
Monday, November 28, 2016

Cyber Monday and the Crazies

Have you been going crazy with all the ads and sales? Did you join the frenzied crowds on Black Friday? And here it is Cyber Monday.

I hate shopping. Even more than that, I hate crowds. So I was not one of the frenzied shoppers last Friday or even on Saturday. Today is different. I'll check out the deals on my favorite sites. I already know what I want to give my family members and dear friends.

If you like science fiction romance, check out this site.
My first published book, Switched, is in the $.99 group. Be sure to check it out.

In other news, I sent out my Holiday Newsletter this morning. If you haven't subscribed yet, email me at and I'll send you a copy.

I joined the BIAW (book in a week) challenge that starts today. I have to report my word count each day. Now that's an incentive. LOL The last time I did this, I wrote over 8500 words. My goal this week is to write 10,000 words (that's 40 pages) on The Case of the Meddling Mama. I'll report next Monday.

Have a great week and try not to stress.


  1. I used to work in retail, so I worked many Black Fridays weekends and Thanksgiving Thursdays. Doing so has cured me of ever wanting to go out and subject myself to the crowds and craziness...unless I'm earning a decent hourly wage, that is.

    So, with the BIAW challenge, you aim to write a book in a week? Wow! Best of luck to you with that!

    1. My brother in law worked in retail until he retired last year. So I know what you mean. BIAW is just a name. I don't think anyone writes a whole novel. It's a challenge to write as much as you can in a week. 10k words would be a very short book. Mine usually run about 75,000+. I'm trying to finish Meddling Mama before the end of the year. BIAW will give me that push.

  2. SO not a shopper over here! Never have been. So I love Cyber Monday! Half my shopping is done in one go.

  3. Good luck on your challenge! I hope you meet and beat your 10,000 words.


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