
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

IWSG: Author Envy

Welcome to the Insecure Writer's Support Group. IWSG is the brainchild of Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Thanks, Alex, for starting this group and keeping it going. We are rockin' the neurotic writing world!

The awesome co-hosts for the March 1 posting of the IWSG are Diedre Knight, Tonya Drecker, Bish Denham, Olga Godim, and JQ Rose!

Am I the only one who thinks 2023 is flying? February didn't start out well, not with a dead computer and the prospect of buying a new one. My wonderful tech guy neighbor was able to retrieve my files that weren't backed up to the cloud, including a whole bunch of family pictures. The transition to the new computer has not been easy. Same company, but they put some of the keys in different places. What the heck was that for??? Anyway, I don't have an excuse for not writing much this month, although I have read a lot. Refilling the well. I hope March will be better.

One thing I did in February was awesome. My former RWA chapter disaffiliated from RWA and started up a new writers' group. I'm so glad. I had to quit the chapter last February when my RWA dues were due. How I missed our monthly meetings--the programs but especially the members. Fortunately, our group offers virtual meetings along with in-person ones. We cover most of Michigan, except the Detroit area, and distances to meetings can be great. I attended (virtually) our first meeting. Yay! Great to see so many familiar faces. Groups that support writers are so essential, well, to my sanity at least. That's why the Insecure Writers Support Group is wonderful. Thanks, Alex and all who work hard behind the scenes to keep this group going.

Now, on to the optional question.

March 1 question - Have you ever read a line in novel or a clever plot twist that caused you to have author envy?

I sure have. I'm always amazed at the way some writers produce atmosphere--especially spooky, creepy, chilling. A shoutout to one of our members who does that: Nancy Gideon. The atmosphere in her books draws me in and doesn't let go until the final page. 

I love a plot twist that totally surprises me. You would think with all the mystery stories I read that I could foresee what will happen. Some authors are so good at leading the reader down the primrose path. LOL Then, wham. To borrow a line from a Bruce Willis movies: I didn't see that one coming.

Hope you all have a great writing month.

Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.


  1. Glad you got a new computer. Before long you will be used to the changes! I'm with you. I'm delighted when an author surprises me!

  2. You're making me blush, Di!! I have(had) two computers - a big screen All-in-One and my work horse laptop. My big boy quit on me this winter and the cost of replacement wasn't doable so I'm stuck doing my graphics and watching my shows of the laptop. Sigh . . . How easily we get spoiled! Give yourself some credit, girl. Your world building is fantasic. Now to get you to write faster . . .

    1. LOL. Isn't it funny how we get so used to good, old reliable that starting over is so hard.

    2. It is possible to plug your laptop into your smart TV and use that as your screen. I finally figured out how to do it. I have a desktop, too, but sometimes I like to get comfy in my recliner.

  3. Hi,
    I am glad you got your new computer. I need a new one but will wait.
    Shalom shalom

    1. Thanks. Be sure to back up frequently. LOL Advice I should follow.

  4. I too feel 2023 is flying. Two months already down. I too like the way some writers create atmosphere and do world-building.

  5. It's not February anymore? That month had a jet pack strapped to it!

    1. LOL, Lee. Great way to describe how fast Feb. passed.

  6. You're right--2023 IS flying and I'm ever so glad. I'm ready to have the windows and door open so I can hear nature. Not that I'm ready for the heat that follows, though I'm grateful that I've been having a green winter here my middle-of-the-state location (toward the southern border). And starting after being gone just a month is hard, let along a couple years! But, I have faith in you. You can do it!

    1. Thanks, Diana. This sure has been a weird winter for Michigan. In February, we actually saw the sun! Such a rarity.

  7. Glad you were able to reconnect with your group! Sometimes virtually is the perfect answer. :)

    1. Our church streams services, too. One of the good things that came out of covid.

  8. Someone has definitely stepped on the accelerator this year! My computer is my work horse and quite possibly my best friend. So I'll just tiptoe around the subject except to say I'm glad you're back on track ;-) Writing groups (especially this one) are great, aren't they?

  9. March already! Can't believe it.

    Can I ask why your RWA separated?

    1. Many of us didn't like the direction RWA was going in. Several chapters have already disaffiliated. Plus a lot of things happened over the past couple of years that weren't professional. It's really a shame since I learned so much from that organization.

  10. I'm so NOT looking forward to a new computer, but I'm afraid the time is coming. In the last few weeks, my laptop froze out twice. So far, turning it off and on again helped, but I foresee the need for a new laptop soon.

    1. I'll repeat back up every day. Hope you don't lose anything.

  11. I've been out of a pc a couple of times due to it needing repairs and its frustrating. With new computers it can take a while getting used to the keys and other features for some people.

    1. So right, Steven. My fingers keep going to the old keys. Frustrating.

  12. Whew, I'm glad that your tech guy neighbor was able to retrieve your files and family photos, Diane. I thought I had lost my major project for my Master's degree. I'll never forget how devastated I felt. Fortunately our school computer guru calmed me down and found my work. Now I backup like crazy. Like you, I admire writers who can create an atmosphere, especially a spooky one or who can write a plot twist that surprises me. You'll get there with your new computer. Just keep working at it. It gets better with practice.

    1. Thanks, Louise. So glad your school computer guy was able to save your work.

  13. Having to get a new computer is always traumatic. Having the old one die first is even worse. I'm hanging on to mine for now, but know I need to upgrade. I'm just holding out for Apple to bring back the large screen--I love it for editing with documents side-by-side, as well as for editing photos.

    1. With all the money I've spent on PCs, I should've bought an Apple--probably cheaper in the end. Hindsight is wonderful.

  14. Happy to hear that there are more and more virtual writing groups out there. Living in a small town can make a writer feel very far away from the industry and the community. :-)

    1. I know what you mean. Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it to give up a whole day to attend to a meeting, esp. since I should be using the time to write. Yet, I need the contact with other writers. Virtual is great.

  15. Thank goodness for good neighbors - especially the tech-y ones! :) - and for wonderful writing group support! :)

  16. I feel the same way about twists. It seems like people shouldn't be able to fool us anymore, but they're so good at misleading us!

    1. I love it when I'm surprised, even when the clues are all in place.

  17. I love a good atmosphere in the stories I read.

  18. Love all well-written fiction.
    (Sorry I missed making return visits for IWSG. My internet went out for over 40 hours.)

    1. Sorry about your internet. Technology is great, until it doesn't work.


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