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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

#IWSG: Bad Month

 It's the 1st Wednesday of March. Happy Insecure Writers Support Group Day. IWSG is the brainchild of Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Thanks, Alex, for starting this group and keeping it going. And thanks to this month's awesome hosts: Mary Aalgaard, Bish Denham, Jennifer Hawes, Gwen Gardner, and me.

Last month, I wrote about having the winter blahs. I think I jinxed myself by mentioning them. It continued throughout February. I forced myself to write, and I did make progress. Some progress. My enthusiasm for the romantic suspense dwindled. Because technology has changed since I first wrote this story, so many details needed to be changed. I’ve been sharing snippets each weekend with Weekend Writing Warriors and have gotten good feedback.

I have made some progress, finally coming up with a better title for the romantic suspense than Unpredictable Nature. It’s now titled Numbers Never Lie. So much better and more to the point of the story. I wrote over 7k words this month on both that story and the Alex O’Hara mystery, which is more fun. Still, I’m behind on where I wanted to be by now.

My supporters would say, hey, you’re 7k farther than you were last month. I know, but it’s still disappointing. With more sunshine and the flowers poking their tips out, I’m sure that March will be a better month.

Optional question of the month: How do you celebrate when you achieve a writing goal / finish a story?

I don’t really. I tell Hubs, and he says good job. That’s about it. Maybe I need to celebrate small achievements, like meeting my writing goal for the week. I’ve been having a pity party for six weeks. It’s time to celebrate progress.

On a side note: I’m participating in Read an Ebook Week by discounting two of my books 50%. If you scroll down to the previous post, you can read about them.

I hope we all have a great month.

Click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.


  1. Sorry the writing hasn't been going well. Or doesn't feel as though it has at any rate. It's easy to see what we hoped to do and dismiss our achievements if they don't match up to our intentions.

    Maybe celebrating small successes would help, not least because they'd be a reminder you'd achieved them.

  2. You are doing well because you are pushing forward through a difficult time. We must acknowledge our persistence as well as our persived success, although I do appreciate it isn't as easy to do. Keep going.

  3. It's just the winter blues. Don't worry, if you could write that much with the blues, just imagine what you can do now that sunshine is around the corner! Thanks for co-hosting this month! And here's to Spring!

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Lisa. Sunshine here this morning...along with snow on the ground. LOL I think Spring is fighting Winter for dominance.

  4. I think it's good that you attempted to write through the blah times and actually produced some words. And I really like your title. Winter is hard for most of us, and we have to get through it like you did. Thanks for hosting.

  5. I so understand the winter blues!!! We still have a boatload of snow in the backyard and I'm so done with winter right now. It's only a matter of time before springtime settles in and wipes away our doldrums.

    I really like that title. And you're pushing through, getting some writing accomplished. That's wonderful. Thank you for co-hosting this month!!

    1. Thanks, Cathrina. A boatload of snow, huh? I woke up to snow yesterday. It disappeared. Today, more snow and (drumroll, please) sunshine!

  6. Girl, at least you have 7k! Keep going. You can't fix what you don't write. I keep telling myself this;) Hope you have a much better month ahead!

  7. 7K is nothing to sneeze at. I would be thrilled to have written so much. I would be thrilled to write seven words some days. Too many distractions.

    1. I hear you, Tamara. I let distractions keep me from writing too much of the time.

  8. Congratulations on all your success! And, absolutely, celebrate! Take yourself out for ice cream, if nothing else. Have a date with "Hubs". And, yes, the Spring sunshine and flowers will give us all a lift.
    Thanks for co-hosting this month!
    Mary at Play off the Page

    1. Thanks, Mary. Good suggestions. Captain Sundae's opened last weekend. Despite the snow, I can always eat ice cream. Yum!

    2. Thanks for co-hosting this month.

  9. At least you tell someone about your accomplishments. It won’t be too difficult to expand that into an occasional ice cream cone of success, will it? 7k is excellent progress. I hope you continue to build momentum this spring.

    1. Thanks, Joey. With the sun shining today, I'm feeling great.

  10. I'm looking forward to spring too, hope it beats away your winter blues :)

  11. Numbers Never Lie is a great title!
    Thanks for co-hosting today.

    1. Thanks, Alex. And you're welcome. Being co-host is a blast.

  12. I'm sorry you're still feeling blah. Spring is just around the corner--hopefully things will perk up for you!

  13. All writers face that BLAH feeling at sometime in our careers--right? I love the advice: Lower your standards and keep writing. Sounds as if you are coping very well. Nice post!

  14. I think your hubs is talking to my hubs. They have the exact words about a completed project! Thanks for doing a bang up job co-hosting today.

    1. I think guys stick together. LOL Thanks for stopping by.

  15. Way to go with your writing and your co-hosting. I really like your new title.
    I hope March is a great writing month for you!

  16. I don't celebrate much either, except to bask in a warm glow for a little while. But lately I've been in quite a writing drought. Need to get the watering can out...

    1. Hey, basking is great. Sorry to hear you're in a writing drought. Besides the waiting can, do you need a kick in the pants? LOL Thanks for co-hosting this month.

  17. Wonderful thoughts, Jen. Thanks for sharing. The ducks returned to the pond last week. I have to believe that spring is close.

  18. I had that experience with one of my novels--that when I went into it to edit, so much in the world had changed. I'd started it about ten years ago. That was my impetus to finish, launch it, move on!

    1. Good luck with that novel, Jacqui. I couldn't believe how dated my story was when I got back into it. Amazing how technology changes so quickly. Good luck.

  19. Time sure marches on, don't it?! Things change so fast - especially in technology. Best of luck with your writing, Diane. You're making progress and that's a good thing! :)

    1. Thanks, Sandra. Progress is slow, but yes, that's a good thing.

  20. Even I haven't written much in the last few days.

    7k words is not bad Diane. I'm sure you will write more this month. I like the title 'Numbers Never Lie'.

    Thanks for co-hosting this month.

    1. Thanks, Rachna. Your supportive words (like the other comments) mean so much.

  21. That is a fabulous title! Oh, I know those winter blahs. But a little bit of celebrating the work you did do might help. :) Thanks for co-hosting this month.

    1. Thanks, Christine. Co-hosting is fun. I get to meet so many great writers.

  22. I had/have the same issue with my romance WIP and technology. I started it so long ago and it sat on the shelf for so long that everything's outdated now. My critique partners have a great time teasing me whenever there's some detail that I missed. It makes for some pretty funny mistakes, but here's hoping I catch them all eventually...

    And I accomplished next to nothing in February, but already March has been better. Hope you find the same to be true for you, too.

    1. Thanks, M.J. It's fun to see how much has changed. Spring is coming. I think. Good times for both of us.

  23. I think a winter blah epidemic has pervaded the entire country--maybe the world. Sometimes I wish I hibernated during winter like a bear. I'd like more sleep.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Me, too, Arlee. In fact, I've been sleeping more this winter than ever. Spring will come. I hope.

  24. That's a tough situation, making progress but not the amount of progress you wanted. Of course, everyone around you tries to help you see the positive, which can sometimes have the opposite effect they're going for. Good luck. Be gentle with yourself. February is over. Persephone has returned. Spring is on its way.

    1. Thanks so much, Kathy. I love that "be gentle with yourself." I forget to do that. Yay for Persephone. The ducks and geese have returned to the pond, so it must be Spring.

  25. Whew! Technology is such a beast. That's one of the issues with writing YA, that things are constantly changing. I find it's better just to pin it to a time period and call it good. Kudos to you with the update. I'm wishing you the best! (Oh, and I guess I did read an ebook already this month, and I didn't even know about the challenge. Yay, me.)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Crystal. Expressions change, too. I would imagine even faster in YA. Kids come up with the darnedest expressions. LOL The whole month of March is Reading Month, as I was informed by my grandkids.

  26. That pity party is over! Celebrate your success! Maybe we all need to start having Progress Parties? :)

    1. Ooh, I like that. Progress parties are the new in thing, right? Thanks, Madeline.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Great words of encouragement, Lynn. I told Hubs at lunch how invigorated I feel after reading the comments. Thanks for the URL to your blog. I'll be right over. :)

  28. I'll have to checkout Weekend Writing Warriors. Hopefully the coming seasonal change will get your writing juices flowing again.

    Thanks for co-hosting this month's IWSG post.

    1. Thanks, Ken WeWriWa has been a lot of fun. Each weekend, I get to read snippets from all sorts of stories--some WIPs (like mine) and others that are published. Finding the right 8-10 sentences is a challenge.

  29. Cheer for you. 7k is progress. Better than me, lol. Congrats. Hang in there. Do a happy dance just because. Happy IWSG Day.

    1. Thanks, Juneta. I had lunch out today. Does that count for celebrating?

  30. Congrats on 7000 words, girl. Yep, this is a hard time of year in West Michigan. And those darn March teaser days are killers when you get a peek of a lovely spring day, then the next is a winter blizzard! Hang in there. You are so much closer to spring and blooming trees and flowers. JQ Rose

    1. Thanks so much, Janet. You're right about those teasers. Last week we were in the 60s, now snow for 2 days.

  31. Winter blahs! Every year I ask myself why I live in a place that has nasty winters. I get bummed when the sun sets at 5, when it's too cold to do much of anything but complain that it's cold. My only answer is that I appreciate warm weather after a cold winter. I pretend I wouldn't enjoy Autumn as much if there were no cold days on the horizon. Self deception for the win.

    1. I agree, Ryan. I've visited Arizona the past 4 winters (son & family lived there). Although it's nice to visit, I like the changing seasons. In fact, I use that thought for a character in one of my books. So, I guess we put up with the cold and gray until Spring comes along.

  32. I think some celebration is in order :-) 7k words is nothing to sneeze at. Hopefully, those winter blues dissipate soon.

    1. Thanks, Ellen. Spring is coming. I'm sure it is.

  33. Sharing your successes with the hubs sounds like a great way to recognize progress. Here's to hoping that the writing blooms, now that the sun is coming out! And thanks for co-hosting this month.

  34. Michigan winters can give anyone the blahs. Here's hoping to a more productive March (though from today's forecast, it might be iffy). April and 70 degrees is around the corner.

    1. LOL You are so right. 60s last week, snow yesterday and today. Go figure.

  35. Ooh, I love that new title! Would definitely catch my interest. Here's to a warm and productive March for you!

  36. Winter won't end here. Snowing like crazy here in Philly. I think 7000 words is pretty amazing, you need to celebrate!

    1. Just saw on TV that storm hitting the NE. Wow. You guys are getting slammed. Can't complain about a couple of inches. Stay warm, Doreen.

  37. Cheers to March being a better month. Your sentiments are similar to mine - feeling blah in the winter. But, "with more sunshine and the flowers poking their tips out", I would feel guilty sitting behind my computer all day. Winter months should be the most productive ones in my book (theoretically), and you are making good progress!

    Celebrating for me sounds exactly like for you. My husband is the one who is the happier and more encouraging one when it comes to my writing. When it comes to his job, it is the other way around. Funny how that goes.

    Thanks for co-hosting, and may March be a successful one for you.

    1. Thanks, Liesbet. We should be more productive in the winter. There's nothing else to do. I guess we'll have to balance the need to write with the need to get outside.

  38. 7K doesn't sound too shabby. Hope the spring brightens your mood and sparks your enthusiasm.

    1. Thanks, Susan. I think Mother Nature is working on me--teasing us with 60-degree days last week then snow for 2 days.

  39. Technology. heh. Three times I've tried to leave a comment. Here's hoping for gold. Love the new title! It is disappointing when you don't met goals - I've been at that same pity party. But 7k is awesome progress and worth some celebrating. Thanks for co-hosting today.

    1. Thanks, Lee. Sorry about the problem with commenting. I've had that problem, too. Had to close the blog and reopen. Technology is a pain sometimes.

  40. Thanks for co-hosting today, Diane! 7K sounds good to me. Walk away from that pity party and celebrate! Frequent rewards keep me going. All the best to you!

    1. Thanks, Louise. The pity party is over, thanks to all of you.

  41. Celebrating small things is the key. But 7K is not so small, IMO. Definitely a cause for celebration.

  42. You're definitely doing great and making progress! It's hard not to achieve what you feel you should have, but I figure getting down on myself doesn't help me achieve anything more.

  43. I hope March is a better month for you! And yes, 7K is 7K farther than you were last month. Keep on rocking sista!

  44. With all the exacting standards we put on ourselves as writers it makes it easier to see the progress we didn't make. When really any progress made is progress worth celebrating. Loving the new title and happy writing. Thanks for co-hosting today! :-D

    1. Thanks, Lidy, for your encouraging words. Glad you like the new title. Now to just finishing the book. LOL

  45. Thank goodness for lengthening days and some sunshine in March! This winter thing is getting old. Hope the words start flowing!

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. We got some sunshine yesterday but back to gloomy gray today. *sigh*

  46. Try not to be so hard on yourself; it can add to your bad days.

    Thanks for co-hosting!

  47. It is hard when you don't accomplish what you were hoping to. At an event, a writer-turned-agent gave some advice that I try to take to heart and I hope you will too. Writers should be more kind to themselves. This business is hard and you should celebrate the little successes. Sometimes that is easier said than done.
    I know this year hasn't gone as you hoped, but the important thing is, just like you said, you made forward progress. You haven't given up. And for that you are a rock star. Keep moving forward, and you are sure to succeed.

    1. That is just what I needed to hear, Erika. Thanks so much for sharing that agent's advice.

  48. Hi, Diane,
    Your mention of technology and books made me cringe, because I know some of mine have to be reworked. Just thinking about that task makes me tired.

    Even small successes should be celebrated, even if it's you or hubby saying 'Congrats!'

  49. Telling the Hubs is what I do too! I hope things look up in March, and thanks for co-hosting!

    1. Thanks, Loni. May March be good to both of us.

  50. 7K is fantastic! Go Diane! That's wonderful, really. Keep moving forward. Thanks for co-hosting. :)

  51. You've made terrific strides, Diane! Springtime is always a boost for me as well, but if you need a little more motivation just think back to what inspired the story in the first place and re-live it, re-feel it ;-)

  52. 7k is nothing to sniff at. I don't celebrate either. I'm too neurotic and never feel like I get enough done. Thank you for co-hosting!

    1. Thanks for commenting, Adrienne. We aren't alone. I guess we need to be better to ourselves.

  53. Thanks for co-hosting this month. Glad you're making progress on your story, but I totally get not being completely satisfied. Been there... Happy read an ebook week!

    1. Thanks, Toi. I'm not striving for perfection, just progress. Thanks to you and all the commenters have given me so much support. I have to keep going.

  54. Hang in there, spring is on the way and 7k isn't bad. I pretty much tell my hubs when I finish something and then move on too. He is my biggest supporter and is really proud of me whatever I do.

    Thanks for co-hosting this month, Diane!

  55. Your Hubs sounds like a keeper, just like mine. We are so fortunate. Not all writers have that support. I know Spring is coming. Just wish the snow would go away. Thanks for stopping by.

  56. 7k is about what I wrote last month too. Here's to more writing in March! Love the new title!

    1. Thanks, Cherie. March is going to be a great month.

  57. I’ve been struggling, too, but it’s more than winter blahs for me. It lasted a whole year through all seasons. lol But I’m writing some now, focusing on memoir-style essays. I’ve written the past couple of days. I’m hoping to continue the momentum. I hope you get out of your blahs. 7K is really good, though. Reward yourself for that. :)

    1. Thanks, Chrys. You've had a difficult time. Glad to hear you're writing again. I am, too--slowly.

  58. I understand this feeling, Diane. I was struggling to focus for various reasons. However, the onset of March has seemed to help me get back on track and progress is being made. Here's to the words flowing for us all. Thanks for helping to co-host this month.

    1. Thanks, Suzanne. IWSG has really helped pushed me through. I hope March is good for both of us.

  59. I think 7k in a month is awesome. I haven't been writing much either. Time to kick myself in the rear.

    1. I can help with that kick, Dolorah. LOL I'll just pass on all the kicks I've gotten. Here's hoping March is better for us.

  60. Diane, I consider any kind of progress, big or small, progress. I like the title Numbers Never Lie.

    1. You are so right, Cynthia. Any progress is progress.


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