thanks to everyone who commented last week.

I'm sharing snippets from the 4th Alex O'Hara cozy mystery, The Case of the Wedding Wrecker. This snippet picks up where we left off last week.

Hans, the lawyer, is with Alex, her dad, and Nick's parents at the police station. 

BTW, since this is a work in progress, suggestions are always welcome.


“When was Nick with you, Alex?” Hans asked.

“He came in at three-oh-five, and stayed until a little after eight.”

Hans raised his bushy eyebrows. “Three-oh-five? That’s very specific.”

“He woke me up, and I looked at the clock.”

Hans kept his expression blank. He sure didn’t give anything away.

“I still say Nick didn’t do it,” Tony said. Maria and Pop added their voices to his.

And a little more:  

“And they arrested Nick without questioning him first?” Pop had thought further ahead than I did. This whole thing had me so riled up I wasn’t thinking as fast as I should.

“That’s just not right,” Tony added. “Not procedure.”

Hans let them rant. While it was good that they were able to vent, I kept thinking about Nick threatening Mike Amerson. I could understand him doing that right after the man held Maria hostage and manhandled me. But, as I’d said, that was weeks ago. Why threaten the man now? I didn’t believe Sharon’s claim that he and Mike had argued at a gas station on Thursday. I put gas in the cars on Wednesday, even Nick’s because I’d used it on a stakeout. The cars didn’t need gas. And if what she said was true, why was Nick at the gas station? Was it an accidental meeting or was Nick following Amerson?

My head ached from all my questions.

Be sure to check out the other WeWriWa authors. Stay safe and have a great weekend.


  1. Poor Alex. She can't think straight right now. At least Tony and Pops are. :-)

  2. Questions and more questions. Curiouser and curiouser.

  3. So many questions, as a good mystery should be! Great snippet!

  4. I would certainly have a lot of questions if I were in her situation. Does he pop in and out of her bedroom every night?

    1. No. He was living with her, except for that night because of what his mother said. Alex was willing to go along with that but not Nick. LOL

  5. There's a lot of information they need to uncover. Enjoyed this!

  6. They do have a lot to contend with, but I suspect she is up to the challenge. I'm enjoying these excerpts.

    1. Lots of questions keep popping into her mind. She (and the others) were stunned by the arrest. Gradually, Alex & the Pops are thinking like the investigators they are.

  7. I need to go back and catch up with this, but I'm giving Nick the benefit of the doubt for now.

  8. Karen Michelle Nut, every week I try to post a comment and get an error message. I am so sorry. It must be me and my computer. But I want you to know I read your post every week.

    1. I am having the same problem, too. It kept telling me there was an error and I was signed in.

  9. So much info in this snippet, but so well written! Definitely enjoying it!


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