
Saturday, December 3, 2016

#WeWriWa #8Sunday - Bygone Brother - Caught

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warrior and 8 Sentence Sunday, the weekly hop for everyone who loves to write! Writers share an 8 to10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other writers. You can find them here.

I'm continuing with a snippet from my PI mystery, The Case of the Bygone Brother, a contemporary cozy, that takes place in a small Lake Michigan resort town. Alex (Alexandra) O'Hara has taken over her dad's investigation agency, struggling to keep it going.  In this snippet, Alex and Nick are surveilling Mr. Yoder's activities, with Alex peeking in the basement window.
While I gaped at the sight in the basement, the back door opened and a woman said, “Hurry up, Killer, do your business and get back in here.”
Killer? Time to make tracks before some monster dog discovered a trespasser. I slowly straightened, keeping my back to the wall, and edged behind the bushes—without making noise or quick motions. As I put my toe into the fence link, vicious barking close by—real close by—spurred me up, then Killer grabbed the hem of my jeans.
As the dog tugged, Nick grabbed the back of my sweatshirt and started to haul me over. The bent tops of the chain links dug into my stomach. Killer hung on a moment longer then landed with a whimper before baying like a hound who’d treed his prey, while I lost my balance and landed on top of Nick—just like that time in the office.
“We have to stop meeting like this,” he whispered.

Alex O’Hara finally gets a case that will give her bottom line a much needed boost. She might even be able to change her diet from ramen noodles to prime rib. All she has to do is track down a man who’s been missing for over ten years. Piece of cake . . . until an old flame arrives and a mugger roughs her up with orders to back off.


  1. Okay, I'm extremely curious as to what was going on in the basement. And the last line was very humorous. I must read this book! :)

  2. So you have multiple 'meet cutes' in this book? Is that legal? ;-)

  3. OK, Diane, I am DYING to know what is in that basement! And Nick sounds like just the kind of man to have around in a pinch!

  4. OK, Diane, I am DYING to know what is in that basement! And Nick sounds like just the kind of man to have around in a pinch!

    1. Nick's great. No surprise there. The surprise comes later. :-O

  5. Terrific. Love the description and then the punch line.

  6. Cute. Love the way she lands on top of him. Glad the spikes in the chain link were bent over. That could have caused some serious injury.

  7. Whoa. Didn't see that coming. Great set up.

  8. Oooo what are they going to find?

  9. Another great 8 sentences!
    Good luck and God's blessings Diane

  10. Fun little moment! I was waiting for Killer to be this tiny teacup size of a dog...I like this story a LOT.

    1. We-ll, since Killer doesn't show up again...he's a cross between a rag mop and a small beagle. Thanks, Veronica.

  11. What fun! Good thing she has Nick to catch her.

  12. LOL! I can always picture your scenes so clearly. I was expecting Killer to be a Chihuahua.

  13. Actually, we have a dachshund named Rudi at our house, but when the doorbell rings and we aren't expecting anybody, and Rudi is barking her little head off, I say "Down, Killer," in a loud command voice before I answer the door.
    I think it's Freudian that Alex constantly finds herself on top of Nick...

  14. crisp, clean and curiosity-raising! Thanks for sharing.

  15. It's not an easy life, being a private investigator! Glad Nick was there (again) to catch her. Great snippet.

  16. Very exciting! And funny at the end.

  17. Excellent showcase of the humor and the suspense in this book. Great job! Love this story. :)

    1. Thanks, Alicia. As the editor, you should know. :)

  18. *grins* I hope they don't ever stop meeting like this. Such a fun excerpt, Diane! I'm loving this story!

    1. Thanks, Julie. Oh, yeah. They keep having these "moments" even in the next book.

  19. Danger and humor all rolled into one. Enjoyed the snippet.

  20. For a second, I thought Killer was going to be a tiny yappy dog. But that doesn't sound like a little dog at all! That was a narrow escape.

    1. Sounds like everybody thought the same about the dog. No surprise. Maybe I should have made Killer a big dog. LOL

  21. I wonder what was in that basement. Doesn't sound like anything good.
    That last line though... lol

  22. Classic line - perfectly played. Great job. Tweeted.

  23. Exciting and sexy- classic PI shenanigans. Can't wait to read more.

  24. This made me smile. I want to learn about killer. Great snippet

  25. Interesting and intriguing...whats next? Awesome excerpt.

  26. Love his sense of humor! And what kind of dog was Killer? 'm imagining all sorts of things! :)


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