
I'm glad you stopped by. I hope you'll stop by again.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

GUEST: Tara Tyler Talks Bathroom Blues @TaraTylerTalks

DISPOSAL has arrived!!

DISPOSAL by Tara Tyler
Pop Travel, Book Three

Cooper and Geri are finally in a good place, but their bliss is short-lived when Cooper's rebellious nephew Jimmy moves in with them for a summer internship. He hits the town hard and thinks he's found the girl of his dreams in an fiery, exotic beauty. Against all words of warning, he pursues her and ends up getting kidnapped by her powerful Drug Lord father. Geri tracks him down, but gets herself kidnapped as well.

Now it's up to Cooper to use all his resources to save them, including the hot homicide detective Geri secretly despises, and the latest sketchy gadgets his genius friend Hasan offers him to field-test. Sure, why not? Cooper will do anything to get his family back.

THE Lazy Housewife on Bathrooms

When I visit a blog and ask what to post about, my number one request is BATHROOMS! I guess it's the worst room in the house to clean. So I have some advice on how to make it easier.

Get an outhouse! JK. Here are some tips for keeping your bathroom guest-ready!
  • Keep Supplies in each Bathroom - this is my number one tip. Having cleaning supplies handy, you will be able to clean each bathroom when you see it needs it. No excuses!
  • Air Fresheners! - There are so many options for air fresheners these days. My personal favorite is a plug-in variety. There are also auto-spraying devices, traditional sprays, and scented candles. A pleasant scent enhances the whole experience.
  • Once a week - at least for toilets is the goal. Since this chore is easy to put off, you know it's time when you see a ring start to form - ew!
  • Towels - also weekly. Gross towels defeat the purpose of a shower - my boys don't seem to understand or care... ew again.
  • Gloves - Save your hands and use vinyl or latex gloves! And don't wear something you care about, bleach is in most of the bathroom cleaning products and is bound to splatter!
  • Products - I use good old Comet, also Clorox wipes - these are great for in between cleaning quick fixes too. But this is a personal preference, use what works for you!
Hope you enjoyed my alternate personality as the Lazy Housewife - always looking for a way to save time on the chores we detest! And I'd love to hear your advice or thoughts on easier ways to keep the bathroom clean.

Thanks so much, Diane for having me over to celebrate my latest release. I enjoy chatting about domestic duty tips with friends! (Especially to avoid doing them!)

About the Author:
Tara Tyler is a math teacher who writes to share her passion for reading with others. She loves dogs, coffee, and is the lazy housewife, living in a world of boys with three sons and a coach husband. Join her for an adventure!

Pop Travel &l Simulation
Book One           Book Two

To join in the celebration of Tara Tyler's newes release, take Tara's

and be entered for a PRIZE! Drawing and winners announced on December 15th.

Here is the DISPOSAL blog tour schedule:

FRI, NOV 17 - Tyrean Martinson - 5 Things that will get you published!

MON, NOV 20 - Christine Rains - The Lazy Housewife talks Garage Goals
THU, NOV 23 - Juneta Key - I'm Thankful for where I am

MON, NOV 27 - Patricia Lynne -
THU, NOV 30 - Diane Burton - The Lazy Housewife talks Bathroom Blues

WED, DEC 6 - MJ Fifield - Special IWSG: Will anyone like me? Will anyone care?
FRI, DEC 8 - Elizabeth Seckman - The Journey of the Really Real Housewives

MON, DEC 11 - C. Lee McKenzie -

Monday, November 27, 2017

Post Thanksgiving

I hope you and your family enjoyed the past weekend--that you had lots of good food and company, that you didn't get crushed in the stampede called Black Friday, that you got some rest. We had a great Thanksgiving. Son (the chef) cooked, Daughter and I brought sides and desserts. We rolled our stuffed selves away from the table and went into a turkey coma. Almost. Everybody clamored to hold the twins. Except their parents who were only too willing to release the boys to waiting arms.

Unfortunately, that's where the fun ended. Nothing real serious but Hubs and I both got sick on Friday. Consequently, we missed lunch with our friends, my aunt's funeral visitation, and our great-nephew's baptism. No idea if it was a stomach virus or something we'd eaten before Thanksgiving dinner. Doesn't matter. We're both better now.

How are you doing with your shopping? I've been doing more and more online. Consequently, I'm less stressed than usual. Today is gorgeous, sunny and in the 50s, so Hubs will put up the outdoor lights. He really enjoys them. As soon as I pack up the Thanksgiving and Fall decorations, I'll start putting up the Christmas ones. No way will my home look like House Beautiful. What gets done, gets done. I just have to find a time when the older grandkids can help. Last year, we let them stand on the kitchen counters to put my nutcracker collection on top of the cabinets. They had a great time while we stood close by for safety.

My edits came back from my freelance editor on my Christmas novella. I haven't been crazy about the title From Jailbirds to Wedding Bells and asked for suggestions. The new title is Romance Rekindled. Shorter and it fits two couple who discover that love the second time around is better.

Here's the blurb:

Abby Ten Eyck likes her life the way it is. She runs a successful business, has a well-adjusted teenage daughter, and has managed to keep men at bay since her divorce fifteen years ago. Just before Christmas, she’s hit with change. Her mother decides to sell the family home. Then she’s arrested, with an unknown man. Could this new man in her mother’s life create more upheaval? Or could his handsome son be just what Abby needs to revive her dormant feelings?

Sam Watson embraces transition from frenetic Wall Street to a small Michigan resort town. His health is worth moving close to his dad who seems over the moon in love. But it’s the daughter of his father’s girlfriend who fascinates him. Abby Ten Eyck reminds him of his driven self. He must help her slow down before she burns out. Like he did.

I should have the cover sometime this week. I'll share for a cover reveal. Tentative publication date is next Monday, December 4th. 

Now I just need to finish the edits, write the short story for The Roses of Prose blog, mail presents, and . . . and . . . 

Take a deep breath. Slow down and enjoy the season. Great advice to self. Doing it is another story.

Have a great week.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

GUEST: Nancy Gideon From Midnight to Moonlight Tour @NancyGideon

From Midnight to Moonlight
Paranormal Romance by Nancy Gideon

Follow Along!

Saturday, November 18
Mythical Books
Novel Reads Cafe

Sunday, November 19
Passionate Encounters

Monday, November 20
Melissa Keir

Tuesday, November 21
Diane Burton - adventure & romance
HBS Author's Spotlight

Wednesday, November 22
Romance that's 'Out Of This World'
Reader's Edyn

Friday, November 24
Mello & June, It's a Book Thang!

Saturday, November 25
Paranormal Realms

Sunday, November 26
Loren E. Pryce

Monday, November 27
Paranormal Dimensions

Tuesday, November 28
Romance Me

Wednesday, November 29
Paranormal Dimensions

Thursday, November 30
The Realm of Fantasy & Fiction
What Readers Want

Hunt or be hunted . . . A centuries old obsession stalks a noble family fighting to hide their dark secret from an ever-changing world. Sink your teeth into Nancy Gideon’s Touched by Midnight series.


Miss Arabella Howland is content to forgo the London marriage mill to assist her father in his research, especially when it comes to his intriguing patient, Louis Radman. But it’s not long before Bella’s curiosity alerts her to the danger of her father’s work . . . and to the fact that Louis is not who or what he seems.


After centuries struggling with his vile existence, Louis Radman will soon be free of his affliction, thanks to his very capable physician. Unfortunately, his heart is less secure around the man’s tempting daughter. His yearning to walk in the light once more is complicated by his desire for the delightful Bella, who is as intelligent as she is fearless. But if history has taught him anything, it’s not to tempt fate.


Still, happiness has a price and Louis is soon reminded that mortality comes with unfortunate limitations. To protect his new bride, he must face the demons from his past who wish to pull him back into their vampiric fold.

Yet, if he’s forced to return to his midnight world, will he lose his beloved Bella forever?
Dark and compelling, Gideon’s novel will appeal to those who enjoy the vampire novels of Anne Rice. —Library Journal
A colorful and hauntingly beautiful tale of otherworldly love . . . destined to become a classic! —Affaire de Coeur
Incredible, spellbinding reading! —Rendezvous
Midnight Kiss
Touched by Midnight Series {Book 1}
Just $0.99 for a Limited Time!
By Nancy Gideon
Genre: Contemporary Paranormal Romance
Published by: ImaJinn Books
Release Date: July 12, 2015
Length: 262 Pages


A dark prince to her Cinderella barmaid . . .

Rico . . . Prince in the shapeshifter House of Terriot

Reckless, hotheaded Rico Terriot seeks purpose and a sense of pride training the resentful guardians of New Orleans to defend a city besieged by a deadly outside force. Torn between his desire for his brother’s mate and the woman tied to the child of another, protecting their future happiness means denying his own on a dangerous path to redemption.

One night of stolen pleasure he didn’t remember and she couldn’t forget…

Amber . . . a single mother hiding a terrible past

Rico Terriot was the stuff of dreams . . . lately all of hers. But there’s no happily-ever-after for someone living in the shadows, protecting dangerous secrets that threaten her and her daughter. Dare she believe in a fairytale prince when he comes to her rescue, not knowing the price he’ll pay for making her troubles his own? From world’s so far apart, is love strong enough to hold them together . . . and keep them alive?

Prince of Fools
House of Terriot {Book 3}
Only $3.99!
By Nancy Gideon
Genre: Contemporary Paranormal Romance
Release Date: October 23, 2017
Length: 294 Pages



Nancy Gideon is the award-winning, bestselling author of 60 romances ranging from historical, regency and series contemporary suspense to paranormal, with a couple of horror screenplays tossed into the mix. She’s also published under the pen names Dana Ransom, Rosalyn West and Lauren Giddings. She works full time as a legal assistant in Central Michigan, and when not at the keyboard, feeds a Netflix addiction along with all things fur, fin and fowl.

A prolific writer, Nancy attributes her creative output, which once peaked at seven novels in one year, to her love of history and a gift for storytelling. She also credits the discipline learned through a background in journalism and OCD. The due date for her third book and her second son were on the same day . . . and both were early! When on deadline, she turns on the laptop between 4:30 and 5:00 a.m. to get a chapter in before heading in to her day job. She’s a member of GDRWA, MMRWA, PASIC, FF&P and Novelists Inc. and dotes on her critique group.

For more information on the author, her books, or the “House of Terriot” and “By Moonlight” series, visit Nancy at the links above.

Novel Book Tours

Monday, November 20, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving

It's appropriate this week to remember we have much to be thankful for. And not just on Thursday as we in the U.S. celebrate Thanksgiving. Making a list (and checking more than twice) is helpful. I know once I hit "publish" to put this on my blog, I'll think of something or someone to add.

I am so thankful for many things, mostly people.

My wonderful husband to whom I've been married for forty-five years this Thanksgiving Day. He's so patient and caring, a terrific husband and a wonderful father. 

My daughter who is a wonderful mother herself. She takes on so many responsibilities and handles all effortlessly (or lets us think it's effortless).

My son who is a great daddy. His eyes light up when his daughter runs to him, and he hasn't stopped smiling when holding his newborn twins. He's caring and loving, attitributes he learned from his dad.

My son-in-law who is as patient with my daughter as my husband is with me. His love for his children shows in all he does.

My daughter-in-law who has become a great friend. She's a caring and protective mother.

My grandkiddies, five delightful children. Their smiles light up my day and their giggles are contagious.

My siblings and their spouses who are always supportive, caring, and loving.

My friends, who are patient and supportive.

My home, shelter, an oasis of calm in a crazy world.

My faith, shaky at times, solid at others. Knowing our God is forgiving and loving bolsters me in times of need.

My parents, now enjoying their final rewards, who taught me strong values, responsibility, and how to work hard to succeed.

My career as a writer and my lovely readers, especially those who tell me they enjoy my stories.

Music, books, movies, the arts, without which my life would be boring.

What are you thankful for?

I hope you and your family enjoy Thanksgiving. Safe travels, all.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

#WeWriWa JAILBIRDS Diversionary Tactics

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors where authors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

I'm sharing a new project, a romance with a little mystery. It's a work in progress, so I'm open to suggestions. This snippet occurs after last week's. Still, in the first chapter. Please excuse the rogue commas.

“Why are you upset about that box?”
Mother waved the soggy tissue and stood. “Not important, time to get back to work. You can wrap the garland around the banister—you always do such a nice job.”
Before Abby could pursue the issue of tears, Mother bustled out to the kitchen. “Don’t wind that garland too tight.”
When Abby realized what her mother had done, she thunked her forehead. By focusing on the garland, she’d gotten Abby off the topic of the box in the dining room. As she wound the silk strands around the banister and rail, she wondered what could possibly be in that box to make Mother cry?

The blurb is also a work-in-progress.

From Jailbirds to Wedding Bells blurb:

Abby Ten Eyck hates change. Her mother is arrested, with an unknown man, and she’s selling the family home—Abby’s worst nightmare. For fifteen years since her divorce, she’s kept men at bay. A handsome newcomer revives her dormant feelings, until she discovers his dad is dating her mother. How much change can she take?

Sam Watson embraces the transition from frenetic Wall Street to a small Michigan resort town. His health is worth moving close to his dad who seems over the moon in love. But it’s the daughter who fascinates Sam. Abby Ten Eyck reminds him of his driven self. He has to help her slow down before she burns out. Like he did.

Have a great Thanksgiving. I won't post next Sunday. See you in 2 weeks.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Movie Remake Blog Fest

Today, I join  Alex J. Cavanaugh and Heather M. Gardner in a fun blog fest. With all the movie remakes lately, we're sharing our favorite remake: movie (or television show into movie and vice versa), song, or book – or all three! I'm sticking to movies. 

Star Trek
Yes, some remakes suck. Some are okay. Others are terrific. As a die hard Star Trek fan, I wondered if J.J. Abrams would do it up right when he rebooted the franchise in 2009. Of course, he had great writers, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman. I'm happy to say Abrams brought a freshness (and youth) to a legend.

The crew of the original Star Trek (TV series plus movies 1 thru 6) had great camaraderie, especially after working together for years. The new crew meshed well right from the start--though that can't be said for Kirk and Spock's relationship. With three movies under their belts and a fourth in the making, they have an even better sense of comradeship than the original crew. 

What makes a good remake? To me, it's the characters and the screenwriters.

Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens
I'm sure some on this blog fest will say SW-7 is on their "it sucks list." Not me. Again, I'm a big fan of the series. Maybe it's hearing my grandchildren (another generation of fans) excitedly talk about that movie that endeared me to the movie even before I saw it. They were enthralled. Like the Star Trek reboot, the filmmakers used incidents from the original then gave them a new look or twist. If the new movie is as good or better, than I applaud J.J. Abrams for bringing legendary films to a new audience.

Would you like to see what remakes others enjoyed? Go to Alex J. Cavanaugh's website then scroll down for the Linky list.

What's your favorite remake?

Saturday, November 11, 2017

#WeWriWa - Jailbirds: The Box

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors where authors share an 8 - 10 sentence snippet. Be sure to visit the other authors. You can find them here.

I'm sharing a new project, a romance with a little mystery. It's a work in progress, so I'm open to suggestions. This snippet occurs a little later than last week's. Still, in the first chapter.

“Abby, what is this box doing here?” Standing in the doorway to the dining room, Mother had fisted her hands on her hips. “You shouldn’t have brought that down.”
“Fine time to tell me, Mother, the boys just left. It does say Christmas on the side.”
As Mother crossed the foyer into the living room, Abby followed her. 
“Mother, what’s wrong?”
Sitting in the closest chair, Mother used a tissue to wipe away a tear. “Take that box upstairs.”

The blurb and cover are also works-in-progress.

Abby Ten Eyck hates change. Her mother is arrested, with an unknown man, and she’s selling the family home—Abby’s worst nightmare. For fifteen years since her divorce, she’s kept men at bay. A handsome newcomer revives her dormant feelings, until she discovers his dad is dating her mother. How much change can she take?

Sam Watson embraces the transition from frenetic Wall Street to a small Michigan resort town. His health is worth moving close to his dad who seems over the moon in love. But it’s the daughter who fascinates Sam. Abby Ten Eyck reminds him of his driven self. He has to help her slow down before she burns out. Like he did.

(I used canva.com to make the cover. My 1st attempt.)

Friday, November 10, 2017

SPOTLIGHT ON: Keri's Christmas Wish by Pamela S. Thibodeaux @psthib

Title: Keri’s Christmas Wish

Genre:  Inspirational Christian fiction with paranormal elements

Christian Theme:
The power of faith to heal 
Can Keri get past her angst over Christ’s birth and enjoy the Christmas season?

For as long as she can remember, Keri Jackson has despised the hype and commercialism around Christmas so much she seldom enjoys the holiday. Will she get her wish and be free of the angst to truly enjoy Christmas this year?

A devout Christian at heart, Jeremy Hinton, a Psychotherapist, Life Coach, Spiritual Mentor and Energy Medicine Practitioner has studied all of the world’s religions and homeopathic healing modalities. But when a rare bacterial infection threatens the life of the woman he loves, will all of his faith and training be for naught?

Find out in Keri’s Christmas Wish

Excerpt: She turned to face him, took his hands in hers and stood on tiptoe to brush her lips across his. “Thank you. I’ll bet you do wondrous work with your patients. You sure have made me feel better.”

He caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. “I’m not the Healer, love, just the vessel. Not the Source of Wisdom, only the messenger.”

Keri’s insides turned to mush at his use of the term ‘love’ when addressing her. She smiled. “And you do both beautifully.”

Please Note: Keri’s Christmas wish is featured in Mistletoe, Snow and Suspense a collection of 5 Christmas stories by 4 Acclaimed authors available for a limited time for only 99cents!  Link for collection: http://amzn.to/2A50wEe


Question:  What inspired you to write Keri’s Christmas Wish?
Answer: When I look back on the beginning I can honestly say Keri’s Christmas Wish was totally inspired by God. I’d finished a short story and sent the collection off to my editor when a vision of a young woman scrolling through her newsfeed came to mind with the words: Bah Humbug…. The entire story evolved from that one image and I completed the manuscript within a very short time. Since this was the first, original fiction story I’ve written in its entirety since 2009 I’m very excited to see it come to fruition.

Question: Why should people buy this book and who is your potential audience? 
Answer: Keri's Christmas Wish will give readers an enjoyable fiction story that shares the miracles and magic of the books and movies made over the last several years based on a true account of someone's visit to heaven. Those who love reading, hearing about and watching a true account of someone's visit to heaven as well as those who wonder if heaven is for real and what it is like, will enjoy Keri's Christmas Wish. 

Question: Is there anything else you feel is relevant to this story?
Answer: True accounts of heaven, angels, miracles as well as Energy Medicine, and meditation/self-help techniques are huge topics of interest in the world today. This story combines all of the above in a manner sure to entertain as well as enlighten.

Question: What is the message you hope to get across in this story?
Answer: That regardless of where you are in your faith journey God and His angels are always there to guide and guard and that He loves you in spite of your doubt and fears.

Question: What is the one question you wish an interviewer would ask you?
Answer:         Q: To what or whom do you credit your success?
                        A: Many people have a love/hate relationship with their muse. My muse is the Holy Spirit and I accredit every ounce of success to the grace of God because without HIM I seriously doubt I could write a single word, much less stories that bring hope and healing to so many.

Question: What is your work schedule like when you are writing?
Answer: Unlike many writers, I'm not strictly disciplined. However, when I am actively writing, I write—very little editing, or working on other projects, limited time online, not much networking or blogging, sleep comes only in snatches, meals are scarce and light, and definitely no playing!

Question: When do you feel like it all began to come together for you as a writer—was there a particular moment?
Answer: After years as a closet writer, penning stories in 5-subject notebooks, I'd have to say when I purchased my first, USED word processor and started typing in all those handwritten manuscripts I really began to feel like a writer.

Question: Who has influenced you most as a writer and why?
Answer: There is really no one person to whom I can attribute this to, so many have helped me along the way. I’d have to say that my love of reading has influenced me the most. Reading opens doors to the imagination, takes you places you’d never be able to go otherwise and improves your visualization and vocabulary skills. Now, I’m able to implement all those things into my own writing.

Question: What are some of the challenges you face as an author?
Answer: The biggest challenge I face is not having my work accepted by the “Christian” publishers. As one reviewer said, “though undeniably Christian, it is never dogmatic or insular; offering faith rather than religion.” (Review of Tempered Dreams by Elizabeth Burton for Blue Iris Journal) My books deal with issues in a way that is unacceptable in the traditional CBA market. Now that is not saying that my books are better than those published through traditional CBA publishers, only different. As I’ve said many times, everything that gives God glory deserves to be praised!

Question: What are a few writing tips you could share with aspiring writers?
Answer: The bible exhorts us to “study and show yourself approved.” Keep studying, keep writing, keep learning, stay open to constructive critique and NEVER GIVE UP! Writing is both gift and talent given to you by God. Don’t hide your gift or bury your talent. Whatever you write, write well. Strive for excellence. Stay teachable, pliable, and flexible. Never believe that you know it all because knowledge is power and the more you know the more valuable you become. Above all share what you learn with others and make someone’s load lighter to bear.

Question: Any marketing tips?
Answer: Marketing is an intricate part of the publishing business and publishers today expect authors to do their fair share. However, marketing/promotion can be overwhelming as the more you learn, the more there is to learn. For everything you accomplish, there are hundreds more you can do. My motto is: Do something every day and your best then let God do the rest and remember it takes time to build a career.

Question: What is your goal or mission as a writer?
Answer: A committed Christian, I firmly believe in God and His promises. God is very real to me. I believe that people today need and want to hear more of His truths wherever they can glean them and I do my best to encourage readers to develop a personal relationship with Him. The deepest desire of my heart is to glorify God and to get His message of faith, trust, and forgiveness to a hurting world. My hope is that all of my stories will touch the lives of everyone who reads them and - in some way - bring them a truer knowledge of God and urge them into a closer walk with Him.

Author Bio: Award-winning author, Pamela S. Thibodeaux is the Co-Founder and a lifetime member of Bayou Writers Group in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Multi-published in romantic fiction as well as creative non-fiction, her writing has been tagged as, “Inspirational with an Edge!” ™ and reviewed as “steamier and grittier than the typical Christian novel without decreasing the message.”

Website address: http://www.pamelathibodeaux.com    
Amazon Author Page: http://amzn.to/1jUVcdU 

Thursday, November 9, 2017

GUEST: Constance Bretes on Domestic Abuse @ConstanceBretes

My friend and former Mid-Michigan RWA(MMRWA) chaptermate, until she moved to Montana, Connie Bretes shares some startling statistics. 

Constance Bretes

The National Domestic Violence Hotline says that “On average, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States — more than 12 million women and men over the course of a year.[i]”

I don’t know about you, but in this day and age, I find that information staggering. This is just one segment, listed under “General” statistic information at the http://www.thehotline.org/, Sexual violence, Stalking, Children, Teens and In The Workplace all have their own statistical information, which is equally appalling. I thank my God every day that I am not a victim of any kind of domestic violence. My parents protected and sheltered me, and I have a wonderful husband and extended family. Others are not so lucky or blessed, and my heart bleeds for them. My book, Blue As Sapphires, is a contemporary romance about a woman who struggled and got out of a horrible situation of domestic violence, and eventually, fell in love with someone who appreciated her for who she was and loved her unconditionally. My desire in writing this book was to be an inspiration and encouragement to other men and women who face this kind of abuse. There is hope. There is a way to escape, and a chance of finding your happy ever after.

After reading the statistics, and writing this book, I decided to donate sales from this book to the National Domestic Violence Hotline. You can donate too, by going to this website: http://www.thehotline.org/. Maybe, together, we can give these abused victims help, and hope.

Blue As Sapphires by Constance Bretes

Tagline: Marissa's home was her haven, until Riley invaded her space.

Back Cover Blurb: 
Escaping from her abusive ex-husband, Marissa Simpson returns to her hometown to start over. She spends her days working at the local jewelry store, and the rest of her time is dedicated to mining along Red Rock River, searching for precious gems. Marissa has no intention of getting involved with another man, or with the community she left behind all those years ago. That is until Riley McCade shows up.

Riley is the Sheriff of Quartz County. He loves his community and goes out of his way to protect and serve. When he meets up with Marissa, he's bound and determined to get to know her even though she insists she's not interested.

The more Riley learns about Marissa's past, the more he concludes that she may be in danger. When her ex-husband shows up, can Riley protect her? And can he earn her love in the process?

Content Warning: contains some sexual content


“Hello, Sheriff. What can I do for you today?”
“I thought you would have listened to me and reconsidered trying to make this place livable again.”
“Nope, I’m going to try to make a go of it.”
Riley splayed his hand on the back of his neck and gave her a small smile. “You need to go to the county office and get an inspector to come out here and determine what needs to be taken care of before you make this your home. The house has to be up to code.”
“And if I don’t?” she said evenly.
“I’d have to serve you with a notice and remove you from the premises until the house meets the building code.”
“Really,” she replied in a low voice, taut with anger. “I guess I’ll contact the inspector tomorrow and see when I can get someone out. Is that all, Sheriff?”
“For now. Tell me, Marissa, how have you been?” Riley asked. “You haven’t been here
in a long time.”
“I’m doing well. Thank you,” she replied icily. A suggestion of annoyance hovered in her eyes.
“So, are you married? Do you have children?”
“No, and no, and why?”
It seemed to Riley that Marissa was being evasive and noncommittal. She sure was an attractive woman, maybe a little too thin, but she had a lovely face and perfect rose-colored lips. Something about her piqued his interest.
“I just wondered how you were. Is this the first time you’ve been back to Frankenburg since high school?”
“What brings you back?”
“I wanted to come back.” She crossed her arms over her chest.
He was aware of her annoyance, he tried to coax her into a better mood, but failed.
“Marissa, if you’d like, I could make you an offer on the twenty acres of land. That would give you enough money to buy a nice home in town and live more comfortably than you would here.”
“Why are you so bent on me leaving this house?” Marissa shot him a cold look, uncrossing her arms and squeezing her hands into fists.
“I’m not bent on anything, but I told you before I think the house is dangerous to live in.”
“Well, it’s my problem, so I’d appreciate it if you would mind your own business.”
“Why are you so testy? We’re a tight community here in Frankenburg, you know that. We look out for each other and try to help when we can. I’m only trying to be neighborly and keep you safe.”
“I’m not interested in you being neighborly and keeping me safe. I’m capable of taking care of myself, and I don’t need any help.”
“All right, Marissa, but you get that inspector out here as soon as possible.” Riley’s voice was smooth, but insistent.
“Yes, Sheriff.” She spat out the words contemptuously, did a mock salute, whirled around, walked into the house, and slammed the door in his face.

Buy Links:

About the Author:

 Constance Bretes Bio

I started writing contemporary romance and contemporary romance suspense fifteen years ago, and after multiple rejections, got my first contract for Delayed Justice, released in 2014.

I lives in Basin, Montana, where three feline furballs own me and my husband, and a dog that lives next door named Sara, who thinks she also lives with the Bretes family. I love the mountains that surround my home, I love basket weaving, jewelry making, and just visiting all the folks in the small community we live in.

I currently have seven books published, and a number of other ones in various stages of edits. Right now, I’m working on a new book, called Roadside Love. A murder mystery/romance is a small town in Wyoming. I have two other books that are at the end of their editing days and now at critique partners, the books are Elkhorn In The Moonlight and Rocky River Gold. Both are small town romances.

I can be reached through the following media.

Be sure to visit my webpage, navigate to the News & Things, and enter the monthly rafflecopter at the bottom of the page. Join my newsletter mailing list also at that site, and you will get my newsletter, once a month and only occasionally, anytime the rest of the month, if I suddenly have something that has come up after the newsletter was sent out.