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Thursday, September 24, 2020

Guest: ELIZABETH MEYETTE New Release EXPOSED #romsuspense #mystery

 You're in for a treat today. My friend and Mid-Michigan RWA chaptermate Elizabeth Meyette has a new release. Betty is such a delightful person. Because of her giving nature, this year she was awarded MMRWA's Angel Award. I'm happy to help Betty celebrate the release of Exposed.

 What a delight to visit with you and your readers today, Diane. I hope everyone is safe and well. Thanks for inviting me on to talk about my newest book, Exposed.

 When I set out to write Exposed, I fashioned my heroine, Layla, after Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada or Sandra Bullock in The Proposal. She would be wounded, and therefore, she would protect herself with a hard-shell exterior. I could see a character arc as high as Noah’s rainbow as she transformed from cold and aloof to a woman who finally yields to the transcendent effect of love. I loved this idea.

 Nobody else did.

 I had the pleasure of a one-on-one critique with author Cindy Dees who thought Layla was schizophrenic. There was a lot of red ink on my opening scene. At her suggestion, I switched the order of Layla’s interactions in the opening scene to make her more sympathetic. A “Save the Cat” moment. When my beta readers had a go at my manuscript, I got a hearty, “Meh.” They were not relating to Layla at all, though they loved my hero, Jack. (So do I, *swoon*)

 Layla and I struggled through many rewrites so she could emerge as wounded but with a kind heart. Still, that didn’t subtract from the toughness she needed to endure repeated threats from a mysterious stalker. Based on feedback, readers are connecting with her. They see her wound and her redemption, and they relate to her.

 Exposed blurb

 Fiercely independent lawyer Layla Forrester has been hurt, and she never wants to be hurt again. Because she protects her heart as vigilantly as she protects her ailing father, she has more enemies than friends. Now one of them has threatened her life.

 EMT Jack Trenton seeks redemption over his father’s death. When he responds to a hazmat emergency, Layla wants no part of his help. She thinks the letter containing powder is a prank gone wrong, but he suspects it’s deadly. Only the second, more sinister threat convinces her to take it seriously.

 When her father’s life is endangered, Layla desperately turns to Jack.  Is she willing to risk her heart to ask for his help? In helping Layla, Jack puts to rest his demons from years ago. But time is running out for Layla as the mysterious stalker attempts a final assault.


Exposed excerpt

 Her SUV leaned toward the middle of the street settling on two flat tires. A note fluttered, impaled on one tire with the ice pick that had been used to pierce both of them.

Her face and neck cooled as the blood drained from them. An ocean swished in her ears, drowning out the familiar sounds that had surrounded her minutes ago: traffic, conversations, music thrumming from low-riders, the natural rhythm of city life.

Jack tore a piece off his paper grocery bag and wrapped it around the pick, pulling it out of the flat tire. The note floated to the pavement, face up. He scanned the note and moved so she could read it.

I can see you right now.

Her head snapped up, and she scanned the street. She didn’t recognize anyone. Storefront windows loomed, but the angle of the sun glared off the glass, concealing anyone in the coffee shop, bakery, nail salon, or any other store along the street. She turned to study the windows behind her, so close. No one leered out at her from the grocery store, the physical therapy clinic, or the boutique. Did that curtain fall at the second story window?


She jumped at the sound of her name.

“Layla, let me take you to the police station. You need to report this.”

She looked up at him, trying to comprehend his words, but the ocean swished louder. She scanned the street and store windows again. People are going about their business as if nothing unusual had occurred. As if no one were threatening me.

Jack placed his hands on her shoulders. She met his gaze. No longer did his eyes dance with humor or crinkle at the corners. Now the blue was dark with concern.

“Are you okay?”

He pulled her into his arms. She struggled against this refuge; someone was watching. She couldn’t look afraid. This embrace had to mean something besides fear. Think, Layla, think.

You think this will rattle me, you punk? Watch this.

Steeling herself, she placed her hands along Jack’s jawline, leaned in, and kissed him, long and full.

She risked a quick peek. Jack’s eyes were open in shock. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. She leaned against him. As if hearing her, he slowly closed his eyes and wrapped her in his arms. His lips were warm and welcoming, his arms tight, holding her secure. She didn’t want to pull away; she wanted more. And based on how Jack’s lips were moving over hers, so did he.

She pulled back, but she remained in his embrace. “Check the windows. Is anyone watching us?”

He stifled a chuckle. “Lots of people are watching us. Was that your intent?”

She rested her arms on his chest. “I’m showing him that he can’t get to me.”

“And I thought it was my animal magnetism and irresistible charm at work.”

She flicked her gaze to his face. “Wipe that damn smirk off your face, Jack.”

“There’s your favorite word again.”

He silenced her ready retort, covering her mouth with his. This time her eyes bulged. But slowly, languidly, they closed. Did I just moan? Oh God, no. I just moaned. She pulled away and fumbled with the knot of hair at the nape of her neck. She cleared her throat. Maybe he didn’t notice that I moaned.

“Well, that ought to do it. I don’t think I looked frightened at all.” She patted her hair again and tucked a strand behind her ear.

Jack’s enigmatic expression shook her. “I sure hope he really is still around to see how not shook up you are. I mean, all that kissing for nothing. What a waste.” Jack stroked his jawline as if pondering a deep mystery. “You’d better call a tow truck, and then I’ll take you to the police station. Do you have any tweezers in your bag?”

 “Tweezers? No.” He certainly was unpredictable.

“We need something to pick up this note.”

She opened the back door, leaned over the seat, and fished through the hatchback. “I have a hemostat on my fishing vest. That should work.” She handed him the scissor-like instrument that curved into a blunt end.

He looked at the hemostat, then at her, and grinned. “You’re quite resourceful.” He gingerly picked up the note by one corner. “Open your purse.”

She held her purse open, and he dropped the note in it.

“Let’s get those packages loaded into my truck.”

“What?” He had to be kidding.

“You can’t drive this—two flat tires.”

“I can call an Uber.”

He stared at her. “Yes, I guess you can, but won’t that look strange to your stalker who is watching us right now? I mean, that kiss you laid on me wasn’t an ‘I’ll take an Uber’ kiss.”


Exposed is available on Amazon.


Author bio

 Believer in dreams-come-true and self-confessed chocoholic, Elizabeth Meyette writes a little history … a little mystery … a little romance.

 Elizabeth is a member of Grand Rapids Region Writers Group (GRRWG), is an Amazon Best-selling author in her genre, a PAN (Published Authors Network) member of Romance Writers of America, a member of Sisters in Crime, and the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators

 Her Finger Lakes Mysteries series includes The Cavanaugh House, Buried Secrets, and The Last Crossing. Love’s Courage is a romantic historical adventure set during the American Revolution. Exposed is a contemporary romantic suspense.

 Elizabeth and her husband Richard live in west Michigan where they enjoy the beauty of the Great Lakes. They have an agreement that she cannot cook on writing days after he endured burnt broccoli and overcooked chicken.  Fortunately, Richard is an excellent cook.

 Visit Elizabeth at:

 Website www.elizabethmeyette.com

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/elizabethfmeyette/

Twitter https://twitter.com/efmeyette

Linked In https://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabeth-meyette-1502a642/

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/efmeyette/


Elizabeth’s books are available at:

Amazon (print & Kindle)

Barnes & Noble (print only)


Friday, September 18, 2020

Guest: PAMELA S THIBODEAUX My Heart Weeps #giveaway

 I'm happy to welcome Pam Thibodeaux to my blog today as she celebrates a new release. Be sure to check out Pam's giveaway at the end of the blog. Now, here's Pam to tell you about My Heart Weeps

Thank you so much, Diane for having me on your blog today with my new book, My Heart Weeps….


Blurb: After thirty years married to the man of her dreams, Melena Rhyker is devastated by her husband's death. Relief comes in the form of an artist's retreat at the Crossed Penn ranch in Utopia, TX. She rediscovers a forgotten dream as her artistic talent flourishes into that of a gallery-worthy artist. Will she have the courage to follow the path she was destined to travel?


Garrett Saunders has been on the run most of his life. Abused and abandoned as a child, he escapes the clutches of a past filled with pain and shame, and hides from his calling as a Native American healer. His years as a CIA agent aid in overcoming his childhood and honing his talent and skill as a fine art photographer. 


Follow their journey as two people who come from totally different backgrounds, but share gifts of gigantic proportions, find meaning and purpose in the Texas Hill Country.


Excerpt (one of my favorite scenes!):  She arrived back at the ranch just as guests started to gather around the wagon for the evening hayride and bonfire. Garrett waved her down.

“Coming on the hayride?”

Melena shook her head.

“Ever been on the hayride with us?”

“Not yet.”

“Then come on. I’ll wait for you.”

She sighed. “I’m really kind of tired.”

A frown creased his brow. Garrett raked a hand through his hair and adjusted his hat. “Won’t take no for an answer. Park your truck and come on.”

“Maybe next time.” She started to ease away.

He slapped a hand on the door to halt her escape. “Melena, don’t make me come after you.”

She looked at him wide-eyed, then narrowed her gaze. “What did you say to me?”

His eyes lit up. That darn dimple danced in his cheek.

“It’s my duty as a cowboy and a gentleman to never let a lady cry for long. You’ve done enough of that for one day.”

How could she refuse?


Fun (and not so fun) facts about My Heart Weeps:

My Heart Weeps parallels my journey through grief after my husband’s death in 2009. This book actually took about eight (8!) years to complete – it was just too up-close and personal to get through all at once. However, finishing this project seems to have broken the damn on my creativity. I’ve finished another long-awaited project since and am steadily working on another.

Yes, there really is a Utopia, TX! About 30 miles North/West of Bandera and as Melena works at the Crossed Penn Ranch in Utopia, I lived and worked at the Silver Spur Ranch in Bandera.

The descriptions of the area are pretty accurate and drawn from memory. I’ve actually hiked in the Lost Maples Natural Area.

Deer are prominent in the Hill Country, especially rural areas like Bandera and Utopia. It is not unusual to see a huge herd in your yard. I’ve even seen children playing chase with them!

Horseback riding is one of my favorite things to do when possible. There really is nothing more soothing than the clip-clop of hooves on rock. Try it sometime!


My Heart Weeps is on sale for a limited time @ 99cents and FREE on Kindle Unlimited!

Purchase Link: https://bit.ly/MyHeartWeeps


Author bio:
Award-winning author, Pamela S. Thibodeaux is the Co-Founder and a lifetime member of Bayou Writers Group in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Multi-published in romantic fiction as well as creative non-fiction, her writing has been tagged as, “Inspirational with an Edge!” ™ and reviewed as “steamier and grittier than the typical Christian novel without decreasing the message.” Sign up to receive Pam’s newsletter and get a FREE short story!



Website address: http://www.pamelathibodeaux.com

Blog: http://pamswildroseblog.blogspot.com

Newsletter: http://bit.ly/psthibnewsletter


Face Book: http://facebook.com/pamelasthibodeaux



Twitter: http://twitter.com/psthib @psthib

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/pamelasthibodea/

Amazon Author Page: http://amzn.to/1jUVcdU

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/pamela-s-thibodeaux

Instagram: https://instagram.com/pamelasthibodeauxauthor

Pam is giving away 1 Ebook, 1 Autographed Print Book, 1 Audio Book, a $15 Amazon Gift Card, a 1-month Audible membership and a SURPRISE Giftpack to 6 lucky people! (1 prize per winner) Names will be collected throughout the tour which ends Sept. 30th. Winners will be notified, and prizes awarded by October 10th so be sure to leave your EMAIL Address!


Blog Tour Dates/Stops:

8/11 Gail Pallotta’s Peering Through Life’s Window

8/13 Liz Flaherty’ Word Wranglers Blog

8/15 Clare Revell’s The Word Can Wait Blog

8/18 Southern Writers Suite T Blog

8/18 Alina K Field’s Simply Romance Blog

8/20 Penelope Marzec’s Bookish Thoughts Blog

8/25 Jana Richards’ Romance Story Board Blog

8/27 Beverly Bateman’s BLOG

9/1 Valarie Goree’s Facebook Page

9/5 D. V. Stone’s Campfire Blog

9/9 Jacqueline Seewald’s BLOG

9/11 Linda Rondeau’s Snark & Sensibility Blog

9/14 Patricia Kioyno’s Four Foxes, One Hound Blog

9/18 Diane Burton’s BLOG

9/22 Alicia Dean’s BLOG

9/25 Jeny Hickman’s BLOG

9/30 Linda Nightingale’s Author…Musings Blog


Thursday, September 3, 2020

Guest: KERI KRUSPE Today Is Tomorrow's Past #NewRelease #sfr

I'm so happy to welcome a fellow Michigander and Mid-Michigan RWA chaptermate, Keri Kruspe. She has a new novel that came out Tuesday, a science fiction romance--my favorite kind of read. I just started reading this last night. I'm captivated by the concept, and the characters drew me right in.

Here's Keri to tell us a little about her new release.

Why I wrote this book

What can I say? I’m a nerd who lives for romance stories. I love all things weird…aliens, vampires, were-animals, time travel, mystical/mythical creatures and sexy beings that help define who we are as a species. When I created my debut trilogy it had to be a sci-fi romance with all the trappings. 

I’ve been fascinated by the works of Zechara Sitchin and Erich Von Daniken as well as the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens. My underlying question, if those theories were true, what happens when the aliens come back? From there I got the idea to loosely base my newest scifi romance series on that question. That’s when the first book in The Akurn Legacy, Today is Tomorrow’s Past, was born.


Based loosely on the Ancient Alien theory that Earth had been visited by extraterrestrials thousands of years ago, Today is Tomorrow’s Past is a romantic sci-fi adventure based in contemporary times. Filled with intriguing suspense, sensual longing, and heart-pounding twists and turns.

The aliens we thought were long gone are coming back. 
Divorcée Julienne King led a life of stressful chaos that didn’t leave time for anything personal. Immersed in organizing a huge merger for a small bank in Vegas, she uncovers insidious subplots that threatened not only the bank, but appear to have immense ramifications worldwide. With double-crosses at every turn, her next choice for an ally could be her last.
Having just survived a tragic bombing, the last thing Ben Duncan wanted to do was take on a new assignment. However, once he meets the intriguing Julienne, he recognizes there is more to her than anyone knows. But getting involved with the delectable woman is the last thing he’s free to do. His ancestors, the aliens from the planet Akurn, are headed back to kill billions of humans and subjugate Earth. He along with his brothers are targeted to be the first to die.
It’s a race against time. In less than five months, the Akurns will be close enough to invade Earth. Can a banker and a hybrid alien-human overcome their prejudices and not only work together, but learn their love is the key to mankind’s salvation?


At 7:00 on a Monday morning, the bright cloudless sky should have encouraged Julienne King to begin her day with a light heart and an eagerness to start the day. Not stress about going to a thankless, pain-in-the-ass job. Not stress about how she didn’t fit into the life she led. Not stress about her unrelenting urge to search for that elusive something just out of reach—convinced more than ever she was in the wrong place, at the wrong time, while living a totally wrong life. You’d think reaching the pinnacle of Senior Vice President of a small but reputable state bank at the age of thirty-one would cement a soul-satisfying life purpose. Oh no, not her.
Humph. Might as well obsess about her nonexistent love life while she was at it.
She eyed the metal handle of her car door. The stupid thing would be hot. Even this early, it had enough time to soak up the mid-July desert heat of Las Vegas. Using the edge of her suit jacket to protect her fingers, she opened the door. When it flung wide, the inside belched a suffocating, broiling miasma. As sweat broke out, she briefly closed her eyes. Good thing she parked in the shade, otherwise she’d melt into a puddle of messy goo by the time she got to work. Maybe she’d make it there before her makeup liquefied into a Picasso painting. Having been raised in the Vegas foster system, you’d think she’d be used to the scorching heat by now.
Dammit. A quick look in the rearview mirror told her that dream was hopeless. The minute she got to work, she’d have to rush to the bathroom and fix everything that took an hour to put on this morning. God forbid if she dressed there first. Upper management was adamant about bank officers arriving at work professionally perfect.
Well, come to think of it, why worry about what those folks thought? Most of them had already gone. They’d disappeared in a poof of merger-madness. Which, lucky her, made her in charge of what happened to over fifty bank branches statewide.
She turned on the motor of her ten-year-old Subaru. For the umpteenth time, why did she stay at a job that sucked the life out of her? That’s right—because of the three hundred employees whose livelihood relied on the decisions she made. Without her, their fate would be dicey at best.
Julienne’s stomach rolled as the remains of an early cup of coffee sloshed up her throat. Once again, she squashed the urge to drop everything and search for whatever was missing from her existence.  Besides, what was she supposed to do when she found it… whatever it was?

About the Author:

Keri Kruspe, award-winning “Author of Otherworldly Romantic Adventures” loves nothing more than to write about romances that feature “feisty heroines who aren’t afraid to take a chance on life…or love”. Her writing career started when she became irritated that most SciFi romances had women kidnapped before they could find love. Determined to create something different, she turned “the alien kidnapping trope upside down” (Vine Voice) and the ALIEN EXCHANGE trilogy was born. 

Keri’s latest SciFi Romance novel, TODAY IS TOMORROW’S PAST, is the first in a five-book series that takes the Ancient Alien motif and mixes it with a romantic twist.  
A native Nevadan, Keri is a lifelong avid reader who currently lives in Northwestern Michigan with her husband and the newest member of the family, a Jack Russell Terrier, Hestia. When not immersed in her made-up worlds, she enjoys discovering the fascinating landscape of her new home as well as pairing red wine with healthy ways to cook. Most of all, she loves finding her next favorite author. 

If you want to know when Keri’s next book will come out, please visit her website at http:/kerikruspe.com, where you can sign up for her mailing list. You’ll get a FREE copy of the prologue to TODAY IS TOMORROW’S PAST as well as keeping updated on the life of a dedicated, obsessed author. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

#IWSG: September

Sorry, no post. August was a difficult month. Be back in October.

Meanwhile, click here to find others on the Insecure Writers Support Group Blog Hop. Or go to IWSG on Facebook to see who’s blogging today.