
Wednesday, May 5, 2021

#IWSG: No Time or Energy to Write

 Happy Insecure Writer's Support Group Day. IWSG is the brainchild of Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Thanks, Alex, for starting this group and keeping it going. We are rockin' the neurotic writing world!

The awesome co-hosts for the May 5 posting of the IWSG are Erika Beebe, PJ Colando, Tonja Drecker, Sadira Stone, and Cathrina Constantine!

Spring came on Sunday. Sunny and 89 degrees. Tulips are blooming in time for Tulip Time Festival in Holland, Michigan. My tulips are blooming, trees re budding out. All signs of new life and renewal. Of course, being Michigan, on Monday Spring disappeared, leaving us with cold, rainy days.

I don't have an answer for this month's optional question. Instead, I'm going to talk about my former impatience with writers who always have an excuse why they don't write. My attitude used to be if you want to write, nothing will stop you. You'll figure out a way to carve out time to write.

Well, I'm eating my words (or thoughts since I wouldn't speak those words out loud). I'm discovering how life can interfere in such a way that writers just can't write, even when they want to. Or they are so tired dealing with life that they can't find the energy for writing. Or they break their wrist falling on the floor for no reason and have to type one-handed. 

One good thing has happened since I broke my wrist. Hubs has to do more for himself--things I used to do for him and now can't with one hand. It's making him more independent again plus giving him a feeling of accomplishment. For me, it's humbling having to ask for help. It's also made me realize how unfair I used to be when people would say they couldn't write. 

What did I write this past month? My monthly blog posts for Paranormal Romantics and IWSG plus weekly posts for Weekend Writing Warriors. What did I writ on my WIPs? Nada. My Muse went on vacation without me. The well is not just empty, it's bone dry. So I read and read and read. I'm trying not to be too hard on myself, to give myself permission to not fret over not writing. I've been in this situation before and, eventually, came back stronger. It's frustrating wanting to return to those WIPs but have nothing to say.

I hope you have a great month. Stay safe.

Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.

It's Here!!!

Dark Matter: Artificial

An Insecure Writer’s Support Group Anthology


Discover dark matter’s secrets…

What is an AI’s true role? Will bumbling siblings find their way home from deep space? Dark matter is judging us—are we worthy of existence? Would you step through a portal into another reality? Can the discoverer of dark matter uncover its secrets?

Ten authors explore dark matter, unraveling its secrets and revealing its mysterious nature. Featuring the talents of Stephanie Espinoza Villamor, C.D. Gallant-King, Tara Tyler, Mark Alpert, Olga Godim, Steph Wolmarans, Charles Kowalski, Kim Mannix, Elizabeth Mueller, and Deniz Bevan.

Hand-picked by a panel of agents, authors, and editors, these ten tales will take readers on a journey across time and space. Prepare for ignition! 


  1. Sorry you broke your hand, but I'm glad your husband is helping you. I've always had long periods of time where I was too busy to write because of my blog, a full-time job, taking care of my late husband, and being a mom. You just have to do the best you can and not be hard on yourself when you go through those times.

  2. Hi,
    This is my third time trying to input my comment. I'm sorry about your hand, but very happy that it was not worse. Be gentle with yourself during this period and try to relax.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. Thanks for persisting in leaving a comment, Pat. Sorry you had trouble. You're right that it could've been worse. I didn't have to have surgery.

  3. Prayers to you for continued healing and I do believe your Muse will return when your body heals :)

  4. Really sorry about your wrist! After this there will be much you and your husband appreciate about each other.
    The muse will return. Have faith.

  5. I feel your frustration. This is the first time I've been without a WIP. Plenty of plots and ideas but no real push to getter done. I'm blaming COVID for my inspiration's forced isolation. My solution (I hope) is reaching out for more fellow writer contact to strike that fire of inspiration by setting up Zooms (which I hate) and scheduling limited face-to-faces (masks included) with just a few of my fellow vaccinated folk. I need my writer recharge.

    1. Thanks, Nancy. Because covid and Hubs' decline happened close to the same time, it's hard to tell the reason. Maybe both. Lack of face-to-face contact with fellow writers doesn't help. "No real push . . ." That's how I feel.

  6. Hope your wrist heals fast. I would never be able to type with one hand. Take care of yourself.

    1. LOL It's surprising what you can do when you need.

  7. You've had a PILE of life-events lately, so it's natural you wouldn't be writing for a time. Sometimes, I think we writers are too hard on ourselves. Glad to see you back, though. :)

  8. Funny how life balances things out. I'm glad hubby is pushing himself, and you're taking it easier. Sorry about the arm, but maybe you needed a rest on more than one level. Take care. Enjoy your reading. Refill that cup of imagination. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  9. I'm sorry you broke your wrist, I hope it heals very soon. Have you read anything good? I'm about to start the Last House on Needless Street by Catriona Ward - my first venture into the genre of Horror! Sarah

  10. Oh my, that's terrible that you broke your wrist, but I commend you on focusing on the bright side of it--your hubby becoming more independent.

    I hope spring finds you again, but suspect it might still be cold. You tend to get our weather a day ahead. :-)


  11. Oh dear! I am impressed you can type one handed. As for reading, we learn about writing as we read, so it is all good. Hope that wrist heals quickly! Love the pink cast.

  12. I'm sorry for your injury and I hope you heal soon. And the writing block will lift one day, too. Reading usually helps me with that.

  13. I had a "come to Jesus" moment about that attitude when my husband got ill. I'd been writing regularly, big plans, thought everyone could just schedule the time *somewhere*, blah blah blah. Then, when I got a moment from caretaking, I found I was just not up to the writing. The experience does make one a bit more tolerant of other's journeys. Wishing you a very speedy recovery!

  14. Glad you have that new perspective, even though it came with a painful price!

  15. I think Word has a voice to text feature. Try that.


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