
Saturday, May 8, 2021

#WeWriWa: - The Case of the Fabulous Fiancé: Nick is Back

 Welcome to the Weekend Writing Warriors. Thanks to everyone who stopped by last week. Happy Mother's Day to all who are mothers and those who are like mothers to us.

Well, I thought the cast would come off my wrist last Monday. It did. Then, they put on a new one. Another 2 weeks of one-handed typing. 

I'm sharing another snippet from the 2nd Alex O'Hara mystery novel, The Case of the Fabulous Fiancé. Alex is a P.I. in the small Lake Michigan resort town near Grand Rapids. I skipped ahead to chapter 3. 

Some changes were made to the original.


“Hello, gorgeous.”

My heart stopped. My lungs seized. My hand hovered over the yellow legal pad. Thank God, it didn’t shake—my hand, not the pad.

I wasn’t going to give Nick Palzetti the reaction he expected. I would be cool, confident, self-assured. As if his presence in my office were nothing unusual. As if he waltzed through locked doors every day to lounge casually against the mahogany door frame. As if he hadn’t strolled out of my life two months, two weeks, and one day ago—I wasn’t counting, mind you.

 And now a bit more:  

He’d called me ‘gorgeous’ in that husky baritone before he left, too. Hadn’t meant a thing then and didn’t mean a thing now. He probably expected me to yell at him. Wasn’t going to do it. Nope. Wasn’t going to ask him where he’d been. As if it didn’t matter to me. I would say ‘Hiya, Nick, How’s it hanging? C’mon in. Take a load off.’ As soon as I could speak again.

My brain finally told my lungs to breathe. Bad form to fall at his feet. With my luck, I’d slip off my chair and whack my chin on the desk, which would require twenty stitches and orthodontics. Been there, done that. Have the scar to prove it.


She’s at it again. Alex O’Hara just can’t say no to a new investigation. What do a 45-year-old boyfriend, a deadbeat dad, and a teenage runaway have in common? All new cases. With no receptionist, phone and internet problems, and her own boyfriend in the wind, Alex has no idea how she’ll manage. But the question for the past three months is why did Nick disappear. Is this the end of O’Hara & Palzetti? 

Amazon US ~ Amazon UK ~ Kobo ~ iBooks ~ B&N ~ Smashwords

Be sure to check out the other WeWriWa authors. Stay safe and have a great week!

A head's up: Veronica Scott will be here tomorrow with her newest release, HEIRESS OF THE NILE.  


  1. Okay, so with Nick back, what will Pete think of him? And why did he suddenly show up? Very intriguing snippet!

    Happy Mother's Day, Diane!! 💐

  2. Love this book and Alex for her tough/tender heart. Snark at its best.

  3. Awww, I so feel for her. Poor thing! She's got the right intentions, when her ability to breathe and speak comes back anyway...great snippet! So sorry you had to have a new cast...HUGS!

  4. I really feel for her and found myself holding my breath, too! Can't wait to see what happens next.

  5. She's really trying to convince herself that he means nothing to her. :-)

    Sorry about your cast-re-cast. :-)

    No snippet for me this week. :-)

  6. You learn something every day. Before now, I never knew that orthodontics were one of the hazards of being a P.I.

  7. Glad she's going to try to play it cool. I have my doubts she's going to pull it off, but her intentions are good. :) Great snippet! Hope the new cast isn't too much of a drag on your writing, Diane!

  8. I just picked these up and loved the setting. My great-great-grandma (from a little town in Belgium less than a mile from the Dutch border) settled in the Allegan/Plainwell area, so I'm super familiar with all the towns you mention from my genealogy research. Definitely made the books more vivid for me.


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