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Monday, April 28, 2014

Cover Reveal - Rock Me, Gently by M.J. Schiller

Rock-star Josh Dunningham is anticipating another average evening of drinking and easy sex. As he downs his shot of tequila and watches a second shot travel to the other end of the bar, he makes eye contact with a blonde that will change the outcome of his evening. When he strolls around to try to pick-up this incredible-looking lady and stares into her face, he loses his usual cool.

Cassie McCallister is floored when the Josh Dunningham, of Money Back Guaranteed, invites her back to his room. The Midwestern advertising executive has never had a one-night stand, but the tall, gorgeous singer certainly gets her heart aflutter. Would it be possible for her just to sleep with him and not let her heart get involved? Or will memories of her ex-fiancé, Troy, always keep her from getting romantically involved, on any level, with another man?

Will Josh and Cassie be able to overcome their separate issues with their pasts and find the love that they both so desperately need? Or is this relationship doomed to fail from the outset? Just when things seem to be going smoothly for the pair, Cassie starts receiving threatening mail and is attacked in her home. Will they discover who wants her away from Josh before it’s too late?


To enter to win a free e-copy go to www.mjschillerauthor.blogspot.com! Drawing on Saturday, May 3rd.


Josh steered Cassie toward an exit, hoping fresh air would help to sober her up.  They ended up at the outdoor pool, a monstrosity complete with overhanging palm trees. Not a soul was in sight, unusual, even at this time of night.
Away from the casino hubbub, it was easier to talk. She eyed him. “Tell me about the band.”
“What do you want to know?”
“Well, as an advertising person, I’m interested in the gimmick, Money Back Guaranteed. Did you ever have to back up that promise?”
Josh took a couple of seconds to think about that. “Yeah. A few times. Once, when an elderly couple came with their granddaughter. They didn’t like the show at all.”  Remembering their reaction, he grimaced. “And once, when a girl caught her fiancé in the hall with another girl. Hardly our fault, but, she didn’t enjoy the concert, and that’s our promise, so…” He shrugged.  
“Interesting. Interesting.” She lifted a leg, grabbing his shoulder for balance, and tugged on the heel of her boot.
“Uhh…what are you doing?”
“My feet are killing me. You’re so lucky you are a guy and don’t have to wear heels.”
“Yes. I was just mentioning that to my friend, Ryan, the other day.”
She didn’t look up. Having successfully removed one boot, she switched legs to work on the other. “Really?”
He smiled. “No. Go on.”
Yanking the other boot off, she nearly toppled over, though still holding on to him. She squeezed his arm. “You’re built.”
He nearly laughed at her frank statement. “Thank you.”
Holding her boots in one hand, her brow furrowed as she concentrated on her next question. She began to balance on the edge of the pool, which was deserted, and scoop stepped, trailing one leg in the water, not seeming to mind at all that her jeans were getting wet.    
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” he warned, taking her arm to steady her. 
“I’m fine,” she assured him, breaking away for an instant to do a pirouette in the pool’s gutter to demonstrate.
“Okay, okay,” he muttered, grabbing her arm again. “No need to show off. So why are you in the advertising game?”
“I like the creative aspect of it. And, I can be very persuasive,” she said, smiling at him. As if he somehow silently challenged her, she stopped with a jerk and turned toward him, lifting up on her toes to kiss him. The taste of her was just as intoxicating as the booze had been, and left him equally dizzy. The flavor of sweet lime and midnight rolled across his tongue and sank into him unbidden. Someone in the hotel rooms surrounding the pool above them slammed a door, startling Cassie, the sharp sound almost like gunfire. She jumped away from him like she had been shot herself and started to lose her balance. He reached to save her, but too late, she fell into the pool, dragging him in after her.
 About the Author:

MJ is a lunch lady in the heart of Central Illinois. My gosh, can you get more folksy than that? She met her husband at the University of Missouri-Columbia and now she has an nineteen-year-old (how did that happen?) and seventeen year old triplets! She loves to read, karaoke (where she can pretend she is a rock star) and spends WAY too much time on Facebook. She grew up in St. Louis and still has family there.