
Saturday, March 4, 2023

#WeWriWa ~ #WeWriWa - The Case of the Wedding Wrecker: Time of Death

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, where writers share snippets from their work-in-progress or new release.
 Thank you all for your comments on last week's post. Your encouragement really helps.

I'm sharing snippets from the 4th Alex O'Hara cozy mystery, The Case of the Wedding Wrecker. When we last left Alex at the jail, Nick said he can't tell her where he was between one and three the morning before.

Time to leave the jail scene. After everyone has been interviewed by the police, they meet up outside.


In the parking lot, Maria, Pop, and Tony stood clustered around Maria’s car, parked two spaces over from the limo. Since we weren’t allowed to talk about the interviews before, I asked what the chief had asked them.

“He seemed very interested in where Nick was between midnight and three,” Tony said.

“If only that boy had listened to me. He should’ve stayed put, in our house.” Maria wrung her hands. “I told him it was bad luck to see you.”

From the glare she shot me, she blamed me for her horny son. Great.

And now a little bit more:

“We heard him go to bed at twelve-thirty,” Tony said. “We realized he was gone when we got up at seven. I didn’t hear a thing in between.”

“You wouldn’t hear a truck smashing into the house,” Maria said. “You and your snoring.”

“I do not snore.”

Maria shot him the look. Having been the recipient of that look, I sympathized with Tony. “I heard Nick leave at one,” she said.

“It doesn’t take two hours to get from your house to Alex's apartment,” Tony said. He still hadn't forgiven Maria for buying a home in Michigan since they had a perfectly good condo in Arizona. Ack. They could work that out.

I needed to concentrate on Nick. I turned to his lawyer, Hans Bogardus, as he helped his dad into their car on the other side of Maria’s. “Why did Dan ask us so many questions about the time we saw Nick?”

Hans straightened. “Because the medical examiner put the time of death between one and two in the morning.”

Be sure to check out the other WeWriWa authors. Stay safe and healthy and have a great week.


  1. And him with no alibi? This isn't going well for our couple.

  2. The family seems very 'real' for sure! I love the details you layer in...and ulp, yeah, a bad timeline for our hero. Enjoyed the snippet!

  3. LOL - I can see Maria's glare. Tweeted.

    1. Haven't we all been the recipient? esp. from our mothers.

  4. I wonder if the timeline and the actual time of death might be skewed? At least that would help prove Nick innocent. Avidly waiting for the next great snippet! Tweeted.

  5. Very real. Wasn't he with Alex for some of that time?

  6. Hah. Yeah, as been said, I can feel 'the look.' That time line doesn't look good.

  7. Loved the horny son line. Perfect! Sounds like a great read!

  8. She's marrying INTO this family? Poor woman. And now with this investigation....

  9. That does not bode well... OMG, I laughed at her thought about Maria's horny son! lol


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